Some example sentences of “potential”

How to use in-sentence of “potential”:

+ In this form, the principle says the total of the pressure, kinetic energy, and potential energy is a constant.

+ It is unknown whether hash or cannabis can be dangerous for people with a severely damaged or weak heart but the increase of heart rate and lower blood pressure caused by being stoned can certainly cause potential short term problems especially if the person has a panic attack for whatever reason.

+ Professionals now use a pH meter, which is potentiometer with an electrode whose potential depends on the amount of H+ ions in the solution.

+ Electric potential is not the same as electric potential energy.

+ In these cases it is helpful to alert the discussion that the article has potential to be made into a successful encyclopedic entry, and that more time is needed to improve the article.

+ It shows Gore’s exploration of the global warming data, and predictions regarding climate change and its potential for disaster.

+ Faraday’s law of induction says that when a magnetic field changes, it causes a voltage, a difference in the electric potential that can make electric currents flow.

+ The potential of white dwarf cosmochronology.

Some example sentences of potential
Some example sentences of potential

Example sentences of “potential”:

+ Magnetic objects will fall in a magnetic field to a place where they have less total potential energy.

+ The authors suggest that the United Nations should stopthe practice of classifying countries into development bins because the cut-off values seem arbitrary, can provide incentives for strategic behavior in reporting official statistics, and have the potential to misguide politicians, investors, charity donors and the public who use the HDI at large.

+ Between 1887 and 1895, Dubois searched at potential sites near rivers and in caves, first on the island of Sumatra, then on the island of Java.

+ O’Malley had been seen as a potential presidential candidate since at least December 2012.

+ Only a few Saiyans have the potential to become Super Saiyans.

+ Common practice in this template’s designations is to include the nation, state, or city’s name as a potential callname for that designation.

+ At the age of 14, they moved back to the US, where Kat realized her potential as a singer.

+ This is because an action potential must be a certain strength before the neurotransmitters are released.

+ So in this case increasing the area in contact with the container decreases rather than increases the potential energy.

+ The plants make energy with chemical potential energy by the process of photosynthesis.

+ In September 2009, Goldman Sachs published its 188th Global Economics Paper named “A United Korea?” which highlighted in detail the potential economic power of a United Korea, which will surpass all current G7 countries except the United States, such as Japan, the United Kingdom, Germany and France within 30–40 years of reunification, estimating GDP to surpass $6 trillion by 2050.

+ Routes into downtown Columbia originating from Camden, Newberry, and Batesburg-Leesville are in consideration, as is a potential line between Columbia and Charlotte connecting the two mainlines of the future Southeastern High Speed Rail Corridor.

+ Even more damningly, Carl Goerdeler, the main civilian leader of the Resistance, wrote on several letters and other documents that Rommel was a potential supporter and an acceptable military leader to be placed in a position of responsibility should their coup succeed.

+ On February 6, 2015, Stein announced the formation of an exploratory committee in preparation for a potential campaign for the Green Party’s presidential nomination in the United States presidential election, 20162016.Pindell, James, “The Boston Globe”.

+ Magnetic objects will fall in a magnetic field to a place where they have less total potential energy.

+ The authors suggest that the United Nations should stopthe practice of classifying countries into development bins because the cut-off values seem arbitrary, can provide incentives for strategic behavior in reporting official statistics, and have the potential to misguide politicians, investors, charity donors and the public who use the HDI at large.

More in-sentence examples of “potential”:

+ This also provided the potential for further extension in the future; Bushey’s town planners reserved space in Bushey village for a future station and Bushey Heath station’s design was revised several times to ensure this option would remain available in the future.

+ Anticipation of a threat to supply by a potential Hurricane Chris coupled with high demand during an ongoing heat wave are cited as reasons for the price move.

+ The volt was defined as the potential difference across a conductor when a current of one ampere dissipates one watt of power.

+ He was mentioned in a “Time” magazine article as a potential candidate for the 1968 Republican nomination.

+ It has a higher redox potential than the Fe-S complex in cytochrome b and will therefore “steal” electrons from it.

+ It is the reduction potential of the cell or voltage under standard conditions.

+ As from his works himself wrote: “I tried my work faithfully follow art my ideas – to capture the potential of everyday life images of beauty – small joys and sorrows, our time and the change of a landscape typical timeless atmosphere of human destinies”.

+ The orbital speed at any position in the orbit can be computed from the distance to the central body at that position, and the specific orbital energy, which is independent of position: it equals the the kinetic energy plus the potential energy, divided by the mass.

+ The organisation is Incorporated by Royal Charter, is registered as a Charitable organizationcharity in England, and has more than 27,000 Fellows living in around 70 countries who support the aims of the society, and who have achieved — or who have the potential to achieve — eminence in their profession or calling.

+ Again, bear in mind, the tedious hand-editing of items, in each row, is often faster, than the potential of automated edits gone awry.

+ The Bird nestnest is usually in a tree hole where it can protect its eggs and young against potential predators.

+ After winning his third term in 2018, Brown was seen as a potential candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2020 and began exploring a run in January 2019.

+ I therefore want to ask the community whether they see a potential for this article to be kept and expanded.

+ The concept of potential is recognised in the.

+ Two industry watchers take a look at generating energy from wind and wave action and the potential to alter.” The Futurist 39.1.

+ An effective emergency communication system should arguably be able to overcome as many of these potential limitations, as possible.

+ In physics, potential energy is the energy which an object has due to its position in a force field or which a system has due to the way its parts are arranged.

+ Technically, the voltage is the difference in electric potential between two points and is always measured between two points.

+ He picked up skateboarding quickly and later went to a skate camp where he met Eddie Elguera, who realized his potential as a professional skateboarder.

+ I have gone through all the calls to flagicon that I can find, and corrected and potential errors.

+ An object gets gravitational potential energy when it moves uphill.

+ This releases the Potential energystored energy as shock waves.

+ Usually, a mortgage is given to you by a mortgage company or any financial institution, after evaluation of your potential to pay back the loan in full.

+ During the campaign, Grams’ wife Christine Gunhus was revealed to have written anonymous disparaging emails about Grams’ potential Democratic rival, Mike Ciresi, from her home computer.

+ Please protect the page as a potential target for attacks.

+ This also provided the potential for further extension in the future; Bushey's town planners reserved space in Bushey village for a future station and Bushey Heath station's design was revised several times to ensure this option would remain available in the future.

+ Anticipation of a threat to supply by a potential Hurricane Chris coupled with high demand during an ongoing heat wave are cited as reasons for the price move.
+ The volt was defined as the potential difference across a conductor when a current of one ampere dissipates one watt of power.

+ The energy used up when moving up the hill is changed into gravitational potential energy.

+ This space is known as potential body cavity.

+ The project is said to have an estimated cost of $3.5 billion and the potential to create 12,000 jobs.

+ Hi, apologies for posting this in English, but I wanted to alert your community to a discussion on Meta about potential changes to the Wikimedia Trademark Policy.

+ Thus, the BRICs have the potential to form a powerful economic bloc to the exclusion of the modern-day states currently of “Group of Eight” status.

+ After this demotion, the one remaining potential buyer withdrew their offer to buy the club., BBC News, June 2 2008 In the belief that Gretna has ceased to exist, they resigned their place in the Scottish Football League on June 3.

+ In cases where an article could have potential in the future but does not now, it should be merged or redirected appropriately if possible, so it can be easily re-created when potential is gained.

+ It brought the interest of the CDC as a potential investigative ground for aerosolized “Francisella tularensis”.

+ The machine had a lot of attention after parts of a book quoting Steve Jobs and other notable IT inventors talking about its revolutionary potential were leaked in December 2001.

+ During the 20s, Sejanus gradually accumulated power by influencing Tiberius and eliminating potential political opponents, including the emperor’s son, Drusus.

+ Local sustainable production of biofuel in Cambodia, based on the Jatropha or other sources, offers good potential benefits for the investors, the economy, rural communities and the environment.

+ The result of these exchanges, known generally as the Columbian Exchange, was to significantly improve the agricultural potential of not only in America, but also that of Europe and Asia.

+ Euglena Company is also experimenting with the use of “Euglena” as a potential fuel source.

+ The Central Midlands Council of Governments is in the process of investigating the potential for rail transit in the region.

+ To this end, under his plan buildings were restricted to taking up a maximum of only one third of any given site, these restrictions aimed to ensure maximum potential for neighborhoods well endowed with lush greenery.

+ Common types include the gravitygravitational potential energy of an object that depends on its vertical position and charge in an electric field.

+ I do believe this article has potential to be a VGA which is why I am nominating it for VGA status.

+ According to the paper, among the other countries they looked at, only Mexico and South Korea have the potential to rival the BRICs, but they are economies that they decided to exclude initially because they looked to them as already more developed.

+ In the early 1980s, still at Apple, Jobs was one of the first to see the potential of using a mouse to control things on a computer screen.

+ Thought about this while considering CM16’s potential ban/edit restriction thread on AN.

+ Although, a few months later in September 1939 he was jailed again, along with other potential enemies of Nazi regime.

+ Charges will always go to where they have lower electric potential or potential.

+ According to the 2004 plan, natural wildfires are allowed to burn, so long as fire size, weather and potential danger are within limits.

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