“labour” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “labour”:

– The National Party, promoting a policy of “change”, won 45% of the party vote and 59 of the 122 seats in Parliament, a big margin over the Labour Party which won 43 seats.

– The story centres itself around people who drown when fleeing over the Mediterranean Sea and people who are taken advantage of as slave labour in Europe.

– He was General Secretary of the Labour Party.

– Before the creation of the Russian Communist Party in 1918, its members were part of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party.

– Child labour in India is when Indian children work for money, on a part or full-time basis….

– Most took up menial jobs and were a convinient source of low cost labour to Europe.

– After the 2017 election, a poll put Labour on 45% with the Conservatives on 39%, the first poll to show Labour ahead with Corbyn as leader.

– In 1929, the Conservative Party Conservatives lost the general election, and Labour prime minister.

labour - example sentences
labour – example sentences

Example sentences of “labour”:

– The city’s population of 6,000 included a labour force of 2,500, cultivated 3,000 acres of land.

– He was promoted to the shadow cabinet in 1987 and became the Home Secretary when Labour returned to power in 1997.

– In November 2003, however, rumours emerged that the Labour Party would allow Livingstone to rejoin, just ahead of the 2004 London mayoral election.

– The paper supported Tony Blair when he wanted to lead the Labour Party “Guardian” leader, 2 July 1994 and to become Prime Minister.

– David Lindon Lammy is a British Labour Party politician.

– In 1981, Owen was one of the “Gang of Four” who left the Labour Party to found the Social Democratic Party.

– He was deputy leader of the Labour Party from 1976–1980 and Leader of the Opposition from 1980–1983.

– Many gulags were also opened to house the increasing forced labour population.

– Thatcher’s supporters claim this is the result of her reform of the labour market.

– When the results were announced, the Labour Party led by Mark Rutte, also lost seats, but not as many.

– Golda Meir became Prime Minister of Israel on March 17 1969 after serving as Minister of Labour and Foreign Minister.

– He was named after his step great-uncle, Ifor Davies, also a Welsh Labour politician.

– To ensure the right of decent work for all kind of domestic workers including migrant workers, International Labour Organization has made Convention No.

– It provided labour for the SS-JunkerschulenSS-Junkerschule and the Zentralbauleitung.

– On 24 March 2009, Letford resigned from the Labour Group on Dundee City Council.

– The post of Leader of the Labour Party was officially created in 1922.

– He was re-elected MP in the general election of 1992, with a 6% swing to Labour in his Brent East constituency.

– On 4 April 2020, Sir Keir Starmer replaced Corbyn as Opposition Leader and Labour Party Leader.

– Rennie lost this seat to Labour in the May 2010 UK general election.

– The house functioned as one of the resorts for the then-incipient labour movement of Copenhagen.

- The city's population of 6,000 included a labour force of 2,500, cultivated 3,000 acres of land.

- He was promoted to the shadow cabinet in 1987 and became the Home Secretary when Labour returned to power in 1997.

More in-sentence examples of “labour”:

– He was a founding member of the Social Democratic and Labour Party.

– Marit Nybakk is a Norwegian Labour Party politician.

– At the London School of Economics, he obtained a Master’s degree in Economics, and then became an advisor to Labour politicians such as Harriet Harman and Gordon Brown.

– He was Leader of the Labour Party from 1994 to 2007 and Member of Parliament for Sedgefield from 1983 to 2007.

– He is a member of the Labour Party.

– He served as Deputy Leader of the Labour Party from 1956 to 1959 and was Shadow Foreign Secretary from 1959 until his death in 1960.

– The Democratic Labour Party was a split form the Democratic domain of the Barbados Labour Party In 1955.

– However she was in labour with Apollo for nine days and nine nights.

– In the 1970s, Cable was active in the Labour Party Labour Party and became a Glasgow councillor.

– See :Category:Co-operative Party politicians UK Co-operative Party politicians and List of Labour Co-operative Members of Parliament for wider lists.

– Some people think that the minimum will hurt employees because companies only hire employees whose Labour labor is worth the price they are required to pay.

– Tony Blair went on to become the first Labour Prime Minister to serve a second full term in as Prime Minister.

– He was a member of the Welsh Conservative Party, and of the Welsh Labour Party, and Plaid Cymru.

– Going into the election, the Scottish Labour Party had the largest number of seats and had a coalition agreement with the Scottish Liberal Democrats with Jack McConnell as First Minister.

– When Labour won the United Kingdom general election, 19641964 election Healey was given the job of Secretary of State for Defence.

– He also served as Labour Party Labour Party Brent East between 1987 and 2001.

– From 2005 to 2013 he was Auditor General of Norway, after representing the Norwegian Labour PartyLabour Party in the Storting for 20 years, of which the final 4 years as President of the Storting.

– The book talks about Corbyn’s life and career and future as Labour leader.

– He is said to be re-joining the Labour campaign team for the 2010 election.

– He was elected Mayor of London as an Independent candidate after the Labour Party decided not to nominate him as their candidate in the first mayoral elections.

– The “Borkum” and “Helgoland” camps were called “volunteer” labour camps Christian Streit: Keine Kameraden: Die Wehrmacht und die Sowjetischen Kriegsgefangenen, 1941-1945, Bonn: Dietz 3.

– Before the election, the Leader of the Labour Party Gordon Brown was the Prime Minister.

– He was honored with the Order of the Badge of Honour, the Order of Friendship of Peoples, the Order of the Red Banner of Labour, and the Medal “For Labour Valour”.

– She was Ministry of Labour and Social Policy Minister of Labour and Social Policy from 2007 to 2011 during the Donald Tusk cabinet.

– Leader of the Labour Party Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn quit after the loss saying he “would not lead Labour at the next election”.

– In September 2010, he defeated his brother David Miliband by a small number of votes to become leader of the Labour Party.

– Matthew Toby Perkins Labour politician who has served as Chesterfield since 2010.

– On 12 September 2015, he was elected Leader of the Labour Party, with a majority vote of 59.5% in the first round of the ballot.

– All three are members of the Labour Party.

– At the 1997 General Election, Portillo lost his seat in the House of Commons to the Labour Party.

– The Labour Party lost 60 seats, giving them their lowest number of seats since 1935.

– Stuart was elected as First Vice- President of the Democratic Labour Party and Deputy Leader of the Opposition under Opposition Leader, David Thompson in 1995.

– His time as prime minister was one of more open government but the electorate was dissatisfied with his relaxed response to high inflation and more Labor unrestindustrial unrest, and replaced Labour with a Conservative government under Margaret Thatcher.

– Marland became a Member of Parliament for the marginal seat of West Gloucestershire from Labour in 1979.

– She was a member of the Labour Party and trade union leader.

– I am standing to give Labour Party members a voice in this debate”.

– The Stanley Cup was not awarded in 2005: there was no NHL season because of a labour disagreement.

– On 13 December 2014 he became the leader of the Scottish Labour Party.

– O’Halloran left the SDP to stand as an independent Labour candidate in the 1983 general election.

– He supported Hugh Gaitskell, the leader of the Labour Party.

– Khan was chosen to be the Labour Party candidate in the London mayoral election, 20162016 London mayoral election.

– The 2004–05 NHL lockoutloss of the 2004–05 season made the NHL the first labour issue.

– On September 12, 2015, at a special conference held in the Queen Elizabeth Conference Centre, Corbyn was announced to have been elected Leader of the Labour Party.

– By 1983 only eight Labour Co-op MPs were elected.

– Livingstone joined the Labour Party in 1968 at a time when party membership was falling and few new young members were joining, and rose rapidly in the local party.

- He was a founding member of the Social Democratic and Labour Party.

- Marit Nybakk is a Norwegian Labour Party politician.

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