“cell division” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “cell division”:

+ Development proceeds by cell division until maturity; further growth occurs by cell enlargement only.

+ Flemming investigated the process of cell division and the distribution of chromosomes to the daughter nuclei, a process he called mitosis from the Greek word for thread.

+ It is involved in cell division and in the formation of cilia and flagella.

+ This allows the most important cell division to proceed rapidly.

+ In addition to supplying cellular energy, mitochondria are involved in a range of other processes, such as signalling, cellular differentiation, apoptosiscell death, as well as the control of the cell division cycle and cell growth.

+ On a larger scale, cell division can create offspring from multicellular organisms, such as plants that grow from cuttings.

cell division example in sentences
cell division example in sentences

Example sentences of “cell division”:

+ The most important fact is that homologous chromosomes physically pair for meiosis, the cell division which produces the gametes.

+ Meiosis is the type of cell division which produces sex cells.

+ Their cell division is asexual.

+ The facts discovered about the nucleus and cell division were essential for Mendel’s work to be properly understood.Harris, Henry 1995.

+ In order to form galls, the insects must seize the time when plant cell division occurs quickly.

+ Because they carry the same genes, Almost: during the development of a foetus errors in cell division result in some genetic changes.

+ During meiosis, there are two cell division steps that together produce the four daughter cells.

+ They have undergone a process of cell division called meiosis.

+ But most importantly, cell division enables organisms that are able to sexual reproductionsexually reproduce to develop from the one-celled fertilised egg.

+ With centrosomes the cell division is much more accurate and efficient.

+ No cell division whatsoever takes place during adult life.

+ The most important fact is that homologous chromosomes physically pair for meiosis, the cell division which produces the gametes.

+ Meiosis is the type of cell division which produces sex cells.

+ The first division of meiosis is a special kind of cell division called a reduction division because the number of chromosomes is halved.

+ Also, it regulates the cell division cycle, the stages which lead up to one cell dividing in two.

+ In a person without cancer, cell division is under control.

+ Inside this umbrella, research and teaching teams were based on interdisciplinary problems, such as ecology or cell division or Earth history.

+ The absence of cell division is probably one reason they are extraordinarily resistant to ionising radiation.

+ Nuclear DNA gets shuffled by the cell division known as meiosis, part of sexual reproduction.

+ Another type of genetic defect is caused by errors in chromosome copying during the cell division which produces the gametes.

+ Therefore, cell division in the meristem is necessary to get new cells.

+ With cancer, this normal process of cell division goes out of control.

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