“hopping” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “hopping”:

– Probably they moved at slower speeds, since hopping was not possible.

– Once the tadpoles become “froglets”, they begin hopping out of the water and into land.

– Since they are playful and want attention, they will beg for it by meowing or just by hopping into laps.

– William Waller’s father was “Colonel” William Waller, who owned a slave named Hopping George, a description consistent with a foot injury.

– It also helped the Pacific Ocean theater of World War IICentral Pacific island hopping campaign under Admiral Chester Nimitz.

– They are useful for looking at birds that stay in one place for some time such as ducks swimming on a lake, but no use for birds flying in the air or hopping quickly from one tree to another.

hopping some ways to use
hopping some ways to use

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