Use the word “rook”

How to use in-sentence of “rook”:

+ In return for his pawn, Black gets open lines for his bishops and his rook on a8.

+ It also makes it easier to get the rook into the game.

+ Castling is a special move in chess that uses both a rook and the king.

+ Castling is only allowed when the king nor the castling rook has moved already, when no squares between them are occupied, when the king is not in check, and when the king will not move across or end its movement on a square that puts the king in check.

+ This is when the king moves two squares toward one of its rooks and then the rook is placed on the other side of the king.

+ When a knight moves, first it goes two squares in one of the four ways a rook can move.

Use the word rook
Use the word rook

Example sentences of “rook”:

+ This is when a king moves two spaces towards a rook, and the rook moves to the square on the other side of the king.

+ It is also the only piece that can be in position to attack a king, queen, bishop, or rook without also being attacked by that piece.
+ The white pawn at e4 can capture either the black rook at d5 or the black knight at f5, but not the bishop at e5, which blocks its straight way forward.

+ This is when a king moves two spaces towards a rook, and the rook moves to the square on the other side of the king.

+ It is also the only piece that can be in position to attack a king, queen, bishop, or rook without also being attacked by that piece.

+ The white pawn at e4 can capture either the black rook at d5 or the black knight at f5, but not the bishop at e5, which blocks its straight way forward.

+ Castling consists of moving the king two squares on its first rank toward either one of the first rooks, then moving the rook onto the square over which the king crossed.

+ Rook – A rook can move any number of squares: left or right on the ranks, and up down on the files.

+ He was exceptionally talented in the endgame, particularly in rook endings, where he broke new ground.

+ The rook and king king also take part in a special move called castling.

+ In the diagram to the left, the white pawn can capture either the black rook or the black knight.

+ In the 1960s Niko collaborated on a series of wildlife movies, including “The Riddle of the Rook which won the Italia prize in that year and the American blue ribbon in 1971.

+ Both young Ben and teen Ben need to work together with his new partner Rook to solve the crime, fix the past and present, and defeat the evil intentions of Malware on destroying the world.

+ Black does have compensation, with the open g-file for the rook and unusually active play for the Caro-Kann.

+ In castling, the king is moved two squares toward the rook, and the rook moves past the king to the square right next to where the king has moved.

+ In the endgames king, rook and pawn versus king and rook.

+ Silman ranks him as one of the five best endgame players of all time, and a master of rook endgames.

+ The rook is a member of the Crow family.

+ The queen moves like a bishop and rook both.

+ Young Ben and Rook enter into a fight with the villain Malware who absorbs Rook‘s Prototool to get new, much stronger, abilities which leads to a terrible alternative future timeline.

+ A rook is worth 5 points.

+ For instance, the exchange of a rook for a minor piece, or the exchange of a queen for a rook.

+ The decisive match against Vladimir Malakhov went into armageddon, a version of blitz chess where Malakhov blundered a rook in a winning position.

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