“manners” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “manners”:

+ She had a bad manners and had to leave the school.

+ Humour, tradition and good manners are characteristics commonly associated with being English.

+ There are various manners for treating anxiety disorders.

+ She arrived in Parma in October 1749 where she imported French court manners and “cuisine”.

+ She became interested in the manners of the French.

manners how to use in sentences
manners how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “manners”:

+ Giving business people presents in the hope that they will want to do business with you may just seem like good manners at times, but in some cases, it may seem more like bribery.

+ Calvin's mom and dad are mostly American middle-class parents; like many other characters in the strip, their relatively realistic and sensible manners act as a contrast to Calvin's childish and selfish behavior.

+ Giving business people presents in the hope that they will want to do business with you may just seem like good manners at times, but in some cases, it may seem more like bribery.

+ Calvin’s mom and dad are mostly American middle-class parents; like many other characters in the strip, their relatively realistic and sensible manners act as a contrast to Calvin’s childish and selfish behavior.

+ E William Lane, ‘Life and Manners of Modern Egyptians’ London, 1860 Together, the jinn, humans, devils and angels make up the four wise creations of God.

+ He is best known for his roles as Sam Gorpley on “Perfect Strangers Perfect Strangers”, as dentist Lost”, and as Holland Manners on “Angel”.

+ His counter to the doctrine of original sin, born amid the optimistic atmosphere of Renaissance humanism, was taken up by another author who lived at the same time, the essayist Richard Steele, who attributed the corruption of contemporary manners to false education.

+ Between them, two writers effectively founded the whole genre of the gastronomic essay.” Stephen Mennell, “All manners of food: eating and taste in England and France from the Middle Ages to the Present”, 2nd ed.

+ Anne developed domestic skills such as dancing, embroidery, good manners and morals, household management, music, needlework, and singing and excelled in playing several musical instruments including the block flute, the harp, the lute, and the virginals.

+ They really love to see respectful people around the society, with great manners and obedience.

+ Many of them had bad manners and not many of them could read.

+ The fourth producer, Kim Manners died of cancer in the production of the fourth season.

+ Spokesman Yerzhan Ashykbayev told a news conference: “We view Mr Cohen’s behaviour at the MTV Europe Music Awards as utterly unacceptable, being a concoction of bad taste and ill manners which is completely incompatible with the ethics and civilised behaviour of Kazakhstan’s people”, concluding “We reserve the right to any legal action to prevent new pranks of the kind. Josh Grossberg, E! Online, November 14, 2005.

+ The general goal of a shotgun event is to break a clay target, but the targets are thrown in different manners depending on the game.

+ Noh drama, music and dance was heavily influenced by the elegance of the manners of the Japanese Imperial Court.

+ An extremely curious picture of contemporary manners is presented by the Venetian agents, whose reports on this war resemble some knightly chronicle of the Middle Ages, full of single combats, tournaments and other chivalrous adventures.

+ Albrecht’s gentle manners arouse Hilarion’s suspicions.

+ She comments on the rude manners of the French people.

+ When Jane was nine, she was sent to the royal court to learn etiquette and manners with Henry VIII’s sixth wife and eventual widow, Catherine Parr.

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