“elevation” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “elevation”:

– Sometimes elevation is measured against the center of the earth.

– Water returns to the aquifers when the water table at its recharge zone is at a higher elevation than the head of the well.

– The zip code is 92328, the elevation is, and the population fewer than 20.

– The highest peak, Ténakourou, is found at an elevation of.

– The lowest point is the Niger River, with an elevation of.

elevation - sentence examples
elevation – sentence examples

Example sentences of “elevation”:

- Its elevation is high.

- The elevation can be 1000 meters high near the border with Akita Prefecture.

– Its elevation is high.

– The elevation can be 1000 meters high near the border with Akita Prefecture.

– The highest peak is Tougkal, with an elevation of in southwestern Morocco.

– From east to west, the High Plains rise in elevation from around of precipitation annually.

– It is located at an elevation of 641 meters between the São Francisco River and the Indaiá River.

– In 1988 another reshuffle brought about the elevation of the deputy minister to a full minister and the creation of the Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources designed to boost the country’s development.

– It grows normally at an elevation from sea level to, usually along the coast and rivers.

– Precipitation vary from around 32 inches in Rochester to 60 inches in the higher elevation of central New York.

– With its summit at an elevation of, it is the highest peak on the Sardinia island.

– Goddard is at at an elevation of 1,463 feet.

– The highest point of the territory is Queen Mary’s Peak on the island of Tristan da Cunha, with an elevation of above sea level.

– They live in dense woodland in Japan, primarily in northern and central Honshu and are found in dense mountain forests.They live in open grassland and forests at an elevation of about 1,000 metres, and uses caves to rest in.

More in-sentence examples of “elevation”:

- Later, the Society of JesusJesuits made several trips to study the atmospheric conditions at an elevation of more than.

- Beverly is located on the highest elevation in Chicago.
- San José has at an average elevation of 1,161 m above sea level.

– Later, the Society of JesusJesuits made several trips to study the atmospheric conditions at an elevation of more than.

– Beverly is located on the highest elevation in Chicago.

– San José has at an average elevation of 1,161 m above sea level.

– Located in north-central Wisconsin in Timms Hill County Park in the Town of Hill in Price County, Timms Hill has an elevation of 1,951.5 ft.

– The park is on the Yellowstone Plateau, at an average elevation of in elevation.

– The minimum, maximum, and average elevation of the commune above sea level in metres.

– But because its elevation is so high, it has a subtropical highland climate.

– L’Abbaye is located on the eastern shore of the Lac de Joux at an elevation of between.

– Will automatically convert to display elevation in feet if ‘elevation_ft’ is empty.

– The city has a mean elevation of 2,400 feet.

– Because of the Guiana Shield is just north of the equator, its climate varies primarily according to elevation and the effects of the trade winds.

– In an aquifer, it can be calculated from the depth to water in a piezometric well, and given information of the piezometer’s elevation and screen depth.

– The elevation of it is 20 to 30 meters.

– It was named Blue Mound because from far away, its elevation is said to look blue.

– The elevation is the difference in height between sea level and the top of a mountain or hill.

– Vestris had extraordinary elevation and a dazzling virtuoso technique.

– The Alvord Desert is at an elevation of about.

– It is “the elevation difference between the summit and the lowest contour line encircling it and no higher summit”.

– A tunnel with 8.8 km elevation and will be opened in 2019.

– It has a 3000 plus ft elevation and located in Monal village which is geographically part of Haripur District.Bright hills is a holiday resorts at scenic views of canyons on Margalla hills.

– It has an elevation of 948 feet.

– Located at an elevation of 900 meters, Safed is the highest city in the Galilee and in Israel.

– The normal pool level elevation is 654 feet above sea level, which is locally known as ‘powerpool’.

– Its highest peak, Nabi Yunis, is 1562 meters tall with the average elevation only about 1200 meters.

– The elevation of Kotor Varoš is.

– It is The lake has an elevation of 143 feet above sea level.

– A dark feature about 200km across has been named “Olbers” in honour of Vesta’s discoverer, but it does not appear in elevation maps as a fresh crater would, and its nature is presently unknown, perhaps an old basaltic surface.B.

– The town’s elevation varies from 32 to 67 metres.

– It has a summit elevation of above sea level and its highest elevations are capped with snow.

– The Nagar Valley is at an elevation of 2,438m.

– The country has a tropical climate but modified by elevation and the “trade winds”.

– The highest elevation in the state is the Bungsberg at only.

– Average elevation and area are also given.

– It is at a mean elevation of 1,117 feet, in the northern reaches of the Sonoran Desert.

– Mount Pico above sea level, it is more than twice the elevation of any other peak in the Azores, and the tallest mountain in Portugal.

– Attica has five mountains with an elevation over 1000 meters, Parnitha, Penteli, Hymettus, Pateras mountain and Kithairon.

– The average elevation is.

– Haiti has a tropical climate but modified by elevation and the “WindTrade winds which blow from the Atlantic all year long.

– The greatest elevation is Coombe Hill near Wendover.

– The average elevation of the central plateau is Lake Victoria is also an important water source.

– Artifacts were found at a site called Chavín in modern Peru at an elevation of 3,177 meters.

– Musser and Carleton emphasized that insectivorous muroids as a group have proven difficult to capture, and that intense surveys of high elevation forest in this region are required to determine if it still persists.

– The Llullaillaco volcano is the region’s highest elevation at ; it is on the border with Argentina.

– It is one of the two local government units located within the mainland Metro Cebu where the elevation of land is less than 100 metres.

– The average temperature for the year in Edinburgh of the Seven Seas, with an elevation of 23 m, is 13.9°C.

– Melibokus as the highest elevation at 517 meters.

– They argue, for example, that feminism often promotes misandry and the elevation of women’s interests above men’s, and criticize radical feminist positions as harmful to both men and women.

– When talking about geography the elevation of a certain point is how high it is compared to some reference point.

– The Maipo river starts on the Andes, in the place called “Los Nacimientos”, on the side of the Maipo, at an elevation of about.

– They also need to have a license that allows them to land on a high elevation airport.

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