“overcome” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “overcome”:

+ Also in 1453, Henry VI was for the first time overcome with mental illness and could not run the country.

+ Watson and Francis Crick knew that there was need for an enzyme to overcome this problem.

+ Diddy somersaulted into the fray with his signature cartwheel attack, but he was quickly overcome by the weight of many scaly assailants.

+ Synchrotrons overcome these limits, using a narrow beam pipe which can be surrounded by much smaller and more tightly focusing magnets.

+ Matrix analysis is trying to overcome problems caused by non-commutativity.

overcome - sentence examples
overcome – sentence examples

Example sentences of “overcome”:

+ Jedi were sent to help the clone armies overcome their enemies.

+ They keep the brain in a sedated state and hence help people overcome anxiety-related problems, they are also used to treat the people suffering from panic disorders.

+ Historically, the non-aligned countries have shown their ability to overcome their differences and found a common ground for action that leads to mutual cooperation and the upholding of their shared values.

+ One day, a phrenologist visiting the Barton household told Barton’s parents to teach in a school so she could overcome her extreme shyness.

+ Verdi managed to overcome his unhappiness in 1842 when he produced his opera “Nabucco”.

+ The film shows what the young couple have to overcome to be together and how their actions affect the rest of the town.

+ Xena has killed thousands of people and, overcome with guilt, is returning home, perhaps to give up her own life.

+ Jedi were sent to help the clone armies overcome their enemies.

+ They keep the brain in a sedated state and hence help people overcome anxiety-related problems, they are also used to treat the people suffering from panic disorders.
+ Historically, the non-aligned countries have shown their ability to overcome their differences and found a common ground for action that leads to mutual cooperation and the upholding of their shared values.

+ Freire advocates that education allows the oppressed to regain their humanity and overcome their condition; however, he acknowledges that in order for this to take effect, the oppressed have to play a role in their own liberation.

+ Kemper is widely known for his high intelligence and giant stature, standing 6 foot 9 inches tall and having an IQ of 145, features that left his victims with little chance to overcome him.

+ In contrast with the helium nuclei which are positively charged, and therefore repelled by the strong electrical forces in the nuclei of heavy atoms, this new tool in atomic disintegration need not overcome any electric barrier and is capable of penetrating and splitting the nuclei of even the heaviest elements.

+ In the beginning, revenge and family politics are at play, but when one of them gets falsely accused of committing murder, the “siblings” finally overcome differences and band together.

+ Matt Hooper, a marine biologymarine biologist, and Quint, the local shark hunter, help Brody to overcome his fears of the water and stop the great white shark attacks.

More in-sentence examples of “overcome”:

+ Hepworth et al., 2002 They also perform health care administrative and service roles such as Program planning, day-to-day operations, service monitoring media liaison, budgeting policy development, programs management for health promotion and disease prevention and advocate to overcome or make availability accessibility of certain healthcare services.

+ On December 18 the same year, he scored his first goal for the club during the ‘Premier League’ match against ‘Arsenal.’ He missed out playing in the 2017 ‘FIFA Confederations Cup,’ as he had to undergo a corrective surgery to overcome his chronic nasal congestion problem.

+ Hepworth et al., 2002 They also perform health care administrative and service roles such as Program planning, day-to-day operations, service monitoring media liaison, budgeting policy development, programs management for health promotion and disease prevention and advocate to overcome or make availability accessibility of certain healthcare services.

+ On December 18 the same year, he scored his first goal for the club during the ‘Premier League’ match against ‘Arsenal.’ He missed out playing in the 2017 ‘FIFA Confederations Cup,’ as he had to undergo a corrective surgery to overcome his chronic nasal congestion problem.

+ The film described the main characters from the stories of “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” and “Peter Pan” as siblings and they were seen to try help their parents overcome the grief of death of their son.

+ The primary objective of detoxification is to help the addict overcome a state of physical dependence on heroin by allowing time for the heroin and related toxins to exit the body.

+ The song is about how Eminem tried to overcome the troubles in his life from the past few years and mainly his drug addiction and rehabilitation.

+ Colin Firth plays George VI of the United KingdomKing George VI who, to overcome his stammer, sees Lionel Logue.

+ Its initial lack of appreciation was overcome by inviting Schoenberg to come to England and conduct it himself in 1914.

+ But once this force is overcome and the nuclei are pushed close enough together, another much more powerful force will take over: the strong nuclear force.

+ In ballistics, the ballistic coefficient of a bullet is a measure of its ability to overcome air resistance in flight.

+ One of the reasons IPv6 was created is to overcome this limitation of the IPv4 standard.

+ They make an agreement: Oz needs to find the memory of Alice, and Alice needs to protect him and help him overcome the prison.

+ Coluna died on 25 February 2014 at the age of 78 in Maputo, after not being able to overcome a pulmonary infection.

+ He was overcome by the waves himself.

+ When he came to his senses, he was overcome with grief.

+ So to overcome this situation Turbocharger was introduced in which drive is given through the pressure of exhaust gases.turbocharger is not used in ic engines.

+ They also became the first playoff team to overcome a 3-1 deficit and blow a 3-1 lead in the same playoff year.

+ Governor Cárdenas had to overcome many challenges caused by the world recession in 1929.

+ It sounds as if Beethoven has overcome his depression.

+ The new art teacher figures out that he is dyslexic and helps him to overcome his disability.

+ Drivers use vehicles anywhere from stock to highly modified to overcome obstacles.

+ Cearbhall Ó Dálaigh was the most politically naïve president, but the Government he worked with was notable for its own inability to offer him the help to overcome the problem.

+ It occurs when the particles of a solid absorb enough energy to completely overcome the force of attraction between them.

+ The process is sometimes used by writers to overcome writer’s block, apathy, and self-criticism.

+ The story follows these two main characters as they fall in love and try to overcome their personal and family problems.

+ It can be overcome through data correction or through careful sample preparation.

+ Kevin tries to help Violet overcome her stage fright.

+ As it hit them, they fled in fear and some were overcome with the poisonous gas.

+ She also talks about how communities that love are able to overcome these problems.

+ Nightingales sing even more loudly in urban or near-urban environments, in order to overcome the background noise.

+ For the second time, Henry was captured after he was overcome with mental illness.

+ They overcome moving prey by wrapping into one or two coils pressing its prey to hold it so that it can swallow it alive.

+ It was an especially difficult barrier for Union troops to overcome in their attempts to thrust into southern Virginia.

+ Later, he became more open and stated in interviews that in the 60s and 70s he had suffered from serious addictions which affected his career, and he credited his family, and a period of spiritual study while undergoing rehabilitation sessions, for helping him to overcome his drug and alcohol problems by the early 80s.

+ The audience applauds what they think is a good drama, but backstage, Satine is overcome by her illness and dies in Christian’s arms.

+ The beach defences were overcome and the counterattacks were not strong enough.

+ This can be overcome by using pins and input meant for the second joystick i.e.

+ He can teach parents how to raise children, adults how to avoid problems and overcome any challenge in life, and in general he can make people feel close to God.

+ A good way to help children overcome homesickness is to start with being away from home just for short periods, staying with people they know well.

+ The next year, after leaving Iowa City, Cheever went to a treatment center to try to overcome his alcoholism, but Carver continued drinking for three years.

+ Hamilton was clearly excited and overcome with emotion.

+ However, many Cryptanalysiscryptanalysts believe that if implementations considered to overcome the XSL attack, the XSL attack would be more difficult than a brute force attack.

+ The Buddha focused much of his teaching on how to overcome suffering.

+ In Islam this is thought to demonstrate the injustice of human systems of dealing out death, and the ability of the best people to overcome it and even forgive it.

+ Christian is overcome with jealousy while Satine has dinner with the Duke, who offers her everything she has dreamt of.

+ This helped overcome the “dust bowl” of that period.

+ The regulatory issues were overcome in January 2013.

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