“useful” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “useful”:

– The general exponential function, where the base is not necessarily, is among the most useful of mathematical functions.

– Below are some useful links to make your time here simpler.

– This is useful when the RAM does not have enough space to store anymore information.

– If the data follows the common pattern called the normal distribution, then it is very useful to know the standard deviation.

– Magnesium reacted with an alkyl halide gives a Gringard reagent, which is a very useful tool for preparing alcohols.

– Articles for older minor committees with little prose might not benefit much from an infobox, and if unsure if one should be added, see WP:DISINFO for useful guidelines.

– At the age of 13, Pope Innocent VIII named Medici cardinal in 1489.Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge.

– In that case it can be useful to create a template that produces the syntax for a table row, with the data as parameters.

useful use in sentences
useful use in sentences

Example sentences of “useful”:

– For this reason, it is one of the most common techniques used in genetics labs around the world, making it useful in experiments on many things, including gene therapy, infectious diseases, and even forensics.

– They are also useful for fixing parts made of plastic, and for making toys, figures, and models.

– The Spy is considered a “pick class”, meaning he is very dispensable but also very useful to get certain kills.

– They were also useful to established performers, to give them steady work and regular exposure to audiences.

– It is one of the most common and useful metals.

– A month later, the “Luftwaffe” shifted its attacks to RAF airfields and infrastructure, which were other useful war targets.

– People, can’t we simply use this noticeboard for useful things? Such threads only make more problems than they solve.

– My immediate goals are to continue to develop Twinkle as a tool that is useful for both users and admins.

– This could be evidence of evolution; but intelligent design suggests that every part of an animal is useful and there for a reason, showing how smart the designer was.

- For this reason, it is one of the most common techniques used in genetics labs around the world, making it useful in experiments on many things, including gene therapy, infectious diseases, and even forensics.

- They are also useful for fixing parts made of plastic, and for making toys, figures, and models.

– Philosophers believe that asking philosophical questions is useful because it brings wisdom and helps people to learn about the world and each other.

– This mode is very useful for articles about software products whose vendors keep releasing updates or newer versions.

– The rate of extinction is therefore a useful thing to measure.

– A variegated leaf is useful in conducting experiments to show that chlorophyll is needed for photosynthesis to happen.

– Despite that it is a poison, carbon monoxide is very useful in chemical industry so lots of ways of making it have been discovered.

– Some are useful for their timber, while others are prized as ornamentals.

More in-sentence examples of “useful”:

– While he was at the workshop, he was able to learn all sorts of other useful skills: chemistry, metallurgy, metal working, plaster casting, leather working, mechanics and carpentry.

– In this way, many kinds of useful plants can be easily reproduced without any seeds, for example: apple, avocado, banana, cacao, hemp, Orange orange/lemon, date, fig, grape, almond, pineapple, potato, strawberry, sugar cane and tea.

– A useful meter generally contains provision for damping the mechanical resonance of the moving coil and pointer, so that the pointer settles quickly to its position without oscillation.

– Note: if you didn’t use the Wikidata watchlist integration feature for a long time, feel free to give it another chance! The feature has been improved since the beginning and the content it displays is more precise and useful than at the beginning of the feature in 2015.

– Specific impulse is a useful value to compare rocket or jet engines.

– This is particularly useful when the amount of work in a speciality does not permit having a full team on site in each hospital.

– However, these tests are not very useful if the cause is food, or if the person has a normal blood pressure.

– Mandarins of all sorts are very useful lunchbox fruit, because they are easy to peel and eat, but do not get squashed easily.

– The idea had been around for a long time, but became useful in the 1600s.

– It is useful to create certain grammatical forms from others.

– There aren’t any moons with moons, though perhaps “co-orbital with” might be a useful row to add in a few cases.

– Many animals also show signs of intelligence: Animals also need to solve problems, and remembering how a problem is solved is useful to them.

– One example where heuristics are useful is a kind of packing problem.

– The only useful things at all there are the interwikis to en, fr, de and so on.

– Another useful introduction to his work is his Biography, “Memories, Dreams, Reflections”, written mostly by his secretary, Mrs Aniela Jaffe, and to which he contributed three or four chapters.

– It uses various techniques from many fields, including signal processing, mathematics, probability, machine learning, computer programming, statistics, data engineering, pattern matching, and data visualization, with the goal of extracting useful knowledge from the data.

– Epistemological relativism is explained as the view that a person cannot truly understand another culture in a useful or meaningful way, which is similar to Boas’ ‘historical anthropology’ now identified as historical particularism.

– Swimming is an activity that can be both useful and recreational.

– This is useful to limit the number seen at one time in articles with many coordinates.

– This format has the advantage of selecting for properties in a cellular environment, which is useful when the evolved protein or RNA is to be used in living organisms.

– Birch bark is useful because it is strong and water-resistant.

– Search engines are very useful to find information about anything quickly and easily.

– This property of the dot product has several useful applications.

– Wheels may be a very useful peak, but the valley around that peak is too low or too wide for the gene pool to move to it by genetic drift or natural selection.

– Hawk-Eye is a machine that can give a virtual replay of the shot that has just been played – this is useful for seeing if the ball was in or out.

– The study of seals is very useful in many areas: genealogy, political history, art history etc.

– An airbag is a useful vehicle safety device.

– It is separated into simpler, more useful mixtures by fractional distillation in Oil refineryoil refineries to give separate chemicals such as bitumen for roads.

– It is useful for separating complex mixtures of compounds having similar polarity, for example, amino acids.

– It is also too far away from other places to be useful for either industry or commerce.

– Some potters make objects which are not useful and are really artistic objects or sculpture.

– Just thinking, is there consensus for it? Personally, i’d find it very useful for vandal fighting etc.

– This template is intended to be useful for creating links to “oldids”; that is, links to old versions of a wiki page.

– Respiration is the process in which nutrients are converted into useful energy in a cell.

– Spinets were useful for accompanying.

– I think we should discuss if these red links are serving a useful purpose.

– Many of the buttons to edit links, images, and other items now also show the linked page, image name, or other useful information when you click on them.

– Wheels are a very useful technology for people.

– Often referred to simply as “corrosion”, corrosive wear is deterioration of useful properties in a material due to reactions with its environment.

– However, jury nullification can provide valuable feedback and is sometimes useful if it is used wisely.

– Apart from lessening the feeling of confusion large succession boxes tend to create to the reader, headers also provide useful disambiguation information by naming specific legislative bodies, religions, peerages etc.

– The harbor stopped being so useful because big boats could not get in, so they went to places like Liverpool, EnglandLiverpool, Plymouth.

– Although it doesn’t operate on tables, it is included here as it is useful for determining whether a value can be a valid table key.

– The template is particularly useful on low-activity articles where dated statements may not receive prompt attention.

– This isn’t very useful and the article should be deleted rather than left alone for people to try and correct it.

– This template will be most useful for current committees, mainly regarding information about current leadership, though it will also be useful for other various historic committees.

– It was also said to be useful for curing hiccups.

– High dose calcium channel blockers are useful in only 5% of IPAH patients who are “vasoreactive” by Swan-Ganz catheter.

- While he was at the workshop, he was able to learn all sorts of other useful skills: chemistry, metallurgy, metal working, plaster casting, leather working, mechanics and carpentry.

- In this way, many kinds of useful plants can be easily reproduced without any seeds, for example: apple, avocado, banana, cacao, hemp, Orange orange/lemon, date, fig, grape, almond, pineapple, potato, strawberry, sugar cane and tea.

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