“entanglement” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “entanglement”:

– Because scientists cannot control exactly what changes between entangled particles occur, it is not possible to use quantum entanglement alone to send messages.

– Scientists are trying to use quantum entanglement for many different things.

– Einstein called entanglement “spooky action at a distance”.

– With his co-workers, Boris Podolsky and Nathan Rosen, Einstein used entanglement to try to show weaknesses in quantum mechanics.

– The study noted that purple Hermit crabhermit crabs make their homes in plastic containers washed up on beaches; the debris may reduce shoreline gastropod diversity, may contribute to a reduction in the number of sea turtle laying attempts and may increase the risk of entanglement for coastal-nesting seabirds.

– Quantum entanglement is one of the concepts that led Albert Einstein to dislike the theory of quantum mechanics.

entanglement use in-sentences
entanglement use in-sentences

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