Use in sentence of “presidency”

How to use in-sentence of “presidency”:

– After the Bosnian War, he was elected List of Serb members of the Presidency of Bosnia and HerzegovinaSerb member of the September 1996.

– Shin’s sudden death during the campaign, however, allowed Rhee to win the presidency with ease.

– She resigned the vice-presidency in 2008 in order to prepare her run for the presidency in 2010.

– The Speaker of the House is third in line for the Presidency of the United States.

– If the head of government of a “Land” changes during the term of the President of the Bundesrat then the presidency passes to the new minister-president for the remainder of its one year duration.

– He was President of the Presidency of Yugoslavia.

Use in sentence of presidency
Use in sentence of presidency

Example sentences of “presidency”:

– However, the Presidency Armies began to be described as the Indian Army.

– FitzGerald, with his Innovationinnovative views, fluency in the French language, won Ireland a status in European affairs far beyond the country’s size and ensured that the first Irish presidency of the European Council in 1975 was a noted success.

– In Villafranca, it is agreed that Austria cedes Lombardy  to France, which restores it to the kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia. An Italian confederation under the presidency of Pope Pius IX was created, the Veneto under Austrian sovereignty being part of it. The dukes of Modena , Parma, and Tuscany, driven away by revolutions, found their thrones.

– Periyar was born in Erode, Madras Presidency in a rich family.

– During the two months of Yanukovych’s presidency and the existence of the pro-presidential majority and the government in Ukraine, the pressure on the media and the curtailment of freedom of speech intensified.

– If Congress does not vote this way, or if they do not vote at all within 21 days, the President takes over the Presidency again.

– The country of the G8 presidency is responsible for organizing and hosting a summit during that year.

– He was defeated in the 1991 presidential election, but was returned to the presidency in the 1996 election and controversially re-elected in 2001.

– She was serving in Senate during the presidency of Ferdinand Marcos, she was part of a major transformation in Philippine domestic and foreign policies.

– Prior to ratification of the Twenty-fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution in 1967, there was no mechanism by which a vacancy in the Vice Presidency could be filled.

– In the mid-18th century, the company built up its own presidency armies and won the Battle of Plassey, which brought it from trading with India to ruling India.

– Bush to live through the entire presidency of a son.

– Bakir Izetbegović In 2010, he was elected to be the Bosniak member of the 3-person Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

– This clause talks about the possibility that the Presidency might become “vacant”.

- However, the Presidency Armies began to be described as the Indian Army.

- FitzGerald, with his Innovationinnovative views, fluency in the French language, won Ireland a status in European affairs far beyond the country's size and ensured that the first Irish presidency of the European Council in 1975 was a noted success.

More in-sentence examples of “presidency”:

- He was the architect of Prague Castle under the presidency of Václav Havel, and designed Havel's Place.

- Penang and Singapore were also considered to be part of the Presidency until they became part of the Crown Colony of the Straits Settlements in 1867.
- From 2002 to 2003, he was the General Secretariat of the Presidency during the Kirchner presidency.

– He was the architect of Prague Castle under the presidency of Václav Havel, and designed Havel’s Place.

– Penang and Singapore were also considered to be part of the Presidency until they became part of the Crown Colony of the Straits Settlements in 1867.

– From 2002 to 2003, he was the General Secretariat of the Presidency during the Kirchner presidency.

– Ray studied at Presidency College and at the Visva-Bharati University.

– His family has held the presidency in Syria since 1971.

– She gave a speech in support of Herbert Hoover’s re-election for the presidency of the United States.

– Kennedy in the White House” Arthur Schlesinger Jr 1965 The United States decided to break off economic relations with Cuba The American Presidency Project.

– However, in practice the presidency rotates among all Länder equally, in accordance with a predetermined order.

– His presidency is known for a start for diplomacy with China, a slow ending of the Vietnam War, domestic acts.

– He became a national figure during the presidency of Richard Nixon, when he challenged the federal government over the right to publish the The PentagonPentagon Papers and oversaw the publication of Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein’s stories documenting the Watergate scandal.

– In 2004, he resigned from the presidency of United Democrats.

– Following his death, Congress changed the order of succession for the presidency by removing the leaders of the Senate and House of Representatives.

– He served as the Secretariat of HealthSecretary of Health during the Presidency of Carlos Salinas de Gortari from 1988 to 1994.

– De Valera resigned from the presidency of Sinn Féin after losing a vote to accept the Free State Constitution.

– During the Presidency of Ronald ReaganReagan Administration, Webb served as the nation’s first Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs from 1984 to 1987.

– Ahidjo resigned from the presidency in 1981, and Paul Biya replaced him.

– At that time, people did not think of the Vice Presidency as an important job in politics.

– He quit the show to run as the Republican Party Republican candidate for the presidency in 2008, but he did not become the candidate.

– Germany’s presidency is a largely ceremonial office.

– However, the economy during his presidency suffered from stagflation, high inflation, high unemployment and slow economic growth.

– He is still remembered in Peru for defeating Shining Path, the peace with Ecuador and recovering the economy after the presidency of Alan García.

– The term “Indian Army” was used to describe the presidency armies, especially after the Indian Mutiny.

– His almost thirty-year presidency made him Egypt’s longest-serving ruler since Muhammad Ali Pasha.

– Between June and December 1992, he was member of the expanded Presidency of Republika Srpska.

– The presidency of the modern North Macedonia state began after the Macedonian declaration of independence on 8 September 1991.

– During British RajBritish rule Larkana became headquarters of Larkana District and Larkana Taluka – and for a time was part of the Bombay Presidency of British India.

– In 1924, he received his MSc degree in Chemistry from Presidency College, Kolkata.

– Prior to 2020 United States presidential election2020, this was the last election where a candidate won the presidency without winning Florida.

– Lascuráin was one of the people who convinced Madero to resign the presidency while he was being held prisoner in the National Palace.

– Until 1815, the Madras Presidency also issued a currency based on the fanam, with 12 fanams equal to the rupee.

– On 24 September 2016, after a national convention of the party celebrated in the city of Remove, oficializó his candidature to the presidency of the Republic by the Democratic Left and the alliance of left centre National Agreement by the Change.

– Congress has come up with a “line of succession” a list of the people who would become President, and in what order, if both the Presidency and Vice Presidency became vacant.

– The Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina is the presiding member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which collectively serves as head of state of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

– Tanjore had the third highest Brahmin population in the Madras Presidency after South Canara and Ganjam and the highest among the Tamil-speaking districts.

– The office of the President of the Presidency of YugoslaviaPresidency of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia existed from the death of the President of the Republic for life Josip Broz Tito on 4 May 1980 until the dissolution of the country by 1992.

– His presidency was seen as liberalismliberal for his focus on divorce, contraception and abortion.

– Cordero’s presidency ended in 10 August 1988.

– Though the Suriname Presidency was retained, Bouterse was the nation’s ruler until his resignation in 1988.

– Graham spent the last night of Johnson’s presidency in the White House.

– Harding’s successful campaign for the Presidency of the United States in 1920.

– He was Minister of the Interior Minister of the Interior from 1995 until 1997 during the presidency of Jacques Chirac.

– In effect, the constitution converted Pak’s presidency into a legal dictatorship.

– In 1993 she became the Free Democratic Party’s candidate for the federal presidency elections to be held the following year.

– His presidency was very controversial, because of his opinion on global warming and because of amnesty he declared.

– These amendments suggest a pattern of enumerating additional requirements for the presidency and proponents of this side of the debate would argue that the 22nd Amendment was intended to add yet another requirement.

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