“knife” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “knife”:

+ They may perform magic which may include swordswallowing, knife throwing or fireeating.

+ The kukri or khukuri is a knife which is mostly used by Nepali languageNepali speaking Gurkhas of India and Nepal.

+ One co-conspirator did attack Secretary of State Seward with a knife the night of the 14th, but Seward survived the attack.

+ A blade is the flat, sharp part of a tool or weapon used to cut or stab, such as a knife or sword.

+ KA-BAR is the trademark and namesake of a related knife manufacturing company, KA-BAR Knives., Inc.

+ While Kullervo cuts the bread his knife hits the stone and breaks.

knife use in-sentences
knife use in-sentences

Example sentences of “knife”:

+ The upper part of the knife was made of leather, as a sort of a glove, designed to be worn with the thumb going through the hole, so that only the blade protruded from the hand.

+ He overpowers her, but puts the knife down and leaves, with Alex leaning on the kitchen counter, smiling.

+ The upper part of the knife was made of leather, as a sort of a glove, designed to be worn with the thumb going through the hole, so that only the blade protruded from the hand.

+ He overpowers her, but puts the knife down and leaves, with Alex leaning on the kitchen counter, smiling.

+ Solingen”, na usnju pa reliefno vtisnjena nemška tvrtka “Gräviso” Picture of the knife with description on page 73:” ‘Posebej izdelan nož, ki so ga ustaši uporabljali pri množičnih klanjih.

+ The hamburger may be eaten without a knife and fork, so it is a fast food which can be eaten anywhere.

+ Ghosts ‘n’ Stuff, also known as Ghosts N Stuff, is a song by CanadaCanadian Pendulum and Knife Party.

+ A Bowie knife is a large hunting knife.

+ Victims ranged from prisoners to infants to Vestal Virgins whose stomach’s were cut open, with a dull,stone knife and their hearts were burned.

+ The machete is a large knife often used in jungles because it can easily cut through plants and vines.

+ Some lost their lives in knife fights started in the heat of the game.

+ When purchased, it is usually cut with scissors or knife and priced by weight.

+ A palette knife is used for mixing paint colors.

+ Also the Classic Maya god of rulership and thunder known to modern Mayanists as “God K”, or the “Manikin Scepter” and to the classic Maya as “K’awil” was shown with a smoking obsidian knife in his forehead and one leg replaced with a snake.

+ The knife is also one of the first tools humans made.

+ One of the guards, Petar Brzica, reportedly cut the throats of about 1,360 of the new prisoners, using a butcher knife that became known as “srbosjek”.

+ He was also devoted to his parents: when his mother was sick, he prayed to his ancestors to heal her; and when his father was sick, he cut his own finger with a knife and let his father drink his blood.

More in-sentence examples of “knife”:

+ Another Wii title was released called “Trauma Center: New Blood”, and there was a sequel on the DS called “Trauma Center: Under the Knife 2″.

+ Lindh died in the early morning of 11 September 2003 after a knife attack in Stockholm on the afternoon of 10 September.

+ Mostly, he played slide guitar using a pocket knife and then a slide made from a beef rib bone, later switching to a glass slide.

+ A straight razor consists of a knife blade, which can be reused.

+ On 8 April 1991, In the house he shared with Euronymous, he slit his throat and wrists with a knife and then shot himself in the forehead with a shotgun.

+ A steak knife is sharper than most table knives and is usually serrated.

+ From these, Pippi gives them some gifts: Tommy gets a small knife with a handle of pearl and Annika gets a ring with a green stone.

+ Then, she stabbed him with the knife she had bought.

+ A knife is traditionally used for this, but a clamp is now sometimes used instead.

+ The live members of the band left in 2012 to focus on other projects with Swire and McGrillen leaving to create the band Knife Party.

+ So Dorian picks up a knife and destroys the portrait.

+ The Bowie knife is named after Jim Bowie.

+ When a knife is too small to cut something, a saw, axe, or power tool may be needed.

+ When people are eating with chopsticks they usually do not use a knife and fork.

+ He improvised a weapon by lashing a sheath knife to a boat hook, he plunged into the ocean, caught a 35-pound dolphin and they hauled it into the boat.

+ You could do quite a lot about knife crime with £1.6 million.

+ Bones from cattle can be made into knife handles or napkin rings.

+ During the campaign he was attacked with a knife by a mentally deranged woman after a speech in Cologne.

+ He uses any weapons, but mostly an axe or a knife to kill people who buy or sees him killing someone.

+ They call below, but “Jack”, overcome by the knife wound and rushing water, never answered, so they take “Desmond” away from the area.

+ Ka-Bar is a combat knife first obtained by the United States Marine Corps in November 1942.

+ Luke dies in “The Last Olympian” when he is given Annabeth’s knife by Percy.

+ The walking stick has also historically been known to be used as a Self-defensedefensive or offensive weapon, and may conceal a knife or sword as in a swordstick.

+ A backhand chop or knife edge chop is when a wrestler uses a backhand wing and slaps the chest of their opponent with the palm of their hand.

+ After hearing Maryse Leclair, a student he had shot, ask for help, he took out his hunting knife and stabbed her three times, killing her.

+ The ‘cursed blade’ of the prophecy was the knife that Luke gave to Annabeth when he promises to her that they are family.

+ Another Wii title was released called "Trauma Center: New Blood", and there was a sequel on the DS called "Trauma Center: Under the Knife 2".

+ Lindh died in the early morning of 11 September 2003 after a knife attack in Stockholm on the afternoon of 10 September.
+ Mostly, he played slide guitar using a pocket knife and then a slide made from a beef rib bone, later switching to a glass slide.

+ On October 17 1829, a hooded man tried to kill Hauser with a large knife but managed only to wound his forehead.

+ They can also happen when something – like a bullet or knife – goes through the head and into the brain.

+ Kris draws a knife and turns toward the viewer.

+ On the evening of the 10th, at around 5.15pm, a black boy with a knife wound was stopped by police.

+ While Beth is preparing a bath for herself, Alex appears with the knife and explains her resentment of Beth, all the while fidgeting and resulting in her cutting her leg, before attacking her.

+ It can be cut with a knife at room temperature.

+ When Popocatépetl returned, and found out about the death of his lover, he killed himself by stabbing a knife into his heart.

+ Her husband finds her and removes the knife, but their daughter sees him with the knife in his hand and her apparently dead mother.

+ Violent behaviour including knife fights were comomn at the school.

+ In certain schools, zero tolerance applies to any knife regardless of its type.

+ Harry takes out a knife to kill him, but is shocked and stops when he pulls off Spider-Man’s mask to reveal that his friend Peter is underneath the mask.

+ On May 28, 2012, Knife Party’s second EP, “Rage Valley” was released.

+ Their symbol is the kukri or khukuri, the curved knife which they use as a weapon and a tool.

+ Sometimes, they are cut with a knife for small children.

+ Soon enough he attempted to arrest his mother by borrowing a knife from his neighbor, and cutting above his forearm down to the bone.

+ As Scarpia goes to touch Tosca, she stabs him to death with a knife from the table.

+ The album contains hits from between “Cuts Like a Knife and a new single, “Please Forgive Me”.

+ A dagger is a knife which is used to stab people.

+ The knife has the power to open most mechanical locks and magical seals.

+ It includes the University Hospital, the Institute for Human Performance, Setnor Academic Building, Central New York Gamma Knife Center, Jacobsen Hall, Regional Oncology Center, Upstate Golisano Children’s Hospital, Weiskotten Hall, and Clark Tower dormitory for 170 students.

+ Images tend to show the dakini as a young, naked figure in a dancing posture, often holding a skull cup filled with menstrual blood or the elixir of life in one hand, and a curved knife in the other.

+ They were made by the Union Cutlery Company which could be used as a hammer.The knife was used to open food cans in c-rations or k-rations.

+ He throws the knife into the pond.

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