“efficiently” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “efficiently”:

– Green plants do not use a large part of the visible spectrum as efficiently as possible.

– I spend a lot of time online, and I happen to discover a lot of vandalism, including pages that need quick deletion and repeated IP vandalism, that I feel that I could more efficiently help with if given the tools.

– Department of Homeland Security in 2003 as part of legislation designed to more efficiently protect American interests following the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001.

– Parkour is an activity in which the goal is to move from one place to another as quickly and efficiently as possible, using the abilities of the human body.

– In principle, fuel cells are electrochemical devices like batteries that convert the chemical energy of a fuel directly and very efficiently into electricity and heat, thus doing away with combustion.

– This works because a dense, compact layer of carbon fibers efficiently reflects heat.

– Agent 47 can take on hard tasks and perform physical tasks more efficiently than any average human.

efficiently - sentence examples
efficiently – sentence examples

Example sentences of “efficiently”:

- The long tail would have been excellent for swimming, and allowed "Cymbospondylus" to move at fast speeds and efficiently hunt down shoals of swimming fish.

- Iron tipped ploughs could churn up land far more quickly and deeply than older wooden or bronze ones, and iron axes could clear forest land far more efficiently for agriculture.
- Because the infantry, artillery and engineers were trained together, rehearsed together, and worked together they were able to do what they were asked efficiently and without unnecessary casualties.

– The long tail would have been excellent for swimming, and allowed “Cymbospondylus” to move at fast speeds and efficiently hunt down shoals of swimming fish.

– Iron tipped ploughs could churn up land far more quickly and deeply than older wooden or bronze ones, and iron axes could clear forest land far more efficiently for agriculture.

– Because the infantry, artillery and engineers were trained together, rehearsed together, and worked together they were able to do what they were asked efficiently and without unnecessary casualties.

– These are efficiently used when reaching reaching more broadly than a close reach.

– They provide a precise idea of the problem to be solved so that they can efficiently design the system and estimate the cost of design alternatives.

– They are commonly seen in schools and businesses and can be used quickly and efficiently for simple mathematical problems.

– A cryptographic hash function should behave as much as possible like a random function while still being deterministic and efficiently computable.

– Therefore, sweat does not evaporate and cool your body as efficiently as when the air is dry.

– I also understand that text not simplified or modified may be able to be deleted, but I think this would be appropriate if sufficient time and warning of the user has happened and they have not been able to ‘fix’ the article efficiently to remain in the article.

– This helps the oxygen to be more efficiently transported to cells around the body.

– Rothbard thought that all services provided by monopoly governments could be provided more efficiently by the private sector.

– Theory predicts that even if one country can produce all good more efficiently than another, trade will make both better off if they specialize in the goods they have a comparative advantage in.

– These adapted traits are a very small component of the “Homo sapiens” genome and include such outward ‘racial’ characteristics as skin color and nose shape, and internal characteristics such as the ability to breathe more efficiently at high altitudes.

– Another possible fault is that the system would generate electricity most efficiently in bursts every six hours.

– Heisenberg found a way to efficiently predict the intensities for different frequencies and to organize that information in a helpful way.

– I spend a lot of time online, especially to this wiki, and I happen to discover a lot of vandalism, including pages that need quick deletion and repeated vandalism, that I feel that I could more efficiently help with if given the mop.

– Fractals are very efficient shapes for radio antennas and are used in computer chips to efficiently connect all the components.

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