Example uses in sentence of “forbid”

How to use in-sentence of “forbid”:

– Many religions forbid communicating with such spirits in any way, but a few include this as part of their practice.

– Forestle used the search services of Google until Google forbid them to do that after four days of service; the reasons was that Google and Forestle had a fight: it was not clear whether Forestle broke the terms of service fixed in the contract between them.

– The Qur’an does not state that images of Muhammad must not ever be made, but it does contain passages that forbid the creation of idols.

– They forbid Lot or any of his family to look upon the city during its destruction.

– The laws of war forbid certain weapons, and countries may agree with each other that they should not use certain weapons against each other, or should not have more than a certain number of particular kinds of weapons.

Example uses in sentence of forbid
Example uses in sentence of forbid

Example sentences of “forbid”:

– Countries must admit the right of person with disabilities to work in just, good, safe and healthy condition and do policy that forbid all discrimination and disability bullyingbullying because of disability, and further must promote chance for person with disabilities to do self-work, entrepreneur and start one’s own business.

– The Prime Directive often makes for a moral conflict for example, the Prime Directive might forbid using advanced technology to save an intelligent race.

– This was used to forbid Okinawans from speaking Okinawan and to force them to Japanese.

– He made a new Water Code in 1902, which gave an equitable amount of water based on how much water was needed, and got rid of the law that forbid foreigners to purchase land.

– When the Romans had conquered Ancient Greece, they did not think it was necessary to discuss or forbid that the Olympic Games were done in the nude.

– Countries must forbid all discrimination because of disability.

– For this reason, many groups forbid car ownership, they are less sceptical about using a car.

– The vineyards still exist thanks to a ban released in 1933, which forbid building in the vineyards.

– They also forbid any sexual contact between ‘Aryan’ and ‘non-Aryan’ persons.

– This was used to forbid Ryukyuans from speaking the Ryukyuan languages and to force them to speak Japanese.

– Most salons only allow entry to Japanese people and forbid entry to strangers.

– Jewish and Islamic dietary laws forbid the eating of shellfish.

– Some religions, like some Neopagan religions, discourage embalming, but do not forbid it.

– It is against the law to forbid people speaking their mother tongue anywhere at work as long as it does not harm the business and/or compromise safety at work.

– Certain places have started to pass laws, which forbid nudity in certain settings.

– This has long been accompanied with violence between religious groups that forbid idol worship and those who have accepted icons, images and idols for worship.

– They ruled the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States ConstitutionFourteenth Amendment does not forbid the admission of evidence gained by unreasonable search and seizure.

- Countries must admit the right of person with disabilities to work in just, good, safe and healthy condition and do policy that forbid all discrimination and disability bullyingbullying because of disability, and further must promote chance for person with disabilities to do self-work, entrepreneur and start one's own business.

- The Prime Directive often makes for a moral conflict for example, the Prime Directive might forbid using advanced technology to save an intelligent race.

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