“at night” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “at night”:

– Eastern hognose snakes tend to burrow at night into sandy soil.

– The broad band of the Milky Way that runs across the sky at night is commonly interpreted by Aboriginal groups as a legendary river.

– Burns died in a single car crash after hitting a mailbox and tree on a sharp curve in Bartow County, Georgia, late at night after a performance on April 3, 2015.

– They were used to working from afternoons until late at night on music, but had to arrive between eight and ten o’clock in the morning, to meet the filming schedule.

– The 1998 race was run mostly at night after a long rain delay; despite the inexperience with the lights, newly installed for an Indy Racing League race, NASCAR and the teams agreed to attempt finishing the race at night.

at night in sentences?
at night in sentences?

Example sentences of “at night”:

– It was the last F5 tornado to occur at night until the Birmingham, Alabama tornado in April 1998.

– The last scene takes place at night under Herne’s Oak.

– During the hot dry season, it walks over land at night to find better wetlands.

– This would mark a springboard of sorts at finishing delayed races at night by utilizing a track’s permanent lighting system.

– It was at night and bad weather set in.

– Little penguins live in sandy burrows at night and go to the ocean during the day.

– Huangpu River east, west, Gothic, Romanesque, Baroque style, such as Chinese and western wall of the building 52 of various styles, known as the “Wan State Building Expo Group.”It’s really good to visit it at night with a cup of coffee.

– The aardwolf is nocturnal, resting in burrows during the day and coming out at night to eat.

– The most suitable visiting time is during the Thai winter, from October to February when it is cold at night until the next morning.

– Other locals would sometimes see campfires in the distance at night and footprints in the sand and knew they belonged to a group wandering the desert.

– Both parents, the mother and the father, take care of the nest and feed the hatchlings, but the males guard the nest at night time and the females guard the nest are day.

– They enjoy their honeymoon in New Orleans, including Scarlett’s obvious enjoyment of the vast amounts of delicious foods and the closeness between them at night when he soothes her as she is awakened by a repeated nightmare.

– According to records, they walked all that afternoon and were wet, and at night it got very cold.

– On the July 27, 2009 edition of Raw, to decide the opponent for the current WWE Champion Randy Orton at Night of Champions Night of Champions, a “beat the clock” challenge was set up, Triple H had to defeat his opponent Cody Rhodes in under a set time of 6 minutes and 49 seconds set by Mark Henry.

– It hunts at night for rodents, birds, and hares.

- It was the last F5 tornado to occur at night until the Birmingham, Alabama tornado in April 1998.

- The last scene takes place at night under Herne’s Oak.

More in-sentence examples of “at night”:

- The 320 Yonge bus runs late at night when the subway is closed.

- They only come out at night to search for food.
- They usually come out at night so that other animals, like birds and crabs, do not eat them.

– The 320 Yonge bus runs late at night when the subway is closed.

– They only come out at night to search for food.

– They usually come out at night so that other animals, like birds and crabs, do not eat them.

– He remained a prisoner and risked his life repeatedly by sneaking out at night to get food and medical supplies for other wounded prisoners.

– He is the first man to have thought the stars we see at night are identical in nature to the Sun.

– They were happy for many months, though she still only came to him at night and left at dawn.

– They meet at night on the river bank.

– Because of this show, he became known across the United States His radio broadcasts from New York were too late at night for many people on the East Coast to hear them, but Goodman had many fans in California, and a very excited crowd greeted Goodman.

– After nightfall, Frederick’s body was finally laid to rest on the terrace of the vineyard of Sanssouci, according to his last will without pomp and at night “…

– Cougars can see better at night than people can.

– In it, the king asks Daniel “Do you not think that Bel is a living god? Do you not see how much he eats and drinks every day?” Daniel proves through a ruse that the sacred meal of Bel is actually consumed at night by the seventy priests and their wives and children, who entered through a secret door when the temple’s doors were sealed.

– Their father was an engineer who had worked his way up by taking extra lessons at night school.

– Dan Kelly and Byrne went to Sherritt’s house late at night and knocked on the door.

– Auroras can happen at any time, however they can only be seen at night because their light is not as strong as the light of day.

– They are usually animals who are more active at night and they are seed-eaters.

– Tarawih also spelled Taraweeh, are extra prayers which Muslims read at night in the month of Ramadan.

– They leave at night on a destroyer, but it is torpedoed by a U-boat.

– In the morning they were separated but at night they came together, which created the darkness.

– They hide during the daytime and sleep, and at night they come out to hunt.

– The company danced in small shows late at night in places on off-off Broadway.

– They feed at night and in the late afternoon, generally eating grass and herbs close to forest shelter.

– However, at night Cartoon Network switches to Adult Swim which broadcasts programs for Teenagerteens and adults instead.

– Later he returned to Philadelphia where he worked in a post office during the day and at night he went to acting classes.

– Some of the light from the stars you see at night traveled for billions of years to reach your eye.

– They may have different performance in low light; nocturnal animals can see better at night than daytime animals.

– Snails are most active at night and after rainfall.

– He continued to study mechanics and electrical engineering at night school.

– Others worked from 7:00 at night to 7:00 in the morning.

– The sometimes go out at night to hunt.

– The babies go camping in the backyard, and things turn bad at night when they fear that a “Satchmo” will capture them.

– The kids are intrigued by a person they call Boo Radley, the rumor around the town is that Boo only goes outside of his house at night and hunts squirrels with his bare hands.

– He thinks she is afraid and offers to escort her out of the station by stating that the people in this town refrain from traveling at night in this area.

– In the morning he wrote, in the afternoon he fished, and at night he went to a public house and drank.

– They hunt for food at night – they are nocturnal.

– Late at night on 26 June 1880, Joe Byrne and Dan Kelly went to Sherritt’s house at Sebastopol.

– People often swim nude at night or very early in the morning.

– He had no time to train during the day, so he would sneak out of the house at night to train, sometimes at 1 or 2 a.m.

– It was bright enough to let people read easily at night or do work.

– He gives birth at night and is ready for the next batch of eggs by morning when his mate returns.

– Fireplaces kept rooms warm, and candles were used for light at night or in dark rooms.

– Often, soldiers have to do orienteering courses at night or in the rain.

– In 1912, at the age of 17, he taught dance at night while working as a draftsman by day.

– The temperature in the daytime can reach or lower at night time in the winter.

– If WikiGnomes don’t occasionally feel the love from the people whom their work has helped, they might sneak into the kitchens of such users at night and sit on their dairy products.

– He breaks off his engagement, sneaks out at night and stops seeing his friends.

– Birds such as owls that hunt at night have wings with soft rounded feathers so that they do not flap loudly.

– These frogs look for food at night and like to sit in the sun during the day.

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