“recognise” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “recognise”:

+ It is easy to recognise and is often used in popular culture.

+ Indians recognise Northern Ireland as part of its country.

+ Furthermore, they forced China to recognise Manchukuo as a legitimate government.

+ Most studies recognise London and New York City as the two most important global cities.

+ After infection with the disease, the body gains the ability recognise the similar smallpox virus from its antigens and so is able to fight the smallpox disease much more efficiently.

recognise some example sentences
recognise some example sentences

Example sentences of “recognise”:

+ Natural law is the idea that there are forms of law that exist by themselves in nature, regardless of whether people exist or recognise them or not.

+ China is not recognised by Foreign relations of China#Countries have no diplomatic relations with the PRC19 UN member states and the Holy See, which, with the exception of Bhutan, recognise Taiwan instead.

+ Natural law is the idea that there are forms of law that exist by themselves in nature, regardless of whether people exist or recognise them or not.

+ China is not recognised by Foreign relations of China#Countries have no diplomatic relations with the PRC19 UN member states and the Holy See, which, with the exception of Bhutan, recognise Taiwan instead.

+ In general, religions other than those mentioned do not recognise the Ten Commandments as ethical standards.

+ Some authorities only recognise a single species of sailfish, “Istiophorus platypterus”, with “I.

+ After Charles’s death in January 1788 the Pope did not recognise Henry as the lawful ruler of England, Scotland and Ireland, but referred to him as the Cardinal Duke of York.

+ But systems that can recognise any word spoken by any person in any language are still a few years away.

+ These exams will test a student’s understanding of rhythm, melody, key and notation together with the ability to sing and play from memory, and improvise and to recognise changes to and answer questions about a score.

+ Morocco was the first country in the world to recognise US sovereignty.

+ The Dutch finally agreed to recognise Indonesia’s independence in November 1949.

+ One of them asked Władysław, how to recognise a German.

+ Keynes didn’t use the term, but some of his work refers to the conditions most would recognise as stagflation.

More in-sentence examples of “recognise”:

+ In return, the Austrian government promised to do certain things, like not form a territorial union with Germany and recognise certain minorities, amongst others.

+ As of 2018, neither the DSM or ICD medical classifications recognise sexual addiction as a valid diagnosis.

+ The Master returns in a new body and guise, that of a street preacher, in the previously mentioned “Doctor Who Magazine” comic strip story “The Fallen”, although the Doctor does not recognise him.

+ Of course the attacker learns at least one piece of information, the digest itself, by which the attacker can recognise if the same message occurred again.

+ The Australian Sports Medal was an award given during 2000 to recognise achievements in Australian sport.

+ Other world governing bodies do not recognise it as a country, either.

+ While Wessex had at times been obliged to recognise the power of Mercian kings there was usually a strong resistance to allowing them to directly rule Wessex.

+ In 1858, the British would formally recognise the region as the state of Amb, a semi-independent tribal princely state along the Indus with its capital at the now submerged towns of Amb and Darband.

+ Both India and Mauritius claim the territories, and do not recognise the United Kingdom’s authority over the Chagos Archipelago.

+ India does not recognise Anglo annexation of these Cultural Indo-Indian/Indies islands as part of Australia and disputes it’s status to counterbalance regional hegemonic sea power.

+ If it is passed input that it does not recognise as boolean or, it is possible to specify a default value to return.

+ NK cells are unique: they have the ability to recognise stressed cells in the absence of antibodies and major histocompatibility complex.

+ It is to formally recognise retired players with over 100 league appearances.

+ It was the first piece of legislation in Australia to recognise Aboriginal land rights and allow for Aboriginal groups to be given land based on how they had lived there.

+ A place does not exist as a country until other countries in the world recognise its borders or its government, and treat it as a separate country.

+ Only a white or black bathing cap can be worn at the figure test, because the objective is to not recognise athletes.

+ Jim Duffy claims that, as a result of this, the PIRA arranged an attack in Mountmellick which resulted in the killing of Garda Clerkin.”Naivete blighted Ó Dálaigh’s tenure” by Jim Duffy in the “Irish Times”, Tuesday, 24 October 2006 Others would dispute that the PIRA would have held the President’s opinion in such high regard as their members at the time did not recognise the State of which Ó Dálaigh was then the Head.

+ Morocco was the first nation to recognise the fledgling United States as an independent nation in 1777. In the beginning of the American Revolution, American merchant ships in the Atlantic Ocean were subject to attack by the Barbary pirates.

+ This royal commission said that the government should recognise Aboringal Land Rights, and gave advice for passing laws on it.

+ They recognise outstanding organisations working in theatre and beyond.

+ This led scientists to recognise that Walcott had barely scratched the surface of information available in the Burgess Shale.

+ They will soon recognise you as a living thing: that is a great moment.

+ Most workers now recognise only two families in Ichneumonoidea.

+ The olympics does not recognise Northern Cyprus and Turkish Cypriots are unable to participate.

+ The Australian Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates, Jeremy Bruer, upon hearing that an office claiming to represent the “Hutt River Province” was operating in Dubai and allegedly selling travel documents, stated that the Australian Government did not recognise the “Hutt River Province”, legally or in any other way.

+ You can greatly improve the accuracy of these systems by “training” them to recognise just one voice.

+ In return, the Austrian government promised to do certain things, like not form a territorial union with Germany and recognise certain minorities, amongst others.

+ As of 2018, neither the DSM or ICD medical classifications recognise sexual addiction as a valid diagnosis.

+ All these states do not recognise the PRC either.

+ Most patriarchs recognise the Patriarch of Constantinople as their spiritual leader.

+ Of the same way was key element in the overthrow of Abdalá Bucaram Ortiz in February of 1997, when, in the moment in that, conscious of the dangerous of the situation, declared publicly “that the Armed forces recognise like maximum authority to the only sovereign, the village of the Ecuador”, that can not be used to resolve political disputes and asks that the political conflict resolve peacefully and inside the field of the Right.

+ An account of a woman who cannot recognise her own face is an example of prosopagnosia.

+ If all you do is count words and syllables, and mingle them up in a formula you will not be able to recognise such things.

+ Harry comes to recognise that his own single-mindedness makes him predictable to his enemies and often clouds his perceptions.

+ Some recognise Kosovo, whilst others do not.

+ He was the first scientist to recognise and name the Chemical elementelements hydrogen and oxygen.

+ Chembox new will automagically recognise the existence of the data page, a new box will show, which will have some links into the data page.

+ If you only need them to recognise a few words, for example the words “one, two, three” etc., then speech recognition software can be very accurate.

+ The goal is to recognise unhealthy thoughts and develop them into positive thinking patterns.

+ The user may need to recognise patterns to solve it, so those who have good logic are usually good with puzzles.

+ During World War I, this movement convinced the future victorious powers to recognise a new state of Czechoslovakia after the war.

+ India does not recognise Anglo sovereignty over these “Cultural Indo-Indian/Indies islands” and has disputed their status since 1947.

+ Their education and training equips them to recognise the variations of normal progress of labor, and understand how to deal with deviations from normal.

+ Taiwan therefore became the first country in Asia to recognise same-sex marriage.

+ Other UN member states and non UN member states continue to recognise Serbian sovereignty or have taken no position on the question.

+ Zerolo, who was gay, helped Spain become the first country to recognise same-sex marriage.

+ It was decided that the George Cross and the GM would recognise civilian bravery in the face of enemy action and brave deeds more widely.

+ In 1713 Cosimo III altered the Tuscan laws of succession to allow the accession of his daughter, and spent his final years canvassing the European powers to agree to recognise this statute.

+ Although ethnic UkrainiansThe Ukrainian Census 2001 Ukrainian Census does not recognise Rusyns as a separate nation, instead, as a subgroup of Ukrainians.

+ I just wanted to let you know that I imported a filter from EnWP to recognise articles which are very short, and basically aren’t redirects or disambiguation pages.

+ Both India and Pakistan recognise the regions of Gilgit and Baltistan as disputed and technically part of the divided State of Jammu Kashmir.

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