How to use in sentence of “cloak”

How to use in-sentence of “cloak”:

– She has a magical cloak made of falcon feathers which allows her to fly between different worlds.

– In English languageEnglish Death is usually given the name Grim Reaper and from the 15th century to now, the Grim Reaper is shown as a human skeleton holding a scythe and clothed with a black cloak with a hood.

– A cloak made of the fur of squirrels, from a cave in Italy, has been dated to 23.000 years BP, and is possibly among the oldest items of clothing.

– Another valued and useful possession is Harry’s Cloak of Invisibility.

– By the end of “Deathly Hallows”, Harry possesses all three Deathly Hallows: the Cloak of Invisibility, the Resurrection Stone, and the Elder Wand, They are three of the most powerful magical items in all of the wizarding-world.

– Accordingly, most women are expected to wear the hijab, a full black cloak called an abaya, and a face-veil called niqab.

How to use in sentence of cloak
How to use in sentence of cloak

Example sentences of “cloak”:

– He does it with the help of a cloak which lets him become invisible.

– Elisha picked up Elijah’s cloak and used it to divide the water in the river of Jordan: so this cloak symbolized that Elisha had now taken Elijah’s place.

– Then the Lord sent a great and powerful wind, and an earthquake, a fire, but the Lord was not in neither: and finally he came in a gentle whisper, and Elijah went out, pulling his cloak over his face.

– After it, the Lituanians adopted the classical Grim Reaper with the black cloak and the scythe.

– Elijah’s cloak was probably of sheepskin or camel’s hair, like John the Baptist’s, and showed a big difference from the other rich, well-dressed people at that time.

– The Pavilion of the Holy Mantle holds the cloak of Mohammed, his sword, his teeth, his beard, and other relics which are known as the Sacred Trusts.

– No Dutch child nowadays goes for a walk dressed in sailor’s costume with a father who wears a cloak and hat.

– To symbolize this his cloak is made of raven feathers that when he spreads his arms looks like wings.

– Upperclassman requested an immediate cloak this morning, probably to conceal his IP from discovery.

- He does it with the help of a cloak which lets him become invisible.

- Elisha picked up Elijah's cloak and used it to divide the water in the river of Jordan: so this cloak symbolized that Elisha had now taken Elijah's place.
- Then the Lord sent a great and powerful wind, and an earthquake, a fire, but the Lord was not in neither: and finally he came in a gentle whisper, and Elijah went out, pulling his cloak over his face.

– The word “mantle” means cloak or cape, and does often resemble a cloak.

– The Princely hat crowns a purple cloak with ermine lining behind the large coat of arms.

– The women of that time valued chastity, and when they went out, they covered their faces with a shawl or cloak which would prevent them from being exposed to the outside world.

– Ahab rushed into his chariot and raced home, but the “Power of the Lord came upon Elijah and, tucking his cloak into his belt, he ran ahead of Ahab all the way to Jezreel”.

– The inside of the cloak was an airtight and watertight inflatable ovoid.

– Hiding behind a cloak of “we are too small” is ridiculous.

– She wears a white dress and a cloak that covers her knees in a cascade of rose-colored satin that speaks both to her beauty and to the luxury at her command.” Saltzman writes that “Lady Delmé” is one of the finest representatives of Reynolds’s intent to raise portraiture to the level of history painting.

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