“being” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “being”:

– In October 1870 he was sent to Beechworth, VictoriaBeechworth gaol for assault and for being rude to a lady.

– It is an oratorio, although Elgar did not like it being called an “oratorio”, but this is how it is usually described.

– They are largely carnivorous, being active hunters of insects, earthworms and small vertebrates.

– He sets fire to his plane before being taken prisoner by the Germans.

– They include housing salt glands, improving the sense of smell, use as a snorkel or air trap, acting as a resonating chamber for making sounds, or being a method for different species or different sexes of the same species to recognize each other.

– We should always prefer common names unless it results in a concept being poorly described.

– In the Jewish faith, circumcision is an important tradition because it represents the newly born baby being included in the covenant which God made with the prophet Abraham.

being - sentence examples
being – sentence examples

Example sentences of “being”:

– With most locations being in areas with many people, about 40 percent are franchised stores.

– Panjshir province is known for not being taken by the Soviets during their occupation in the 1980s.

– The aquifers being refilled depends on rare major rains, normally happening every ten years or so.

– The MasterCard Emerging Markets Index 2008, created to evaluate and compare the performance of cities in different functions that connect markets and commerce worldwide, shows Curitiba as the safest city in Brazil – considering details such as freedom of expression, risk of natural disasters and personal security – in addition to being in 49th position among the cities with the greatest influence in the world.

– The species went from being one of the most usual birds in the world during the 19th century to extinction early in the 20th century.

– When William was born his mother and father were not married so he had the stigma of being a bastard.

– Bullet-proof vests are worn by police officers, soldiers, security guards, and people who are at risk of being shot.

– Logistic regression can then model events better than linear regression, as it shows the probability for y being 1 for a given x value.

– As of May 15, 2014, 6 criminal cases of abuse of power were being investigated against Yanukovych.

- With most locations being in areas with many people, about 40 percent are franchised stores.

- Panjshir province is known for not being taken by the Soviets during their occupation in the 1980s.

– They are very famous for their hospitality nature being pukhtoons.

– Ole Borch was a DenmarkDanish grammarian, and poet, most well-known today for being the teacher at the Vor Frue Skole in Copenhagen of Nicholas Steno.

– This led to the instrument being used in all military bands.

– Typically, to be so slow, then an internal template somewhere down the line is being used hundreds of times on one page.

– Canadian Club started being made in 1858.

– Italian and English words are being taken in by the language more and more.

More in-sentence examples of “being”:

– In the episode “The Storm” he is shown in a flashback of a story being told by Iroh explaining why Zuko is obsessed with capturing the Avatar.

– Geil led to him ending up being under DIO’s control before being freed by the Joestar Group, eventually joining the group officially after finally exacting his revenge.

– So again, you see adminship is a responsility: You’re even responsible for reducing the chance of your account being hacked.

– He murdered Gadenne because his father had committed suicide after being fired by Gadenne.

– But Speedwords is now being used by more people because they find it is good for working online.

– She is best known for being the top scorer of the Germany women’s national football team.

– M’bow began working for UNESCO in 1953 and was the director-general from 1974 to 1987, being the first black African to head a United Nations support organisation.

– Several channels announced the episode was being withheld for legal reasons.

– Before the Treaty of Lisbon each member state takes a turn at being President of the Council for six months.

– The third and fourth operas of the cycle, “Siegfried Siegfried” and “Götterdämmerung ” were being performed for the first time.

– With their mother in prison, and their brothers being hunted by the police, Kate Kelly and her sister Margaret looked after the younger children.

– Esperanza and her mother are in fear of being deported.

– Note that all 3 IPs that have edited the page are blocked on enwiki as part of a school block, with one being previously blocked for disruptive editing.

– God’s curse would keep him from being King of Jerusalem.

– Sonaiya is notable for being Nigeria’s first female presidential candidate.

– Despite being largely unknown in his own country, in 2004 Vicari was Britain’s richest living painter.

– It is also a major center of learning and is home to several schools and colleges including Kerala University, and to many scientific institutions, the most prominent being the Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre.

– The amount of slowing depends on the type of chemicals in the substance being tested and the different phases.

– In March 2006, the purple grape reached its peak in popularity by being preferred 83% of the time over green grapes in a University of Michigan poll.

– It is also a weak reducing agent, being oxidized to nitrate.

– The Court pointed out that most states realized these things, which is why they kept teenagers from voting, being on juries, or getting married without their parents’ approval.

– She made history by being the first woman to light the Olympic Cauldron.

– EMDR or Adaptive Information Processing as it is alternatively named, has been being tested and researched in a large number of organizations since it was first discovered in 1987.

– In 1966, Tanner was awarded the Lou Marsh Trophy for being Canada’s top athlete.

– Aristotle defined this as “Comedy is, as an imitation of characters of a lower type- not, however, in the full sense of the word bad, the ludicrous being merely a subdivision of the ugly.

– I also believe that I have started taking a look at every angle of a problem that occurs before posting a reply and that I have been objective and un-biast throughout the revolving issues that have been going on currently., and even though Tygrrr says that I should wait until one of the other respectable users here notices that I am ready because I believe that I am way past being ready, yet no one seems to have noticed it, so I decided to post up this self-nomination.

- In the episode "The Storm" he is shown in a flashback of a story being told by Iroh explaining why Zuko is obsessed with capturing the Avatar.

- Geil led to him ending up being under DIO's control before being freed by the Joestar Group, eventually joining the group officially after finally exacting his revenge.
- So again, you see adminship is a responsility: You're even responsible for reducing the chance of your account being hacked.

– Because template may be removed without the problem being fixed if it is not possible to identify what needs to be cleaned-up.

– It can refer to several types of cancer, with cervical cancer being the most common type worldwide and the second most common cancer in women in developing countries.

– To the right, other people are being sent to Hell where they are dragged down by demons.

– India and other countries did not agree, saying social and religious customs and that wild-growing cannabis plants being available in many places, that would make it difficult to enforce, so this never made it into the final treaty.

– He described it to his brother as “a beautiful spot, capable of being made a little paradise…

– The ascent took more than two hours and was notable as being the first time a car had climbed the long Mount Washington Carriage Road; the descent was accomplished by putting the engine in low gear and using the car’s brakes.

– Early in the development of the game it was named “Oblivion Lost”, and the game was planned to have more of a futuristic theme before the idea was reworked to set the game in Chernobyl, being a nearby location to the game’s Kiev based development team.

– This is put together as 3 phrases or sections, each being 4 bars long.

– His contrasting aspects such as being terrifying or blissful depending on the situation, are similar to those of the Greek god Dionysus, as are their iconic associations with bull, snakes, anger, bravery, dancing and carefree life.

– In late 2008, the name of these stores was being changed from Allens to Harris Scarfe.

– IN 1557, the Portuguese Empire made a permanent settlement on Macau, after being given permission from China to dock and trade there.

– In the aftermath of the Utah War, in 1858 he was one of the peace commissioners sent to negotiate with Brigham Young in Utah the other being former Gov.

– The pieces are carefully heated with exclusion of air and then pressed into one mass by intense hydraulic pressure, the softened amber being forced through holes in a metal plate.

– There is also the possibility of conflict over Taiwan in the case of China and smaller democracies that lie in the vicinity of these two authoritarian giants will no doubt be affected by human rights issues being relegated to a lower global priority.

– As well as being the first scientific zoo, ZSL London Zoo also opened the first Reptile house.

– It is known for its excellent port facilities, being the sea port for Curitiba, the capital of Paraná.

– Most often the women are shown as being pregnant, with breasts well visible.

– Science, too, is being affected by light pollution.

– For example, many unions protect workers who have worked for a job for a long time from being punished or fired, even if new workers are faster.

– When helpful insects are killed, such as those that eat pest insects, the pest insects may come back in larger numbers than before because they are not being eaten by helpful insects anymore.

– After being released, Drew started working at SeaWorld.

– Her biggest claim is a being on a relatively unknown web soap opera.

– Phra Prathiap Buildings Composed of two single storey buildings and a group of eight two-storey brick buildings, constructed for being residential quarters for court officials who attended King Rama V when he visited Lopburi.

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