“pond” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “pond”:

+ Egg and tadpole development is very fast in comparison to those of most other frogs, so breeding can be completed before the pond dries up.

+ They conceptionconceive Melody Pond inside the TARDIS while it is travelling through time.

+ The Yellow pond turtle is a medium-sized turtle which can grow up to 19.5cm long.

+ The water of Gaet’ale Pond has a salinity of 43%, making it the saltiest body of water on Earth.

+ Claire Joyes; Claude Monet, “Claude Monet : life at Giverny “passim” In his garden, by diverting a branch of the Epte, he established a water garden with its famous water-lily pond and a Japanese-style bridge.

pond how to use in sentences
pond how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “pond”:

+ It also stars Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill as his Companion companions, newlyweds Amy Pond and Rory Williams.

+ The pond there was also renamed Loch Sheldrake Lake.
+ After inspection of the pond the mandarin's inspectors declare that the tadpoles are the true offspring of Catfish.

+ It also stars Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill as his Companion companions, newlyweds Amy Pond and Rory Williams.

+ The pond there was also renamed Loch Sheldrake Lake.

+ After inspection of the pond the mandarin’s inspectors declare that the tadpoles are the true offspring of Catfish.

+ In a pond water has gravitational potential energy because of how high it is above sea level.

+ Since they tend to breed in semipermanent wetlands, baby tiger salamanders often experience mass deaths in association with pond drying.

+ There is an ornamental pond with aquatic plants and fish.

+ Believers of these faiths are compared to small fish in a pond which will be captured by a fine net no matter how much they want to escape, while those who see reality as it is are beyond the net of samsara.

+ Gaet’ale pond is a small hypersaline lake found near the Dallol crater in the Danakil Depression.

+ They hatch from small eggs laid in a pond or lake by their mother.

+ Rory Williams has been a close friend of Amelia “Amy” Pond since they were children.

+ Rory is often also called Rory Pond by the Doctor.

More in-sentence examples of “pond”:

+ The female chooses a leaf above a pond or large puddle on which to lay her clutch of eggs.

+ Gaet’ale pond is the largest of a series of small Pondponds found approximately 4 kilometres southeast of Dallol springs.

+ When the blood-red moon appears again, he walks into the pond to try to wash the blood of his body, but he drowns.

+ Tadpoles are pond type larvae with large dorsal fins on the tail.

+ This branch line was made longer to reach Pond Creek, Oklahoma in 1888, and connected Caldwell, Renfrow, Medford, Jefferson.

+ However, the water in the pond was too low.

+ At an outdoor concert at The Tigers’ Nara Ayame Pond in November 1967, a fan fell and was seriously injured.

+ This type of pond is called a vernal pond, or ephemeral, seasonal, or temporary wetlands.

+ After the Doctor removes himself from all of history to close the cracks in the universe, River helps Amy Pond to remember the Doctor.

+ Arimalam Theppam is famous and it is very rarely conducted because of lack of water in the pond which is situated near Pokkadan.

+ Together a man, also a Hindu, and the boy went back to the pond where the apparition had occurred.

+ The Izhevsk Pond is one of the most famous recreational places.

+ Known for his roles as Eddie in “Early Doors”; Howard in “Northern Lights”; and Martin Pond in “Barbara”.

+ Baslerweiher is a pond above the village.

+ Some people have an outdoor pool or a pond in their backyard.

+ The Purbeck Marble of the Jurassic period and the Sussex Marble of the early Cretaceous, which both occur in southern England, are limestones containing the tightly packed remains of the pond snail “Viviparus”.

+ Suggestions as to how it arose include animals getting stuck in a bog, to becoming trapped in deep mud, to falling victim to drought-induced mortality around a waterhole, to getting trapped in a spring-fed pond or seep.

+ The tumbrel would be pushed into the ducking pond and the shafts would be released.

+ Clean water on the top of the “secondary” tank or pond can then flow to a river or the sea but it may also need further treatment to make it cleaner.

+ The salts in the water of Gaet’ale Pond are mainly made up of calcium chloride.

+ It happened on April 2, 2000 at the Honda CenterArrowhead Pond arena in Anaheim, California.

+ A pond community can have frogs, insects, snakes, and plants, and a forest community may have rabbits, foxes and pine trees.

+ They can be found on streambanks, pond edges, roadsides, and in open woods.

+ An ancient pond constructed inside the Kangla.

+ The female chooses a leaf above a pond or large puddle on which to lay her clutch of eggs.

+ Gaet'ale pond is the largest of a series of small Pondponds found approximately 4 kilometres southeast of Dallol springs.
+ When the blood-red moon appears again, he walks into the pond to try to wash the blood of his body, but he drowns.

+ On learning that it was the Virgin Mary and the infant Jesus who appeared to the boy, the residents of the local Roman Catholic community became ecstatic and renamed the pond ‘.

+ Part of the pond still exists near the youth hostel.The Britishers probably could not get the name correctly in their revenue records, and over the years it changed from “Patan Da Talab” to Patnitop.

+ Hammond Pond Reservation, an extensive forest preserve and protected wetlands, goes through Chestnut Hill and Newton.

+ MacNeil was from the community of Big Pond, Nova ScotiaBig Pond on Nova Scotia’s Cape Breton Island.

+ Daughter of Amy Pond known as “The Child of the.

+ Mytäjäinen is a small pond in Lahti, Finland.

+ A salt plain is formed where a lake or pond would otherwise be found.

+ The book is about his stay in the woods by a pond in 1845 for two years, two months, two weeks, and two days.

+ Stan, Kyle and Wendy Testaburger meet at Stark’s Pond and Wendy suggests that they use the device in Cartman’s rear-end to contact the aliens, the boys tie Cartman to a tree and a big satellite dish emerges from Cartman’s rear-end.

+ It runs across the surface of a pond or pool, without sinking.

+ By the mid-1910s, Monet had achieved a completely new, fluid, and somewhat audacious style of painting in which the water-lily pond became the point of departure for an almost abstract art.

+ Rožmberk Pond is the largest one.

+ In an online poll, with 3,000 people, taken in late 2010, Amy Pond was listed as the fifth most popular companion.

+ If there is a swimming pool or pond at a house, sometimes teenagers are happy to swim nude with their teenaged friends or with their brothers or sisters.

+ The pond is now known as “Shaheed Sagar” and there is a memorial beside the pond.

+ The pond was created in the 1760s for the industry.

+ Wertheim JO, Chu DK, Peiris JS, Kosakovsky Pond SL, Poon LL 2013.

+ Standing water, as in a pond or lake, is the main breeding ground.

+ She is best known for playing the part of Amy Pond in the United KingdomBritish series, “Doctor Who”.

+ Before long, other writers from across the pond such as Neil Gaiman, Peter Milligan and Grant Morrison were recruited to revamp obscure properties and tell new and interesting stories with an older audience in mind.

+ Carshalton Park has a pond with lots of ducks that you can feed them bread and it’s  also by a road.

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