“rambling” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “rambling”:

– I thought I was going crazy after Majorly added American Eagle and The Rambling Man and neither were highlighted.

– He also finds Oxley, who is out of his mind, rambling and unable to speak a full sentence.

– The Kenneth Williams character Rambling Syd Rumpo wrote a joke version of this song, “My Grandfather’s Grunge”, on the BBC radio show “Round the Horne”.

– There are 28 votes in support, and 3 opposing The Rambling Man to become a CheckUser.

– Well done Rambling Man, I support entirely.

– It has a lot of green, and is good for rambling but there is the danger of a field being an army firing range.

– The estate has a stunning sea aspect as well as rolling countryside sweeping views because it is set in 1500 acres, with a private beach, a private 15-acre lake and rambling house gardens of 27 acres where other family members of Roper-Curzon live in around thirty country houses.

– I would like to thank DefenseSupportParty, Yotcmdr, The Rambling Man, Barras and anyone else who has helped me with simplifying the article and doing other jobs.

rambling how to use?
rambling how to use?

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