“on earth” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “on earth”:

+ The Barnum Bailey Greatest Show On Earth toured from 1897 to 1902.

+ People on Earth can see Gliese 581 in the constellation Libra.

+ Solar eclipses happen somewhere on Earth almost every year, and very similar solar eclipses happen every 18 years, 11.3 days.

+ Others are sent to geostationary orbit to relay radio signals from one part of Earth to another, or to watch events on Earth from a high point of view.

+ Helium-4 on Earth was made through radioactive decay from other elements, and it is made after the planet cooled and became solid.

+ It is actually one of the most visited places on Earth by tourists from all around the globe.

on earth use in-sentences
on earth use in-sentences

Example sentences of “on earth”:

+ The earliest known life forms found on Earth are fossils of microorganisms in 3.46 billion year old rocks in Western Australia.

+ The oldest rock formation on Earth may be the Acasta Gneiss in the Canadian Shield in the Northwest Territories, Canada.

+ They are believed to have been on Earth since the Cenozoic era or at the end of the Mesozoic.

+ Or Collection of Lotus and waterlilies species that i believed it would considered as the most species estimate of 500 species with details of each species that people on earth would gave away for free usage.

+ You must be on earth to use this formula.

+ This recreational use of Can-D allows colonists to experience a few minutes of an idealized life on Earth by participating in a collective hallucination.

+ Mauna Kea in Hawaii is the biggest mountain on Earth if it is measured from its base on the floor of the sea.

+ The molecules which combined to form genetic material are more complex than the “primordial soup” of organic chemicals that existed on Earth four billion years ago.

+ I don’t believe people have that in their intentions inside, they are the most loving, caring people on Earth and only have good intentions.

+ At the end of the cartoon, Poland is still on earth and is crying.

+ The earliest known life forms found on Earth are fossils of microorganisms in 3.46 billion year old rocks in Western Australia.

+ The oldest rock formation on Earth may be the Acasta Gneiss in the Canadian Shield in the Northwest Territories, Canada.
+ They are believed to have been on Earth since the Cenozoic era or at the end of the Mesozoic.

More in-sentence examples of “on earth”:

+ He tried to become the first known vegan to summit the 14 highest summits on Earth and successfully reached the top of 10 of them.

+ The origin of life on Earth is a scientific problem which is not yet solved.

+ All of this makes the area one of the best spots on Earth for long-term astronomical observation.

+ The discovery of meteorites on Earth that came from Mars has allowed laboratory examination of the chemical conditions on the planet.

+ TV seriesThe Eleventh Hour”, “Wagon Train”, “The Greatest Show on Earth The Greatest Show on Earth“, “Breaking Point”, “Three for the Road”.

+ Some places on Earth get a lot of rain and some places get no rain.

+ All known life on Earth needs it.

+ The landscape is amongst the most heavily irrigated on earth and canals can be found throughout the province.

+ The infant Kal-El lands on Earth in Smallville, Kansas, where he is discovered by couple Jonathan and Martha Kent, who name him Clark and raise him as their adopted son.

+ The first serious attempts to formulate a time scale of historical geology that could be applied anywhere on Earth happened in the late 18th century.

+ At the end of the movie, one of the crew members finds the Statue of Liberty and realizes they were on Earth all along.

+ It tells the story of life on Earth until the extinction of the dinosaurs.

+ The following year, Knight began a 28-mural series for Chicago, IllinoisChicago’s Field Museum of Natural History, a project which showed the history of life on earth and took four years to complete.

+ Most technetium made on Earth is a by-product of fission of uranium-235 in nuclear reactors.

+ The two fighters stand, stare, and exchange verbal barbs, other characters merely roam around aimlessly, non-superhuman characters do things on Earth or collect the Dragon Balls, King Kai offers running commentary and the amount of time to actually summon Shenron and Porunga is great.

+ During the New Deal, Andrew Ryan felt that there was no good place on Earth where people could keep all the money and goods they worked hard for.

+ Back on Earth the villagers thank Hercules for helping them and he and Deianeira go home.

+ This term also applies to the line on earth where the sun is directly overhead at noon on that solstice.

+ A major surface feature is a huge canyon that dwarfs the scale of the Grand Canyon on Earth and is in the same class as the Valles Marineris on Mars Mars or Saturn’s moon Tethys.

+ Why on earth should I not display the existance of the project? I should keep it to myself only to be found by accident? I cannot show people without displaying it and neither can you.

+ The ghost may stay on Earth because he or she has unfinished problems or is still trying to say goodbye to people who they missed.

+ Most of the gold on Earth is deep inside the Earth’s core because it is dense.

+ The way the internet works here on Earth is simple.

+ Many helium-4 on Earth is produced from the alpha decay of heavy elements.

+ He tried to become the first known vegan to summit the 14 highest summits on Earth and successfully reached the top of 10 of them.

+ The origin of life on Earth is a scientific problem which is not yet solved.
+ All of this makes the area one of the best spots on Earth for long-term astronomical observation.

+ All life processes on Earth use the chemistry of carbon compounds.

+ Each life on Earth is similar to a class in school.

+ Hindus also believe that sometimes God may appear on earth in living form.

+ Probably no place on earth is completely untouched by humanity, either due to past occupation by indigenous peoplesindigenous people, or through global processes such as climate change.

+ Duke crash lands back on Earth and finds most humans are gone.

+ Solar energy is used in many different ways by people all over the world both in its traditional way for heating, cooking or drying and to make electricity where other power supplies are absent, such as in remote places on Earth or in the space.

+ Some meteorites hit Mars with so much force a few pieces of Mars went flying into space even to Earth! Rocks on Earth are sometimes found which have chemicals that are exactly like the ones in Martian rocks.

+ The age of the Earth is about 4.54 billion years; the best evidence of early life on Earth dates from at least 3.46 billion years ago.

+ Primordial nuclides are Nuclidenuclides found on Earth which have existed since before the Earth was formed.

+ It will send the photos to the laboratory on Earth which will make them available to scientists to study.

+ She is very powerful and she tried to kill Zero’s soul.She is actually jealous of the love zero and Kurohime share, and uses Darkray’s skull to turn Zero into the god of death, so as to make Kurohime experience hell on earth forever.

+ Although the estimates made using the initial data were low, radioactive dating on Earth could be used to give measurements of 11–20 billion years Eventually, scientists were able to make much better measurements using spacecraft.

+ No other natural environment on Earth is as rich in oxygen.

+ Some moon rocks could have been collected without landing on the moon, but the first moon rock was found on Earth in 1979, and it was only discovered in 1982 that it came from the moon.

+ Why on earth did you support Malinaccier or Djsasso then? Shapiros10 has been more active since july he said.

+ Many of the largest volcanoes on Earth are shield volcanoes.

+ A ‘ common ancestor and tree of all of life on Earth is not the only way evolution could have happened.

+ This may or may not be true of all possible forms of life in the Universe: it is true of all life on Earth today.

+ You would weigh much more on Jupiter than on Earth because Jupiter is so huge.

+ There are at least 109 mountains on Earth that are higher than above sea level.

+ The early Earth’s atmosphereatmosphere on Earth was largely reducing, that is, without oxygen.

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