“egypt” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “egypt”:

+ Following a plebiscite on 21 February 1958, Egypt and Syria joined together as the “United Arab Republic”.

+ According to historians, autofellatio in Ancient Egypt had religious meaning.

+ Originally she was seen as the protector goddess of Lower Egypt and her image was that of a fierce lion.

+ The region supplied Egypt with resources.

+ Britain provided men and matériel, military term for arms, equipment and supplies while Egypt financed the expedition.

+ Ptolemaic rule was mild: Alexandria became the largest Jewish city in the world, and Ptolemy II Philadelphus of Egypt promoted Jewish culture, sponsoring the Septuagint translation of the Torah.

+ Aswan is a city in the south of Egypt and the capital of the Aswan Governorate.

egypt - example sentences
egypt – example sentences

Example sentences of “egypt”:

+ They had up-and-down relationships with Ancient Egypt to the south, and the AssyriaAssyrian Empire in Mesopotamia.

+ After Egypt is unified, the list shows all First Dynasty and later pharaohs wearing the Pschent.

+ The 5th Division was soon moved from Egypt to France where they were put into the hard fighting of the Western Front.

+ Amonasro plans to invade Egypt to free his daughter.

+ Protest rallies hit the streets of Tottenham, Paris, Germany, Italy, Turkey, Egypt and Malaysia.

+ For several years, Nectanebo II was successful in keeping Egypt safe from the Achaemenid Empire.

+ Although they live in countries like Syria or Egypt which is part of the Arab League and speak the official language-Arabic, they are different cultural groups.

+ For most of its history, Egypt was prosperous, since the water from the Nile made sure that the Egyptians would have good crops.

+ During Hypatia’s time, Egypt was a great place for learning.

+ A few years before, this song was a present given by the Farouk of EgyptFâruq of Egypt to King Abdulaziz when he visited Egypt.

+ They had up-and-down relationships with Ancient Egypt to the south, and the AssyriaAssyrian Empire in Mesopotamia.

+ After Egypt is unified, the list shows all First Dynasty and later pharaohs wearing the Pschent.

+ Between 1986 and 1998, Ulfkotte lived in the Middle East mostly, inlcuding Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Jordan.

+ Like Transjordan, both Syria and Egypt supported creating a single Arab state in Palestine.

+ The civilization of Ancient Egypt rose to a peak with the Old Kingdom.

+ He asked Alexander to send him two new British divisions that were then arriving in Egypt and were scheduled to be deployed in defence of the Nile Delta.

+ There’s this class which seems to be working on a project about Egypt and its history.

+ He was the Pharaoh of Egypt from around 2589 to 2566 B.C.E.

+ Linen cloth was already made at least 6,000 years ago in Egypt and Mesopotamia.

+ It follows Moses’ life from being a prince of Egypt to ultimate destiny about defending the Israelites.

More in-sentence examples of “egypt”:

+ It originates from the spoken Arabic brought to Egypt during the AD 7th-century Muslim conquest of North Africa.

+ Ancient Egypt and Ancient GreeceGreece, the Romans, Medieval kings, and the British Empire dealt with pirates.
+ The war began when Egypt planned to capture Israel, which was seen by the Arab world as an illegitimate state.

+ It originates from the spoken Arabic brought to Egypt during the AD 7th-century Muslim conquest of North Africa.

+ Ancient Egypt and Ancient GreeceGreece, the Romans, Medieval kings, and the British Empire dealt with pirates.

+ The war began when Egypt planned to capture Israel, which was seen by the Arab world as an illegitimate state.

+ She ruled over Egypt until 274, when she was defeated and taken as a hostage to Rome by Emperor Aurelian.

+ Nails date back at least to Ancient Egypt ndash; bronze nails found in Egypt have been dated 3400 BC.

+ Cairo University and the Making of Modern Egypt by Donald Malcolm Reid.

+ It was built on the island of Pharos in Alexandria, Egypt to serve as a lighthouse for sailors.

+ They were captured and occupied by Jordan and by Egypt in the late 1940s.

+ Papyrus is a kind of paper that was used in Ancient Egypt for writing.

+ During the New Kingdom Egypt was richer and more powerful than in all other periods of its history.

+ Again, in early 1941, an Italian army was pushed from Egypt to Libya in Africa.

+ He wore the Pschent or double crown: the white crown of Upper Egypt and the red crown of Lower Egypt.

+ The second find was more recently in 1999 in Middle Egypt by John DarnellJohn and Deborah Darnell.

+ The traditional way of making an icon was used in Egypt in Early Christian times to make portraits of dead people to use for their funerals.

+ It ranges from Egypt in the west to China in the east, and it is common in India.

+ This gentler characteristic, of Bast as goddess of perfumes, following Lower Egypt‘s loss in the wars between Upper and Lower Egypt, meant that in the Middle Kingdom of Egypt she became seen as a domestic cat and not as a lioness.

+ It was cultivated in Egypt before the time of Moses.

+ Just before the Caliph died, Saladin was crowned Sultan of Egypt and Syria.

+ The Yom Kippur War was from October 6 to October 26, 1973 and was between a group of Arab countries led by Syria and Egypt against Israel.

+ The first nation that used Bronze was Egypt about 3500 years B.C.

+ Lower Egypt was the northern Nile and the Nile Delta.

+ It includes the early kings of Lower Egypt and kings of Upper Egypt.

+ The second Hellenistic dynasty, the Ptolemies, ruled Egypt from 305 BC until Egypt became a province of Rome in 30 BC.

+ Perhaps best of all, Syria was desirable as a buffer state between Egypt and the Ottoman Sultan.

+ The last Khedive of Egypt was Abbas II.

+ Ancient Egypt also had its painters and artisans who decorated tombs, buildings, furniture, statues, and other relics with pictures and hieroglyphics.

+ After World War II, Egypt was still ruled by a king, Farouk of Egypt.

+ They include Assyria, ancient Egypt Achaemenid EmpirePersia, France, the Republic of Venice and the Ottoman Empire.

+ The Knights TemplarTemplars argued with Egypt in 1243.

+ On October 6, 1973, Egypt began the October War to allow the Sinai to be a free nation.

+ More organized states could be monarchymonarchies such as early Egypt under the Pharaoh.

+ Scorpion, also King Scorpion or Scorpion II refers to the second of two kings so-named of Upper Egypt during the Protodynastic Period.

+ Another line of pharaohs at Thebes, EgyptThebes was reuniting Upper Egypt and a clash between the two rival dynasties was inevitable.

+ Moses escaped from Egypt and lived away from his people in Midian.

+ However, fava-bean falafel continue to predominate in Egypt and Sudan and their respective expatriate communities, and Egyptians are fond of deriding chickpea falafel as inferior.

+ It began when Upper EgyptUpper and Lower Egypt were joined as a single country, probably by Narmer.

+ Israel began the mounting precautionary troops against their borders with Syria, Egypt and Jordan as their prime reason.

+ Muslim Arabs controlled Egypt by the eighth century.

+ Mubarak became the Vice-President of the Republic of Egypt after moving up the ranks of the Egyptian Air Force.

+ People have found drawings and engravings from ancient Egypt that show hunting dogs with short legs.

+ The list also is believed to contain kings from the 15th Dynasty, the Hyksos who ruled Lower Egypt and the River Nile delta.

+ Aaron spoke for Moses, when he went to tell Pharaoh the King of Egypt everything God wanted Moses to say.

+ When Amenemhat officially moved the capital capital of Egypt to Itjtawy, her cult center moved too.

+ Women in Ancient Egypt removed unwanted hair with a sticky mixture of honey and oil.

+ In Egypt and South America, similar ancient buildings can be found.

+ In Egypt he had seen the Pyramids, while at the temple of AmunAmmon he had been shown the hymn once sent to that shrine by Pindar.

+ Initially covering Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya, the Fatimid caliphs extended their rule for the next 150 years, taking Egypt and Palestine, before the Abbassid dynasty was able to turn the tide, limiting Fatimid rule to Egypt.

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