“quinine” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “quinine”:

– People treated with quinine may also suffer from hypoglycemialow blood sugar and hypotension.

– In that way, quinine is currently one of the best treatments for “malaria tropica”, which is caused by plasmodium falciparum.

– Because quinine on its own is bitter, sweeteners were often added.

– This is because the insects are resistant to many insecticides, and the “Plasmodium” parasite is highly resistant to quinine and most other common drugs.

– Even today, quinine is used to treat certain forms of malaria, when other drugs fail or are unavailable.

– In these places quinine can be used.

quinine - some sentence examples
quinine – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “quinine”:

– At the time, quinine was a powder that was mixed with water or soda water.

– It was first added to drinks like Bitter Lemon and Tonic Water Quinine was added to have some protection against Malaria.

– The small tree “Cinchona pubescens” is a source of quinine used to treat malaria.

– For the other forms of malaria, quinine is no longer used, as other drugs have replaced it.

– Most symptoms of cinchonism are reversible and disappear once quinine is withdrawn.

– The best type of quinine used to treat malaria was found by Charles Marie de La Condamine in 1737.

– The resulting fever would kill the syphilis spirochaetes, and quinine could be administered to control the malaria.

– Medicines obtained from stems include quinine from the bark of cinchona trees, camphor distilled from wood of a tree in the same genus that provides cinnamon, and the muscle relaxant curare from the bark of tropical vines.

– The synthesis was a breakthrough, as quinine was hard to get from Japanese occupied southeast Asia.

– Woodward’s synthesis of quinine was the first of many of his very complicated and elegant syntheses.

– Europeans first reported using quinine against malaria in Rome in 1631.Fiametta Rocco 2004.

- At the time, quinine was a powder that was mixed with water or soda water.

- It was first added to drinks like Bitter Lemon and Tonic Water Quinine was added to have some protection against Malaria.
- The small tree "Cinchona pubescens" is a source of quinine used to treat malaria.

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