Some sentences in use of “coarse”

How to use in-sentence of “coarse”:

+ Gabbro is generally coarse grained, with crystals in the size range of 1 mm or greater.

+ There is an older outer ring of coarse granites and an inner core of finer grained material.

+ Choosing to see her family again she is unhappy to see how coarse and vulgar they are.

+ How thick or how coarse the clothing was related to the season in which it was worn.

+ Rhonchi are also called coarse crackles, because they sound like coarse, rattling, crackling sounds.

+ Adult male brown fur seals are dark gray to brown, with a darker mane of short, coarse hairs and a light belly.

+ The difference between some types is in how coarse or fine the meat is chopped.

+ They are covered in coarse grey to brown fur, sometimes with a hint of yellow or orange.

Some sentences in use of coarse
Some sentences in use of coarse

Example sentences of “coarse”:

+ Hand axes are mainly made of flint, but rhyolites, phonolites, quartzites and other rather coarse rocks were used as well.

+ Roman flour contained a lot of dust and bits and this made bread so coarse that it wore down people’s teeth.

+ A matchbook is a small cardboard container that holds a quantity of matches inside and has a coarse striking surface on the exterior.

+ Kemp fibers are very coarse and shed out.

+ A dog can have a “double coat” that has short, soft hair underneath a layer of long, coarse hair, or a “single coat” that has only the long, coarse hair.

+ First a small layer of coarse concrete, the “rudus”, then a little layer of fine concrete, the nucleus, went onto the pavement or “statumen”.

+ The ground coffee should be more coarse than that used for a drip brew coffee filter, and far coarser than that used for espresso.

+ Before baking, it is dipped into “Natronlauge” and sprinkled with coarse salt.

+ However, for now, the spectral classification based on the two above coarse resolution spectroscopic surveys from the 1990s is still the standard.

+ She was often described by contemporaries as an ugly, vicious, and coarse woman who greatly dominated the king.

+ England had coarse limestone, red sandstone and dark green Purbeck marble which was often used for architectural decorations like thin columns.

+ Hand axes are mainly made of flint, but rhyolites, phonolites, quartzites and other rather coarse rocks were used as well.

+ Roman flour contained a lot of dust and bits and this made bread so coarse that it wore down people's teeth.

+ Anything other than a coarse grind will go through the press filter and into the coffee.

+ Senbei are crackers made from non-glutinous rice and are hard with a coarse texture.

+ The apparent use of handheld camera, and the coarse grained picture supports clearly the film’s documentary feel.

+ It has thick, coarse fur with colour ranging from pale grey to brown.

+ Diorite has a phaneritic, often speckled, texture of coarse grain size and is occasionally porphyritic.

+ He was known for his “over-the-top appearance” with unusual clothing and hair styles and his coarse humor.

+ When Grushenka sees him cheat and hears the coarse and mean things he says, she realizes she actually loves Dmitry, not the Pole.

+ This is a coarse red to yellow Jurassic sandstone containing about 75% quartz, 15% plagioclase and 10% iron oxide.In the south are sandstone outcrops with basalt-capped ridges.

+ Movie with this rating have strong sexual content/nudity, prolonged scenes of graphic violence, strong coarse language, graphic horror, and other disturbing content.

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