“the way” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “the way”:

– A sense of community refers to the way people see the connections within the group, shared Social responsibilityresponsibility, and common goals.

– A person may decide to have a skin tag removed if it is irritating them or they do not like the way it looks.

– Psychology is the study of the way we think, feel and act.

– Pope Nicholas II published a papal bull called In Nomine Domini, in 1059, which introduced the conclave as the way to elect his successor.

– St Kitts and Nevis is about one-third of the way from Puerto Rico to Trinidad and Tobago.

– Different languages differ in their rhetorical styles – that is, in the way that they use language to accomplish various purposes.

the way - example sentences
the way – example sentences

Example sentences of “the way”:

- She would stand for no misbehaviour, or for anything which stood in the way of the dance.

- Montgomery considered the initial plans for the Allied invasion, which had been agreed in principle by Eisenhower and Alexander, to be unworkable because of the way troops and effort were separated.

– She would stand for no misbehaviour, or for anything which stood in the way of the dance.

– Montgomery considered the initial plans for the Allied invasion, which had been agreed in principle by Eisenhower and Alexander, to be unworkable because of the way troops and effort were separated.

– The laws which control the way the parliament is set up and its powers are part of the Australian Constitution.

– Yverdon-les-Bains won Wakker Prize in 2009 for the way the city handled and developed the public areas and connected the old city with Lake Neuchâtel.

– Some people believe that Uranium is light green, and glows, due to the way it is depicted in many movies.

– Proper motion is the name for the way the stars seem to slowly move “relative to each other” when seen from Earth.

– It is well known now that the theory of evolution by natural selection best explains the way the living world has come to be as we see it.

– Lord Byron is also famous for the way he lived his life.

– Norwegian culture can be compared to English culture in the way that it is considered a bad thing to show off, as opposed to the US, where this is more acceptable.

– During the mid-to-late 1950s Crick helped sort out the way proteins are synthesized.

– When talking about Nickel Creek’s last tour before the break, Sara Watkins said “A lot of the other stuff will be special in the way that anything is special when you realize that it’s not going to be around forever…

– Some were impressed by the way the book showed a wide view of humanity and the universe.

More in-sentence examples of “the way”:

– The Four Books served as the basis of civil service examinations all the way down to 1905.Chan 1963: 589.

– The biological explanation is based on how the brain works and how genes change the way it works.

– A character in a 1970 movie, “Beyond the Valley of the Dolls”, was based on the way many people saw Spector.

– Mario must follow Bowser all the way out into outer space, find power stars and Grand Stars, defeat him, and rescue Peach with help of Lumas, launch stars, natives of different kinds of galaxies, and the Toad Brigade, a group of Toads.

– Dementia is a group of diseases with symptoms, which affect the way people think and interact with each other.

– Although it used to go all the way to Atlantic Canada, it does not do so anymore.

– They predict future performance, such as school achievement, similarly to the way they predict future performance for European descent.

– On September 17, 2009, Keenan confirmed that new material from A Perfect Circle was on the way during a live radio interview with BJ Shea on Seattle rock station KISW.

– These are very popular today, especially the second one, “Vltava”, which describes the river Vltava flowing from its source all the way to the sea.

– Some examples of those who are seen as class traitors are: soldiers, police officers, strikebreakers, and those who help keep things the way things are right now, instead of working for change.

– Another feature to point out about the house itself is the way the foundation is constructed.

– Most of the monarchs that are west of the Rocky Mountains do not travel all the way down to Mexico.

– If someone donates money to a nonprofit, the nonprofit must use the money the way it promises to use it.

– These activities had a big effect on the way people in Britain and elsewhere thought about the world.

– It can mean the way things are bought or sold.

– There are hundreds of unusual, or unexpected quirks or glitches in the way things sort-of-do, sort-of-don’t work.

– With the Taika Reforms, Kôtoku changed the way court officers wore clothes in 647.

– Cutting one third of the way in from the edge produces two Möbius strips, looped together.

– They both quickly smashed into the rocks of the cliff on the way down.

– The plot is about the way he tries to balance his time between his son and his exams.

– These powers were common among the pagan god kings in pantheons ranging from the Finnish Ukko, to the Scandinavian/Germanic/Saxon Odin, all the way east to Zeus of the Greeks and Jupiter of the Romans.

– In the last 70 years two ideas have dominated the way professional biologists think about species.

– Business cards are now used the way visiting cards used to be used.

– I think the way to implement such setting changes needs to be made more transparent.

– The Directors ignored elections that did not go the way they wanted.

– In 2010 he released the album “Harlem River Blues”, followed by the album “Nothing’s Gonna Change the Way You Feel About Me Now” in 2012.

– Switches keep traffic between two devices from getting in the way of your other devices on the same network.

– I am totally clueless on this subject by the way so I would need quite a bit of instruction.

– Even when Sardar Hari Singh Dhillon, the Sikh Bhangi Misl Maharaja of Amritsar, Tarn Taran Sahib and Lahore, found out about Ahmed Shah Abdali being in the Patiala Kingdom, he marched with a big army of dashing looking Sikh soldiers from the Majha, where the holy city of Amritsar is located, on Patiala Kingdom to chase the Ahmed Shah away, but on the way he was killed, by someone.

– In Li one must be aware of the way one should act and function within a society.

– The Federal Constitutional Court, the “Bundesverfassungsgericht”, can check that the way other courts look at the law to make sure they do not forget these basic rights.

– Even small changes to the way physics works would make life impossible.

– Whether a word is a profanity will always depend on the way people think.

– The vein appears blue because of the scattering of light through the skin and the way the eye perceives color and light.

– This rule was a big part of the story and it was also the way that Richard ends up killing Darken Rahl at the end of the book.

– Her interpretation influenced the way others danced Odette in Tchaikovsky’s “Swan Lake”.

– But he does not always do his job in the way the Department would like.

– Lewis who worked on the way genes control the development of embryos, and by Phillip Sharp Richard Roberts who discovered of introns and RNA splicing.

– He did not like the way art was taught, and joined the painter Charles Gleyre in his studio.

– It is the way the plant protects itself.

– He was a brilliant student, but he often disagreed with the way the professors were teaching.

– The post-impressionist painters lived in France and knew each other, but they did not work together as a group, in the way that some of the impressionists did.

– This may be because the way the church is organised changed over time.

– Current events, modern economic history, modern social history and modern intellectual history take very different views of the way history has affected the way that we think today.

– The physical structure “works” in a certain way; this is its function, the way its body works.

– In 1831 he walked all the way from the north of Italy to Rome and back.

– Whittaker’s collection at Kew Gardens is from his trip to Australia and from ports where he stayed shortly during the way home.

– It changes the way the software expands the template.

– Sometimes emdashes do not work the way we would like them to in sortable tables.

- The Four Books served as the basis of civil service examinations all the way down to 1905.Chan 1963: 589.

- The biological explanation is based on how the brain works and how genes change the way it works.

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