Some in-sentence examples of “physics”

How to use in-sentence of “physics”:

+ In physics macroscopy is a relative term.

+ Lobachevsky received a Master’s degree in physics and mathematics in 1811.

+ For example, velocity and acceleration are used by physics to show how things move.

+ It uses applied physics and chemistry.

+ In molecular physics and quantum chemistry, an energy level is a quantized energy of a bound quantum mechanical state.

+ He contributed to many fields of mathematics, such as analysis, geometry, mathematical physics and number theory.

+ Perrin was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1926 “for his work on the discontinuous structure of matter”.

Some in-sentence examples of physics
Some in-sentence examples of physics

Example sentences of “physics”:

+ He also wrote several articles on physics and mathematics.

+ Theories in physics can be very different and even disagree with each other.

+ I know because Stephen Hawking said so.” This is a poor example because even though almost everyone who knows about Stephen Hawking would agree that he was very intelligent man, his knowledge about physics is not important to knowing about whether or not God exists.

+ Kao was awarded the 2009 Nobel Prize in Physics for “”groundbreaking achievements concerning the transmission of light in fibers for optical communication””.

+ When he returned to Korea, he decided to switch from physics to civil engineering and eventually received a doctorate in that field.

+ Theoretical physics often uses quantitative approaches to develop the theories that attempt to explain the data.

+ He got the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1944.

+ The Norwegian Institute of Technology established the Lars Onsager Lecture and The Lars Onsager Professorship in 1993 to award outstanding scientists in the scientific fields of  Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics.

+ Since the 1920s, the increased understanding of physics has changed chemists’ theorytheories about chemical reactions.

+ He said that the physics and the realism of the game were good, but also said that the game is repetitive and that the story was not good.

+ He was Professor of Physics at Florida State University from 1972 until his death in 1984.

+ Bridgman, Nobel Prize in Physics for 1946.

+ Freedhoff was the first woman appointed as a physics professor at York University in Toronto, and is believed to have been the only woman professor of theoretical physics in Canada at the time.

+ Quantum physics says that half the time they should get a match.

+ In physics and chemistry monatomic is a combination of words.

+ For the rest of his life, he would be a member of the Nobel Committee on Physics and a member of the Nobel Committee on Chemistry.

+ Spectroscopy is the branch of physics that observes matter by its emitted or reflected spectra.

+ He also wrote several articles on physics and mathematics.

+ Theories in physics can be very different and even disagree with each other.
+ I know because Stephen Hawking said so." This is a poor example because even though almost everyone who knows about Stephen Hawking would agree that he was very intelligent man, his knowledge about physics is not important to knowing about whether or not God exists.

More in-sentence examples of “physics”:

+ A group in the Nobel Institute for Physics in Stockholm also discovered isotopes of this element before the research of the Berkeley scientists was published.

+ His grandparents, Marie CurieMarie and Pierre Curie together with Henri Becquerel won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903 for their study of radioactivity.

+ Regardless of what the M might possibly mean, M-theory has become one of the most interesting and active areas of research in theoretical physics today.

+ Professor Ertl studied physics at the TechnologyTechnical University of Stuttgart from 1955 to 1957.

+ In 1885, at 23, Bragg was appointed Thomas ElderElder Professor of Mathematics and Experimental Physics at the University of Adelaide, University of Adelaide, pages 3 4.

+ It was first defined and used in physics for describing particle speeds in idealized gases.

+ However, they allow an understanding of the physics of waves, and have become an important concept in quantum physics.

+ Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for this theory.

+ He studied physiology and physics at University College London.

+ There is a theory in physics that says that after a number of elements with short half lives, there will be others with longer half lives.

+ Thus quantum mechanics is the physics of the chemical bond and of chemistry.

+ Oberhummer was professor emeritus of Theoretical Physics at the Atominstitut of the Vienna University of Technology.

+ He was given the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2006 for his work on COBE satellite with George Smoot.

+ The word “physics” comes from the Ancient Greek languageGreek word ἡ φύσις, meaning “nature”.At the start of “The Feynman Lectures on Physics“, atomic hypothesis as the single most important scientific concept, that “all things are made up of atoms– little particles that move around in perpetual motion, attracting each other when they are a little distance apart, but repelling upon being squeezed into one another”…” Physics can also be defined as “that department of knowledge which relates to the order of nature, or, in other words, to the regular succession of events”.

+ However, the uncertainty principle is a fact about nature, and it shows up in other ways of talking about quantum physics such as the equations made by Erwin Schrödinger.

+ A magnetic monopole is a hypothetical particle in particle physics that is a magnet with only one magnetic pole.

+ Edwards then read Physics at Durham University, attending Van Mildert College.

+ The theory dealing with electricity and magnetism in physics is called electromagnetism.

+ This research became the science of particle physics, the most important of which is the standard model of particle physics which unifies the strong, weak, and electromagnetic forces.

+ Modern particle physics involves colliding particles together very energetically to create new particles inside a particle accelerator.

+ In 2001 Cornell, Wieman, and Wolfgang Ketterle shared the Nobel Prize in Physics for their work.

+ Theoretical physics often can involve creating quantitative predictions of physical theories, and comparing these predictions quantitatively with data.

+ Orlov was the Professor of Physics at Cornell University.

+ Where classical physics already gives the right answers by one set of equations the new physics has to give the same answers but by different equations.

+ Classical physics normally includes the fields of mechanics, optics, electricity, magnetism, acoustics and thermodynamics.

+ He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903 with Marie Curie and Pierre Curie for his discovery of radioactivity in 1896.

+ If you want a unit to add for practice, add one from List of common physics notations, or from SI units#Units and prefixes.

+ Before teaching at Berkeley, he was a professor of physics at Stanford University.

+ Volcanologists are scientists who study volcanoes using methods from geology, chemistry, geography, mineralogy, physics and sociology.

+ World lines are very often used in theoretical physics and special relativity, as well as general relativity.

+ The cloud chamber was invented by Charles Wilson, a Scottish peopleScottish physicist who received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1927 for this work.

+ Inside a black hole the rules of physics are very different.

+ He won the 1975 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on the non-spherical geometry of atomic nuclei.

+ The game featured new physics system which can allow the player to use weapons more realistically for example tables can now break differently depending on the impact of them.

+ In the physics of wave motions, the lowercase Gamma is used to represent the ratio of specific heat.

+ Snake walk: the slippery physics of slithering.

+ Dynamics is the branch of physics concerned with the study of causes and effects of motion.

+ The APS is now active in public and governmental affairs, and in the international physics community.

+ In 1902, Geiger started studying physics and mathematics at the University of Erlangen and was awarded a doctorate in 1906.

+ His ideas about nature and physics hinted at scientific concepts developed in modern times.

+ He returned to the Technical University of Stuttgart where he got a diplom of physics in 1961.

+ It relies mostly on the hard sciences like physics and mathematics, and economics.

+ Rainwater, Bohr and Mottelson were jointly awarded the 1975 Nobel Prize in Physics “for the discovery of the connection between collective motion and particle motion in atomic nuclei and the development of the theory of the structure of the atomic nucleus based on this connection”..

+ The same name was chosen for the Institute for Theoretical Physics at the University of Göttingen.

+ It is a very important principle in physics because the particles that make up ordinary matter are fermions.

+ The science behind Electronics comes from the study of physics and gets applied in real-life ways through the field of electrical engineering.

+ González went back home in 1985 and enrolled, studied at the Humacao campus of the University of Puerto Rico to study physics and electronics, earning his Bachelors of Science degree in 1988.

+ A group in the Nobel Institute for Physics in Stockholm also discovered isotopes of this element before the research of the Berkeley scientists was published.

+ His grandparents, Marie CurieMarie and Pierre Curie together with Henri Becquerel won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903 for their study of radioactivity.
+ Regardless of what the M might possibly mean, M-theory has become one of the most interesting and active areas of research in theoretical physics today.

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