In sentence examples of “reject”

How to use in-sentence of “reject”:

– Another part of fourth wave feminism is the existence of people who reject the word “feminism” because of “assumptions of gender binary and exclusionary subtext: ‘For women only'”.

– She was best known for having rescued the “The Diary of Anne Frank” from the reject pile.

– The receivers can reject serves at will.

– They were told that if they had to reject the woman for eugenic reasons, they should do it politely and not upset the woman.

– The Senate may even reject a Bill that was passed by the House.

– Some white supremacists say that they follow the ÁsatrúOdinist religion, although most Odinists reject white supremacy, and white supremacists make up only a small part of those who support Odinism.

– If that’s the case I presume you reject citations to the likes of The Wall Street Journal and Business Week, since they are also publications that have a “vested interest” on labor issues.

– But in other species, hosts do not reject the foreign egg.

In sentence examples of reject
In sentence examples of reject

Example sentences of “reject”:

- They reject supernatural events like miracles and believe that God has become the natural laws as well, and does not need to interfere with them.

- Critics say that while primitivists reject civilization, they usually live civilized lives and use technology to spread their message.
- The organization includes psychiatric survivors and dissident psychiatrists who reject what they say is the "domination" by the biomedical model that defines contemporary psychiatry.

– They reject supernatural events like miracles and believe that God has become the natural laws as well, and does not need to interfere with them.

– Critics say that while primitivists reject civilization, they usually live civilized lives and use technology to spread their message.

– The organization includes psychiatric survivors and dissident psychiatrists who reject what they say is the “domination” by the biomedical model that defines contemporary psychiatry.

– Just a point of note, at this point the original ban proposal is sitting at 5 for and 1 reject with a the typical one week period almost up.

– They therefore reject the first premise, arguing that evolution is not only an alternative explanation for the complexity of life but a better explanation with more supporting evidence.

– Experimenters may test and reject several hypotheses, before solving the problem or reaching a satisfactory theory.

– They will reject a top footnote such as “lt;ref name=MD/ ” which defers details to be defined in a subsequent use of the same-named footnote.

– NaturismNaturists reject current standards of modesty.

– The three most important traditions to emerge directly from the Protestant Reformation were the LutheranismLutheran, Reformed Anglican traditions, though the latter group identifies as both “Reformed” and “Catholic”, and some subgroups reject the classification as “Protestant”.

– They reject the Roman Catholic belief about Trinity.

– Because of that, those who reject the validity of the law of the excluded middle must also reject the validity of proof by contradiction as well.

– Heresy is to reject or doubt the beliefs of the Church after having been baptised.

– The outside heads mix with water, but the tails reject water.

– Now both Raj and Rohan fight for their love while Preet and Simmi both reject them.

– While Coptic and Maronite Catholic Christians are native Arabic-speakers, many reject the Arab pan-ethnicity, but are still considered Arab by outsider sources.

More in-sentence examples of “reject”:

– Jonathan reveals to a teenage Clark that he is an alien, and advises him to not utilize his powers publicly, fearing that society would reject him.

– In “The End of Evangelion” he appears first to weaken Unit 01’s AT field, so that Instrumentality can commence, he and Rei help Shinji choose the decision to reject Instrumentality in favor of individual thought and suffering pain.

– This would require people to accept or reject changes to pages covered by the function.

– It would however be false to call them Arians, as they reject many Arian teachings.

– Laozi says not to reject technology, but instead seek the calm state of “wu wei without desires.

– To only reject that the physical world exists is not solipsism.

– Some Evangelicals also reject the tag: fundamentalist, because they think that it is too extreme.

– For example, it would be too dangerous to completely veto big pieces of legislation, but with the line-item veto, the President could choose to keep what he or she thinks are the good parts of the bill and reject the bad parts of the bill.

– He says they will take over because they accept polygamy and reject birth control.

– Sanders was named as part of the “Hell-No Caucus” by “Politico” in April 2018, along with Senators Cory Booker, Kirsten Gillibrand, Elizabeth Warren, and Kamala Harris, all of whom voted to reject Trump’s nominees for administration jobs, including Jeff Sessions, Kirstjen Nielsen, Rex Tillerson, Betsy DeVos, and Mike Pompeo.

– Dobby is the only known house elf to appreciate his freedom, despite his hardworking nature; the others reject Hermione’s idea of payment and holidays, which they find distressing.

– A car motor becomes a CHP plant in winter, when the reject heat is useful for warming the interior of the vehicle.

– Ravi Zacharias has said most eastern philosophies reject the law of noncontradiction.

– Anti-revisionism is opposition to attempts to modify or reject the fundamentals of communist revolutionary theory and practice.

– Others, however, reject all suggestions that the exercise be abandoned, continuing to advocate the squat.

– Apparently, this persuaded him not to reject ideas which were doubted.

– Other modern non-trinitarian churches, such as the Filipino-based Iglesia ni Cristo, may also be included, although they reject the “unitarian” name to avoid confusion.

– Far too often I have to reject A4s or undelete articles deleted under A4 that don’t qualify for it.

– The phospholipids have heads which mix with water and tails which reject water.

– Other Hindus, such as the Mimamsakas, reject such notions and see karma as acting independently, considering the natural laws of causation sufficient to explain the effects of karma.

– This was so the Senators of the smaller States could form a majority and change or even reject laws from the House of Representatives.

– But Pakistan and Kashmiri activists reject this plan because they both want greater control over the region.

– When someone tries to reject their religion, this is called apostasy.

– The House of Lords has the power to reject Bills, except Money Bills, and make the House of Commons reconsider them.

– The name All-American Reject was made from either a mix of two suggestions, “The Rejects” and “The All Americans” or the other being that it came from a song “Reject” by Green Day and had the chorus, “your reject all-american”.

– Calhoun is probably best remembered for his strong beliefs in slavery and nullification, which said any US state had the right to reject a federal law if it was unconstitutional.

- Jonathan reveals to a teenage Clark that he is an alien, and advises him to not utilize his powers publicly, fearing that society would reject him.

- In "The End of Evangelion" he appears first to weaken Unit 01's AT field, so that Instrumentality can commence, he and Rei help Shinji choose the decision to reject Instrumentality in favor of individual thought and suffering pain.

– Roman Catholic Christians accept this change, but Eastern Orthodox Christians reject it.

– The child must reject and move away from the mother in order to enter into the world of language, culture, meaning, and the social.

– The phrase, long used in this sense by social activist Tarana Burke, was popularized by actress Alyssa Milano, who encouraged women to Twittertweet it to publish their experience to reject the widespread nature of misogynistic behavior.

– In a Plebiscite to decide the country’s future, the majority of the people of Bahrain chose to reject Iran’s claims, and to define their country and their culture to be Arabic, and not Persian.

– Unless the host and donor are a very close genetic match, the host’s immune system will reject the transplant.

– There are several policies which reject the wholesale blanking of sections from within an article page.

– Morales has called for the Bolivian people to reject the leadership of Áñez.

– However, Latter-day Saints reject the ecumenical creeds and definition of the Trinity taught by the Roman Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church, the Anglican Communion, and Trinitarian Protestantism.

– At the end of the January 21 session, the Senate voted along party lines to pass Mitch McConnell’s proposed trial rules and reject 11 amendments proposed by Democrats.

– In Christianity, some people reject the idea of evolution.

– For this reason, nudists mostly reject the current standards of modesty.

– Both reject the Good Friday Agreement and continue to engage in paramilitary activity.

– The Parliament can approve, reject or change proposed laws.

– There had only been six previous occasions when Germany’s president had chosen to reject bills.

– Miaphysitism has often been considered by Chalcedonian Christians to be a form of monophysitism, but the Oriental Orthodox Churches themselves reject this characterization, Recently, the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches have begun to take this position more seriously.

– He can reject any new laws or amendments to existing laws but if he still withholds permission, it will automatically become law after 30 days from the initial submission to him.

– In that case the predator will reject it so long as the prey advertises its defence.

– Mormons and Oneness Pentecostalism also reject the Trinity but for different reasons other than Arianism.

– They went in to support Trump’s demand for Vice President of the United StatesVice President Mike Pence and Congress to reject President-elect Joe Biden’s victory.

– Rhode Island was the only state to reject ratification of the 18th Amendment.

– This continued identification with the mother may result in what Kristeva refers to in “Black Sun, because female children both reject and identify with the mother figure at the same time.

– He said that to reject social structures is nihilism.

– There are other smaller Christian groups who also reject trinitarianism.

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