“christendom” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “christendom”:

+ Instead of sending money, Urban II called upon the knights of Christendom in a speech made at the Council of Clermont on 27 November 1095, combining the idea of pilgrimage to the Holy Land with that of waging a holy war against infidels.

+ Until the process of secularization in the west began with the Age of Enlightenment in the 17th century, Western civilization was also called Christendom meaning the area where the ChristianityChristian religion is in the majority.

+ He says that there is a general priesthood in Christendom in his 1520 “To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation”.

+ Much of the ideology of the Reconquista was common to most CrusadesCrusading: soldiers from all Christendom travelled to Iberia to fight the Muslims as an act of Christian repentance.

+ From there and through its religious significance in Christendom it came to be incorporated into medieval symbolism.

christendom use in-sentences
christendom use in-sentences

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