“familiar” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “familiar”:

+ Some of the most familiar species in this family are the lemon shark, the blue shark, the tiger shark, the bull shark, and the whitetip reef shark.

+ The most familiar representative of the glass sponges is the Venus’ flower-basket.

+ I’ll let some admin more familiar with this user decide what needs to be done.

+ Software developers that are more comfortable writing applications for PCs will find this more familiar as well.

+ Lewis included a tribute to his father in the song “Time Stands Still”, imitating Jerry Lewis’s familiar comic voice on the record, and he and the Playboys performed the theme song to his 1966 comedy film “Way…

familiar - sentence examples
familiar – sentence examples

Example sentences of “familiar”:

+ This work is designed to furnish Children, from seven to twelve years of age, with a variety of lessons on various subjects, written in a plain, familiar style, and proper to lead them from the easy language of Spelling-Books up to the more difficult style of the best writers.

+ I'm not that familiar with the policy on those, so I'd appreciate it if one or more of you would give some input at User talk:Auntof6/Archives/2013#Another account.

+ This work is designed to furnish Children, from seven to twelve years of age, with a variety of lessons on various subjects, written in a plain, familiar style, and proper to lead them from the easy language of Spelling-Books up to the more difficult style of the best writers.

+ I’m not that familiar with the policy on those, so I’d appreciate it if one or more of you would give some input at User talk:Auntof6/Archives/2013#Another account.

+ As the East India Company expanded, soldiers were now expected to serve in less familiar regions, such as in Burma, and also to make do without the “foreign service” remuneration they had got previously.

+ Some admins barely use IRC as it is, or aren’t familiar enough with how it works.

+ The effects of static electricity are familiar to most people because they can see, feel and even hear the spark.

+ The River Thames flowing through London is one of the most familiar of river estuaries.

+ If someone has been reading English a lot, they are familiar with a writer showing an abbreviation or acronym next to a long full name, and then using only that short word later in the article.

+ For a person with Münchausen, being a patient feels familiar and comfortable.

+ This forms the familiar coloured layer on the shell.

+ It is most familiar as the deposit bottle – where one pays for the loan of the bottle at the same time as one purchases what is inside it.

+ The most familiar example of this is in the oesophagus.

+ Many readers were already familiar with the idea of evolution from a book published Anonymityanonymously in 1844, “Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation”.

More in-sentence examples of “familiar”:

+ The conscience is the familiar metaphor of angel and devil on each shoulder.

+ This template confirms that the user is familiar with and that this account will not be used for sock puppetry.

+ Obviously, the identities of the product should be hidden – otherwise consumers tend to prefer the brand they are familiar with.

+ The main reason for this is that the older population is more familiar with Fahrenheit.

+ When night falls, small groups settle down in familiar trees for the night.

+ However, not being very familiar with Hindu mythology, I thought I’d ask for a second opinion.

+ I just want to remember that this right should only be added to people who actively create new pages and to people who are familiar with the syntax.

+ I’m not familiar with this vandals pattern so I consulted IRC and both of them are more familiar and also thought it was Disney, so I blocked for a week.

+ She worked as a midwiferymidwife and was familiar with herbalism, particularly mandrake.

+ I am familiar with the quick deletion criteria but am not sure about the proper way to go about requesting quick deletion.

+ Use the familiar form when talking to a child, and the polite form when talking to an adult.

+ They were better than the previous best available freely-licensed articles on the topic, and made good use of familiar sources.

+ Sorry about how most is this is editing/grammar stuff – I couldn’t really think of any content that needed to be added, as I’m not familiar with Selena at all.

+ The general policy of not having such detailed categories as En wiki is well agreed between us, but we have allowed it to be breached ad lib, often by users who are not familiar with our ways.

+ The Paris audiences in the late 17th and early 18th century enjoyed hearing the familiar vaudeville tunes to new words.

+ Many students are so familiar in this homepage and it makes students remember his name easily.

+ The most familiar examples of eusociality are insects such as ants, bees, wasps, and termites.

+ Pinging Peterdownunder and Macdonald-ross who are familiar with the edits here by Smithson and his socks.

+ The museum writes, “Late sixth-century vases connected with drinking occasionally have subjects that go beyond the familiar gorgons, griffins, or sphinxes.

+ The plants and animals of the Miocene were fairly modern, but familiar present-day species had not yet evolve.

+ For example, in 1988 Francis Jennings wrote: “In Francis Parkman’s murky mind the backwoods plots from one savage genius, the Ottawa chief Pontiac, and they became ‘The Conspiracy of Pontiac,’ but Pontiac was only a local Ottawa war chief in a ‘resistance’ involving many tribes.” Even though other names for the war have been proposed, many historians still use familiar names for this war.

+ In the early 19th century, tetrapods were put in the four familiar classes of amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.

+ For those who are not familiar with this topic, I introduced you to one of America’s brightest stars who faded too soon.

+ I’m not going to remove the right, but I gues some of them needs to be watched as they are that familiar with formatting and stuff.

+ Almost all are from earlier rocks than more familiar fossils such as trilobites.

+ These vocal works are not so well known outside Finland because the language is not familiar abroad, but there are some very good songs, especially “Luonnotar”.

+ The conscience is the familiar metaphor of angel and devil on each shoulder.

+ This template confirms that the user is familiar with and that this account will not be used for sock puppetry.
+ Obviously, the identities of the product should be hidden – otherwise consumers tend to prefer the brand they are familiar with.

+ Someone not familiar with the subject will be able to identify trivia and other parts where the information seems irrelevant.

+ I’m not familiar with much of the music scene, so I’m not sure how important any of these publications are, but that’s a sampling of what’s out there.

+ Stewart became so familiar to the American public that he was most usually referred to by them as “Jimmy” Stewart.

+ The second problem is that the reader must be familiar with the subject, to understand some of the translation.

+ He also became familiar to a wider audience as the well-meaning but addlepated Dr.

+ His daily walk made him a familiar sight in Ostend.

+ It remains popular because people have used it for centuries and they are familiar with it.

+ New words, ideas, or pronunciations become like the pattern of older or more familiar ones.

+ In later years, the Smothers Brothers appeared in Las Vegas and Branson, Missouri, still performing their familiar act.

+ They vary from familiar manifolds to some very exotic constructions.

+ The consensus is “the story arc may seen a tad familiar to fans of the original, but “Kung Fu Panda 2″ offers enough action, comedy and visual sparkle to compensate”.

+ Many bilingual or multi-lingual Urdu speakers, being familiar with both Urdu and English, display code-switching in certain localities and between certain social groups.

+ Filming of Tauriel’s scenes began in September 2011 in New Zealand, Lilly said that she enjoyed the calm atmosphere of the set, and the familiar experience of filming with a cast of mostly men, which reminded her of working on “Lost” and “The Hurt Locker”.

+ It is more general in content; it is in fact simply a representation of ideas familiar to every Greek, that the pithos was a grave-jar, that from such grave-jars souls escaped and to them necessarily returned, and that Hermes was Psychopompos, Evoker and Revoker of souls.

+ I have half a mind to delete all the articles created by him, but am unsure because I am not that familiar with the geography of the UK and his previous disruptive behaviour.

+ Lugworms make the coiled tubes of sand that are a familiar sight on a beach at low tide.

+ This new game is set in a similar world to “Undertale” and is familiar to previous players of “Undertale”.

+ They include the familiar domestic cat and its closest wild relatives.

+ Boog decides to get familiar with the forest and tries to climb up a tree, but is attacked by a ScotlandScottish red squirrel called McSquizzy and his gang.

+ The so-called Barbary ape Old World monkeys include many of the most familiar species of nonhuman primates, such as baboons and macaques.

+ I was wondering if I could propose some edits to the abuse filter in a Google Doc or something and an admin could add them to the filter? I am familiar with the text you must use as I am sysop on another wiki that uses abuse filter.

+ These originals were much better than copies, which scholars had been familiar with.

+ This root dictionary may be completed with other word lists to guarantee that the articles look familiar to readers.

+ The remains of a papyrus wrestling manual from the 2nd century AD reveal that the Greeks were familiar with headlocks, joint locks, shoulder holds, and other techniques used by modern wrestlers.

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