Use the word “lighten”

How to use in-sentence of “lighten”:

– He often sang about skin creams and powders which would lighten dark skin.

– This helped the colors of his paintings lighten and be painted in short strokes from the paintbrush.

– They were either ripped from their moorings or thrown overboard to lighten the load.

– With all due respect, you need to lighten up a bit, and have more faith in other users/admins.

– In reality, this was a storyline between Monsoon and his close friend Heenan, who decided to leave the World Wrestling Federation in order to lighten his travel schedule and because he did not want to take a 50% paycut.

– About extinct species: I’m finding it difficult to lighten the shading enough that it would be noticeable.

– There are techniques to lighten a fall onto a suitable surface of snow or ice.

Use the word lighten
Use the word lighten

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