Some sentences in use of “cotton”

How to use in-sentence of “cotton”:

– Broadly speaking, fuel oil is any liquid petroleum product that is burned in a furnace or boiler for the generation of heat or used in an engine for the generation of power, except oils having a flash point of approximately +40 °C and oils burned in cotton or wool-wick burners.

– The cotton fiber forms around the seeds of the cotton plant.

– The ships included Ironclad warshipironclads, which were protected by cottonclads, which used cotton along their sides.

– The “factory system “evolved from these two cotton mills.

– Thornton himself corroborated these reports, and asserted that the country was rich in rosewood, wild sugar canes, white pepper, balsam, cotton and many other kinds of merchandise which would form an abundant commerce for the Tuscans.

– He also called BCS games on Fox, mainly the Sugar Bowl and Orange Bowl and the 2011 Cotton Bowl Classic.

– The bodies had clothes on them which were made of cotton and were painted with a resin.

Some sentences in use of cotton
Some sentences in use of cotton

Example sentences of “cotton”:

– The cotton thread can then be made into cloth.

– But through this mill, the speed with which cotton thread could be spun into yarn was greatly increased.

– This cloth was made of cotton combined with India rubber.

– Hand-made cotton comes in different patterns designed by different villages.

– Just outside the city centre is a large number of former cotton Cotton millmills, some of which have been left mostly untouched since they were closed, while many others have been turned into apartment buildings and office spaces.Albert Square, was built in the gothic revival style and is thought of by many to be one of the most important Victorian buildings in all of England.

– Fearne Cotton is an English peopleEnglish television and radio presenter.

– It was mostly dependent on cotton and citrus farming.

- The cotton thread can then be made into cloth.

- But through this mill, the speed with which cotton thread could be spun into yarn was greatly increased.
- This cloth was made of cotton combined with India rubber.

– The main crops are cotton and soybean.

– The cotton growing industry gets a lot of its water from the Mehi River.

– The Salem handloom industry is one of the most ancient cottage industries and producing quality saree, doti etc out of silk yarn and cotton yarn.More than 75,000 handlooms are working and the total value of cloth produced per annum is estimated at Rs.5,000 crores.

– One of Freetown’s most most known features is its famous cotton tree.

– Most full cut panties are made of cotton or other comfortable materials.

More in-sentence examples of “cotton”:

– It is also called cotton candy or fairy floss.

– This has also shown in some common names, such as the Cotton rat, Marsh rice rat, Brown Cane Mouse or Short-tailed Cane Mouse.

– Things made in Aarau are: bells, mathematical instruments, electrical goods, cotton textiles, chemicals, shoes, and other products.

– He became known as Milarepa, which means the “Mila, the cotton clad one”.

– The insulation on knob and tube wiring was usually cotton cloth soaked in asphalt.

– Huntsville’s quick growth was generated by the cotton and railroad industries.

– Horne began her career in the arts by dancing and singing at the Cotton Club when she was 16.

– In the 1960s and 1970s, the Amu Darya and Syr Darya were first used by the Soviets to irrigate extensive cotton fields in the Central Asian plain.

– During the 19th century, cotton was the most common crop.

– Major crops are wheat, cotton and sugar cane.

– People often wear cotton clothing, especially in hot weather.

– They grew cassava, maizecorn, squash, cotton and many other crops.

– The story goes that both Prospectingprospectors and miners, often complaining about the easily torn cotton “britches” and pockets that “split right out” gave Levi the idea to make a rugged overall trouser for the miners to wear.

– The cotton tree is said to have been in the same position since colonists came to the area in 1787.

– The symbol of the campaign is a white “Wristband#Awareness wristbandawareness wristband” made of cotton or silicone with the words written in dark black and the word ‘poverty’ written in light black.

– Purely through the use of his reason, Hayy goes through all the gradations of knowledge before emerging into human society, where he revealed to be a believer of Natural religion, which Cotton Mather, as a Christian Divine, identified with Primitive Christianity.

– When the blockade went into effect in April 1961, most of that year’s cotton had already been shipped.

– Personal care includes products as diverse as cleansing pads, bandages, perfumecolognes, cotton swabs, cotton pads, deodorant, eye liner, facial tissue, hair clippers, lip gloss, lipstick, lotion, makeup, nail files, pomade, perfumes, razors, shaving cream, moisturizer, talcum powder, toilet paper, toothpaste, and wet wipes.

– The region around Porto-Novo produces palm oil, cotton and kapok.

– The Cotton Club was a New York City night club in the 1920s and 30s.It was first in the Harlem neighborhood on 142nd St Lenox Ave from 1923 to 1935.

– During his meditation practice he ate mostly nettle soup which made his skin turn green, and wore only a single cotton robe.

– After harvesting, cotton must be combed to remove the seeds.

– Wood is largely cellulose and lignin, while paper and cotton are nearly pure cellulose.

– Dutch Tradetrading ships carrying cotton from Amsterdam may have brought the plague to England.

– Enslaved African-Americans living near Houston worked on sugar and cotton plantations.

– Land area for farming in Theni district is 40.33%.p.29 The principal crop production in 2005-2006 was: sugarcane 1,201,221, cotton 95,360 561 bales of 170.

– The DNA recovered at the crime scenes had already been present on the cotton swabs used for collecting DNA samples.

– A leather cover is put on, in two pieces, and Stitchesstitched together using 108 stitches of waxed red cotton thread.

– In the 19th century, the state used plantation Slaveryslaves to produce cotton for Europe.

– All parts of cotton plants are useful.

– This was a laborious process until the industrial revolution and invention of the cotton gin, which quickly separates the seeds from the fiber and combs them for spinning.

– It is mostly cotton with additives to make it hard for people to print their own money.

– The Confederacy had big money problems because they could not sell cotton and other goods to other countries.

– For instance, common window glass is an amorphous ceramic, many polymers are amorphous, and even foods such as cotton candy and cotton are amorphous solids.

– Mali’s main export is cotton, so if the price of cotton changes, Mali’s economy is affected a lot.

– Burnley grew larger during the industrial revolution when it was home to many cotton mills and was one of the world’s largest producers of cotton cloth.

– It is commonly mixed with cotton to make things like tights, bras,Lycra shirt,Dr199 and underwear.

– Principal industries of the district include cotton and silk harvesting and weaving, rice and oilseed milling, lac harvesting, stone mining and metalware and pottery manufacture.

– Okra is a mallow family, related to cotton and hibiscus.

– One of the major industries is cotton milling.

– His grandfather on his mother’s side had started a cotton textile firm in Mulhouse and his father worked in the textile business.

– David Bailie was a South African-born United KingdomBritish movie, television, stage, voice actor, and photographer who was known for his role as Cotton in “Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl”, “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest”, and in “Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End”.

– Hardin led Navy Midshipmen footballNavy to the 1961 Orange Bowl and the 1964 Cotton Bowl Classic.

– The modern cotton gin was invented by the United StatesAmerican inventor Eli Whitney.It is significant in American history because after its invention, Southerners began growing much more cotton and so they needed more slaves to work on their cotton plantations.

– The cotton swabs used by many state police departments were found to have been contaminated before shipping.

– The material on the “tatamiberi” is cotton yarn, a synthetic material string, and a gold thread.

– This, and the Cotton mill he bought, allowed him to become a Mexican citizen.

- It is also called cotton candy or fairy floss.

- This has also shown in some common names, such as the Cotton rat, Marsh rice rat, Brown Cane Mouse or Short-tailed Cane Mouse.

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