“credit” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “credit”:

+ It is used every day in many technological objects, like television screens and credit cards.

+ This credit was reduced when calls were made.

+ Some of these less common monikers include: Chief Development Officer, Chief Knowledge Officer/Chief Learning Officer, Chief Strategy Officer, Chief Risk Officer, and Chief Credit Officer.

+ Their works were given credit to “Christo” only, until 1994, when the outdoor works and large indoor were credited to “Christo and Jeanne-Claude”.

+ This template was originally created in French, at :fr:Modèle:Hockeybox, and credit belongs with the creator there.

+ Mesa Power said the project must wait because it did not have transmission capacity to the site and poor credit market.

credit some example sentences
credit some example sentences

Example sentences of “credit”:

+ The tax credit can help pay for significant percentage of the project cost in some cases.

+ The tribunal found that some gardaí based in County Donegal had invented a Provisional Irish Republican ArmyProvisional IRA informer, made bombs and claimed credit for locating them, and attempted to frame Raphoe publican Frank McBrearty Junior for murder– the latter case involving a €1.5m settlement with the State.

+ The tax credit can help pay for significant percentage of the project cost in some cases.

+ The tribunal found that some gardaí based in County Donegal had invented a Provisional Irish Republican ArmyProvisional IRA informer, made bombs and claimed credit for locating them, and attempted to frame Raphoe publican Frank McBrearty Junior for murder– the latter case involving a €1.5m settlement with the State.

+ Lyell believed in gradual change, and thought even Hutton gave too much credit to catastrophic changes.

+ This is because the way lots of companies speculated was by hedging on credit default swaps.

+ Some door locks can be shimmed with a credit card or similar thin plastic object.

+ Experts say this may cause problems for immigrants, people with disabilities and other people who cannot easily sign up for credit cards or aps.

+ Students enrolled in 6 or more credit hours paid a yearly required campus fee of $888.

+ The machines also allow the customer to buy more credit for stored-value tickets.

+ Credit cards are given on the trust they will pay the bank or credit union.

+ When people found out that the Greek government owed more money than everybody thought it did, people who didn’t own any Greek government bonds started buying credit default swaps on Greek bonds.

+ Because of this, Caodaiist credit God for founding their religion.

+ His career was tainted by accusations that he failed to give credit to the work of others and even tried to appropriate it under his own name.

+ Habbo money is known as a “credit” which was be purchased in numerous ways, and in different currencies from other countries and can be paid for using a credit card, or registering with a mobile phone.

+ With this license other people can use the work for free, but they must give credit to the original creator, and when they make something new with the work they must give it the same “CC BY-SA” license.

+ Also, this License means the author and publisher get credit for their work, even if other people change the document texts.

+ Congress has the power to borrow money on the credit of the United States.

More in-sentence examples of “credit”:

+ In most cases bonuses like cashback are offered to customers that pay off their credit debt on time every month.

+ A number of reviews credit Pressey with being the founder of programmed learning and teaching machines, long before the better known efforts of B.F.

+ Bank loans and credit are one way to increase the money supply.

+ Also, the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System was not yet adopted by all the schools.

+ As often happened in this age before modern communications, many physicists, scientists, and instrument makers are given credit with independently making the same measurement scale; Citation for Daniel Ekström, Mårten Strömer, Christian of Lyons: The Physics Hypertextbook, ; citation for Christian of Lyons: Le Moyne College, ; citation for Linnaeus’ connection with Pehr Elvius and Daniel Ekström: Uppsala University who had studied astronomy under Anders Celsius.

+ The article will be recognized as contributing to DYK through the credit templates posted by DYK on the article talk page.

+ Parag, Dean of Pratistha Medical College joins hands with Maasi Saa to cancel Uma’s license so that he can use the idea to flourish his own Medical College and take the credit wholly upon himself.

+ It is used in the paper industry and for packaging, food containers, credit cards, furnishings, clothing and toys.

+ A bank or a credit union can give somebody a credit card.

+ Generally, this credit is in one of two categories: remediation or advancement.

+ During this time, he representation represented the electoral area of Social Credit Party.

+ Tanuja signs the property papers but Malaika steal the papers and gives it to Netra and asks her to take the credit of getting property back.

+ In recent past, another doctrine known as “Oneness” has gained credit amongst Pentecostal groups, but has been rejected by other Christians.

+ Tuition for county residents is $103 per credit hour.

+ People used this credit for expensive loans, causing the price of homes to rise.

+ They did that because they thought Greece would give up on trying to pay, so the bonds would become worthless and the people who sold the credit default swaps would pay them.

+ Some people credit him with stopping Clinton’s health care plan.

+ It is home to the German headquarters of Reuters, Goldman Sachs and Credit Suisse.

+ Some of the men she worked with and for did give her full credit for her contributions, but some did not.

+ The credit card companies take another part.

+ For advancement, the summer school is used to obtain credit for classes to accelerate progress toward a degree or to lessen the load of courses during the regular school year.

+ Henry Cosby and Sylvia Moy received credit for writing the song along with Noel.

+ Calls to emergency services are usually free of charge; they can be made from any phone; in the case of a prepaid phone no credit is required.

+ Mary’s Food Bank Alliance is classified as a “Qualifying Charitable Organization” by the, meaning that residents can receive a tax credit for donations up to $800.

+ Lamy was part of the first group of 26 Social Credit MPs from Quebec who were elected that year.

+ For a private individual, an asset may be their house or car, and their liability may be their mortgage and credit cards.

+ Gabbert, who to his credit was playing on a team that had done very poorly the past several years, had a bad season in 2011.

+ After the process is complete the person is “discharged from bankruptcy”, and the person is free from any further liability to pay those claims, but normally that person will be limited in their ability to borrow money again because their credit rating will be damaged.

+ He usually gets the credit for the European discovery of porcelain.

+ Owen credited himself and Georges Cuvier with the discovery of the “Iguanodon”, completely excluding any credit for the original discoverer of the dinosaur, Gideon Mantell.

+ This means that the store or other seller must pay a fee to the credit card company or app company.

+ He was also given credit for Judwaa 2, October, and Sui Dhaaga.

+ They are low-cost, high-performance and the size of a credit card.

+ In the future, the owner’s fingerprint will be stored securely on identity cards and credit cards and may also be used for authentication of emails using digital signatures.

+ Having fought for a fight for two years, Hearst took credit for the conflict when it came: A week after the United States declared war on Spain, he ran “How do you like the “Journal’s” war?” on his front page.

+ Walker was one of the first female composers to earn a solo score credit on a major Hollywood motion picture.

+ Subsidies offered through the ACA include the premium tax credit and the cost-sharing subsidy.

+ People who study the history of food give credit to the Ancient GreeceGreeks for making the baking of bread into an art.

+ Morrell describes his sighting briefly, and seeks no personal credit or glory from the discovery.

+ Where such credit is commonly given through page histories, it is sufficient to give attribution in the edit summary, which is recorded in the page history, when importing the text.

+ Many payphones accept coins, but some can accept credit cards, debit cards, and phone cards as well.

+ Guiteau shot Garfield after being mad at him about not receiving credit for Garfield’s victory in 1880 after he wrote a speech about Garfield but never made the speech.

+ However, it was Theodor Schwann and Matthias Schleiden who got the credit for the cell theory, despite the fact that some of their observations were not correct, and their credits to previous workers were “a travesty”.

+ He started his career in 1971 and his last credit was in 2013.

+ She left the college one credit short of graduation, because she was not allowed to perform religious music during her senior recital.

+ His friend Hermione is mad that Harry is getting credit for information that he does not really know.

+ It is similar to a credit card, but unlike a credit card, it does not borrow money.

+ In most cases bonuses like cashback are offered to customers that pay off their credit debt on time every month.

+ A number of reviews credit Pressey with being the founder of programmed learning and teaching machines, long before the better known efforts of B.F.

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