“functional” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “functional”:

– The term is especially often used for funerary urns, vessels used in burials, either to hold the cremated ashes or as grave goods, but is used in many other contexts; in catering large vessels for serving tea or coffee are often called “tea-urns”, even when they are metal cylinders of purely functional design.

– The significance and future of functional analysis methodologies.

– A functional analysis of the skull of “Goronyosaurus nigeriensis” and its bearing on the predatory behavior and evolution of the enigmatic taxon.

– It shows the required functional equipment and instrumentation to make the process work.

– Since the early 21st century in the United States and other countries, and the global functional food industry, there has been a fast-growing recognition of red grapes for their popularity, nutrient content and antioxidant qualities.

– In the context of functional programming, the term “speculative evaluation” is used instead.

– Sociological research has demonstrated that countries with lower levels of functional illiteracy among their adult populations tend to be those with the highest levels of scientific literacy among the lower stratum of young people nearing the end of their formal academic studies.

functional use in-sentences
functional use in-sentences

Example sentences of “functional”:

– The disadvantage of Grignard reagents is that they readily react with protic solvents, or with functional groups with acidic protons, such as alcohols and amines.

– It is called tyrosyl when referred to as a functional group or side chain.

– The Finance, is a functional constituency functional constituency in the elections for the Legislative Council of Hong Kong first created in 1998.

– A functional analysis is done to find the reason for problem behavior.

– We call these groups of atoms functional groups, functionalities, or moieties.

– Note that the functional form of did not depend on the particular point chosen.

– Biophysical chemists study protein structure and the functional structure of cell membranes.

- The disadvantage of Grignard reagents is that they readily react with protic solvents, or with functional groups with acidic protons, such as alcohols and amines.

- It is called tyrosyl when referred to as a functional group or side chain.
- The Finance, is a functional constituency functional constituency in the elections for the Legislative Council of Hong Kong first created in 1998.

– This flexibility is a basal Trait trait; its functional significance in this genus is unknown.

– The term “newt” has traditionally been used as a functional term for salamanders living in water, and not a systematic unit.

– In some functional languages, like Standard ML, Scheme, or Scala, side effects are not restricted, but programmers still try to use them less.

– It has been the functional constituency with most registered voters since 1998.

– The civic centre was a functional building, offices of the council only, without the art gallery or hall for cultural activities which were a feature of many of the older town halls.

More in-sentence examples of “functional”:

- The evolution of bipedality and loss of functional body hair in hominids.

- The first section, the Zarya Functional Cargo Block, was put in orbit in November 1998 on a Russian Proton rocket.
- In this case the functional product formed is a little different or is intermediate between the product produced by to the dominant allele and the recessive allele.

– The evolution of bipedality and loss of functional body hair in hominids.

– The first section, the Zarya Functional Cargo Block, was put in orbit in November 1998 on a Russian Proton rocket.

– In this case the functional product formed is a little different or is intermediate between the product produced by to the dominant allele and the recessive allele.

– This collagen scar tissue alignment is usually of inferior functional quality to the normal collagen randomised alignment.

– When properly performed, strength training can provide significant functional benefits and improvement in overall health and well-being, including increased bone, muscle, tendon and ligament strength, improved joint function, reduced potential for injury, increased bone density, a temporary increase in metabolism, improved cardiac function.

– Even though the rumen and reticulum have different names, they are the same functional space, as the digesta can move back and forth between them.

– Miranda is a functional programming language from the 1980s.

– Some non-coding DNA is Transcription transcribed into functional non-coding RNA molecules.

– Interior designers are people skilled at using the elements of design and organizing interior spaces in functional and aesthetic ways.

– To replace or not to replace: the significance of reduced functional tooth replacement in marsupial and placental mammals.

– If the functionalities stay the same, but their locations change, the structural isomers are not functional isomers.

– A Literacy at Work study, published by the Northeast Institute in 2001, found that business losses attributed to basic skill deficiencies run into billions of dollars a year due to low productivity, errors, and accidents attributed to functional illiteracy.

– Normal genetically functional DNA might be seen as “replicating entities” that effect their replication by manipulating the cell that they control.

– Exoskeletons contain rigid and resistant components that fulfil a set of functional roles including protection, excretion, sensing, support, feeding and acting as a barrier against desiccation.

– The hind feet had four functional toes, the first digit being much reduced in size but possessing a roughened pad similar to that of possums.

– It is the earliest known fully terrestrial animal, although the structure of the ear shows that its hearing was still much more functional underwater than on land.

– Scheme is often used as a teaching tool; to teach computer science students functional programming.

– In addition, he published an influential book with Lynn Nadel, proposing the functional role of the hippocampus as a cognitive map for spatial memory function.

– The data link layer provides the functional and procedural means to transfer data between network entities and to detect and possibly correct errors that may occur in the physical layer.

– Modern historians and researches do not consider Kayasthas as a uniform caste but a functional group.

– In functional programming, programmers try to avoid side effects when they can, so it is easier to prove that a program will always do what it is supposed to.

– During the design process, we must balance the functions and visual effects to create a stable, adaptable, and functional system for users.

– He worked in functional equations and information theory.

– As many of you will know, early last year we finished importing all of the functional subtemplates of :en:Template:Convert.

– The replication of functional units was only made possible when the integrated circuit area of a single-issue processor no longer stretched the limits of what could be reliably manufactured.

– One time where this is true is functional languages.

– Making microtubules and mitotic spindles in cells without functional centrosomes.

– This is very useful, because it is easy to change an alcohol into many other functional groups.

– Various youth organizations, such as the Russian scouts in exile became functional in raising children with a background in pre-Soviet Russian culture and heritage.

– This means the CPU executes more than one instruction during a clock cycle by running multiple instructions at the same time on duplicate functional units.

– It was not seen as a tool to teach functional programming.

– Each functional unit is just an Execution unitexecution resource inside the CPU core, like an multiplier.

– When functional proteins have been isolated, it is necessary that their genes are too, therefore a genotype-phenotype link is required.

– Riemann’s functional equation tells us about the size of the real parts.

– The carbonyl is a very important functional group, because chemists can do many reactions with it.

– Pyruvic acid is the simplest of the keto pHacids, with a carboxylic acid and a ketone functional group.

– Polyester is a type of polymer that has the ester functional group in its main chain.

– For use as cameras, smartphones are usually not as functional as dedicated cameras, although some phones such as the LG V10 have a wide range of sophisticated camera software functionality, such as the independent setting of bitrate, framerate and resolution, with all manual capture controls being independent from each other.

– The functional neuroanatomy of social behaviour.

– Construction of biologically functional bacterial plasmids in vitro.

– The difficulty of this problem arises from the functional fixedness of the candle box.

– Dimethyl ether and ethanol would have dissimilar infrared spectra in the functional group region.

– It is also a common name for the epoxide functional group, and a common name for a type of strong adhesive used for sticking things together.

– In the same way that Charles DarwinDarwin thought of two species as having a shared common ancestry followed by millions of years of evolutionary divergence, a pseudogene and its associated functional gene also share a common ancestor and have diverged as separate genetic entities over millions of years.

– Designed in a revolutionary form, inspired by the clothes of ancient Greece, the long dress was both simple and wide, artistic and functional; the hems were adorned with colored Venetian glass beads, with a decorative but also functional function.

– Because of functional illiteracy, these people also have a lot of trouble using modern communication technologies, such as a personal computer or a mobile phone.

– He won the award “for their discoveries concerning the structural and functional organization of the cell”.

– Deep learning models are inspired by information processing and communication patterns in biological Nervous systemnervous systems; they are different from the structural and functional properties of biological brains in many ways, which make them incompatible with neuroscience evidences.

– Shortly after release, it was discovered that disabling Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connections through the Control Center does not disable the respective chips in the device in order to remain functional for background connectivity, a design decision sparking criticism for “misleading” users and reducing security due to potential vulnerabilities in inactive open connections.

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