Example sentences of “aware of”

How to use in-sentence of “aware of”:

+ They are aware of his schemes from the beginning.

+ Becoming aware of her illness, she decided to gain weight.

+ The SM is aware of the reasons behind the filing of its exclusive contract, but in its statement, the company said that luhan was unethical when leaving the company without any legitimate reason.

+ If we could get more people aware of this wiki and get more people from EN helping out this project could turn out great.

+ I am aware of the red links, and am working on them now.

Example sentences of aware of
Example sentences of aware of

Example sentences of “aware of”:

+ I am not aware of any such policies which indicates Notable television channels makes the program automatically notable.

+ Shocked by the constant beating of the heart and a feeling that the officers must be aware of the heartbeats, the narrator loses control and confesses to killing the old man and tells them to tear up the floorboards to reveal the body.

+ If they are not aware of what they are doing this is unconscious behaviour.

+ Every editor is incompetent in some areas, so it is good to be aware of what you can and cannot do well.

+ It remembers a time when the colony of New South Wales became more aware of its isolation and wealth.

+ He was restless, aware of his genius, and thought Salzburg too small for his talent.

+ In the social sciences and general usage, the effect refers to how people change their behavior when aware of being watched.

+ I bet there are a fair number of editors on other wikis who aren’t really aware of simple.

+ He also said he was not aware of why Cohen had made the payment or where he got the money.

+ It seems that many decisions are made without us being aware of it.

+ On the other hand, Mira had lived her entire life within the Soviet system and was much more aware of how to survive in the politacally-charged times.

+ I’m very aware of the redlinks, which I shall provide articles for in the near future.

+ Her surgery for breast cancer made the public more aware of this disease.

+ Its purpose is to ensure the accused are aware of these rights under the U.S.

+ The bombing was reported all over the world in newspapers and made people aware of the German involvement.

+ I am not aware of any such policies which indicates Notable television channels makes the program automatically notable.

+ Shocked by the constant beating of the heart and a feeling that the officers must be aware of the heartbeats, the narrator loses control and confesses to killing the old man and tells them to tear up the floorboards to reveal the body.

More in-sentence examples of “aware of”:

+ Some organisms are more complicated than others and may be more aware of their surroundings.

+ The Commission's report, published on 26 February 1987, concluded that CIA Director William Casey, who supported the Iran-Contra arrangement, should have taken over the operation and made the President aware of the risks and notified Congress as legally required.
+ Doing this made Prejean more aware of the process involved in executions.

+ Some organisms are more complicated than others and may be more aware of their surroundings.

+ The Commission’s report, published on 26 February 1987, concluded that CIA Director William Casey, who supported the Iran-Contra arrangement, should have taken over the operation and made the President aware of the risks and notified Congress as legally required.

+ Doing this made Prejean more aware of the process involved in executions.

+ This album was not as popular as the next album, but it made people aware of who and what System of a Down stood for.

+ Nagumo stated that the enemy was not aware of our plans.

+ Every year the United States Department of State gives the award to women around the world who have shown the ability to lead other people, the ability to do something that they know is difficult or dangerous, the ability to deal well with new or difficult situations and to find solutions to problems, and who are ready to give up something to help to make people aware of women’s rights.

+ Conan lives with her, and she is not aware of his true identity.

+ To monitor or monitoring generally means to be aware of the state of a system.

+ Because they originally came from the tropics, these spiders do not seem to be aware of seasonal changes and breed at any time of the year.

+ We are only aware of a tiny part of all the information our brains process, and this means that what we experience is largely an illusion.

+ A study on chess players shows that if females are made aware of the stereotype that females are worse at chess than males, they perform worse than the controls.

+ Riders are made aware of the closest connection point by way of in-train visual and auditory messages.

+ After a disastrous marriage, Stopes became aware of how ignorant many people were about sex, and what troubles women had inside marriage.

+ Westerners became aware of him in the mid nineties as he became the first Thai artist to receive an International MTV Award, be featured in the most high budget Thai film at the time, “Sunset at Chaopraya”.

+ You might also establish a system for labeling the page with a delete/merge proposal template, to make everybody aware of your intentions.

+ Bruce destroyed their temple after he is made aware of their true intention of destroying Gotham City.

+ Both children and adults are very aware of their safety needs.

+ Baha’ullah existed at the same time as Charles Darwin, so was aware of Darwin’s works.

+ The sensory system provides many ways to be aware of the world.

+ Now that the US was aware of the approach of the large Japanese convoy, the US tried to think of a way to attack the convoy before it could reach Guadalcanal.

+ The virtual machine is aware of the specific instruction lengths and other particularities of the platform and ensures that the Java bytecode can run.

+ They will be awake and aware of what is going on, but unable to move.

+ People with acrophobia experience a fear or phobia when they are at a certain height, and they are being made aware of it.

+ Set shortly after the events of “Spider-Man 2”, as Peter Parker prepares for his future with Mary Jane Watson, he faces three more villains: Uncle Ben’s true killer, Flint Marko who becomes the Sandman after a freak accident; Harry Osborn, who is now aware of Peter’s identity and seeks to avenge his father; and Eddie Brock, a rival photographer who becomes Venom.

+ It is about partying and being aware of things in society.

+ Popper, brought up in Vienna, was well aware of the Vienna Circle.

+ If people are aware of this, then they will always be very happy.

+ Romeo is not aware of the fake death.

+ All the children were in awe of the beautiful cake Hulda’s grandmother made, and they were all aware of the magic it held.

+ Most of the time, the people experiencing this kind of hallucinations are aware of the fact that they are not real.

+ I am aware of the deletion, protection, and blocking policy.

+ The Franks#Frankish_EmpireFrankish Empire that succeeded them in Gaul became more and more aware of the northern threat.

+ Ford was not aware of his biological father until he was 17, when his parents told him about the circumstances of his birth.

+ God told them not to eat from the tree of knowledge, which would make them aware of good and evil.

+ Whoever as “Prisoner functionary#Ranks of functionarystubenältester”, as foreman or as prisoner suspects or becomes aware of the intent to commit sedition, mutiny, sabotage or some other punishable act, if he does not immediately report his knowledge, will be punished as a perpetrator.

+ I’m not a big fan of filling CU requests on behalf on IP adresses nor do i know if the admins here are aware of whatever is going on.

+ Mouse and Mrs Jumbo, they are free spirits who serve nobody, and intelligent characters aware of the power of self-confidence and of what means being ostracized and marginalized, unlike the Stepin Fetchit stereotype common at that time and in the previous decade.

+ He has been an active user for a long time, and is very well aware of policies and guidelines.

+ He thought that people should be very aware of their body and of the real world in which they actually live.

+ Scorpio is a great leader, always aware of the situation and also features prominently in resourcefulness.

+ If you know that you are not the doer and are aware of who the true doer is, ‘I am not the doer’ and ‘who is the doer’ then the action will not have any support and the karma will be shed.

+ Though Bella has not longed for a child, she becomes immediately attached to her baby when she becomes aware of its existence.

+ This is not to say that rocks have a mind but that the individual atoms and other particles in the rock have some sort of awareness and are aware of each other.

+ However, as the campaign continued, and the American public became more and more aware of the heroism of the American forces on Guadalcanal, more forces were sent to the area.

+ With few exceptions, Maggie never speaks but is aware of what is going around her.

+ You might also establish a system for labelling the page itself, with a move proposal template, to make everybody aware of your intentions.

+ I’m aware of other trolling but am not yet sure of the extent.

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