How to use in-sentence of “brains”

How to use in-sentence of “brains”:

+ Dordrecht: Springer, Chapter 10: The brains of vertebrates.

+ It requires more brains to control unstable flight than it does for stable flight.

+ Kelsey Grammer as the main antagonist, with Peter Cullen, James Remar, Reno Wilson and Robert Foxworth returning as the voices of Optimus Prime, Sideswipe, Mirage, Brains and Ratchet.

+ It had smaller molars and larger brains than the Australopithecines.

+ The evidence for this is the extra size of pterodactyl and bird brains compared with the reptile brains the groups started out with.

+ To dart about quickly requires special advanced brains and reflexes to keep control.

How to use in-sentence of brains
How to use in-sentence of brains

Example sentences of “brains”:

+ The Bad Brains had a big effect on many hardcore punk bands, including Minor Threat who are also from Washington, D.C.

+ He says that one day science will also explain how our brains work, and how that affects our behaviour.
+ It is certain that early mammals did have enlarged brains relative to their size.

+ The Bad Brains had a big effect on many hardcore punk bands, including Minor Threat who are also from Washington, D.C.

+ He says that one day science will also explain how our brains work, and how that affects our behaviour.

+ It is certain that early mammals did have enlarged brains relative to their size.

+ A blind spot is a part of the visual field our brains get no information from.

+ If their brains were better developed at birth, they would be larger, and this would make birth more difficult.

+ Throughout the last years, studies have shown that brains of autistic women might be like normal men’s brains.

+ They also have hardcore punk influences such as Bad Brains and The Misfits.

+ Visual pigments are located in the brains of more complex organisms, and are thought to have a role in synchronising spawning with lunar cycles.

+ In general, sauropods had long necks and tails, skinny bodies and limbs, and tiny brains and heads.

+ This is partly because their brains have to grow and mature after birth, and partly because humans depend more on learning and less on inherited behaviour compared to other mammals.

+ It is assumed that there are still human parts beneath their suits, meaning they are actually cyborgs, not robots: in “The Tenth Planet”, a Cyberman tells a group of humans that “our brains are just like yours”, although by the time of “Attack of the Cybermen”, their brains seem to have been replaced with electronics.

More in-sentence examples of “brains”:

+ A professor who did research in the 1980s and 1990s looked at the brains of dyslexic people who had died.

+ Their brains were slightly larger than the average human’s is today.

+ It is believed that the main difference between neurotypical brains and the ones with the ADHD is the deficit in amount of dopamine receptors release within the synapses in the brain.

+ The brains of teenagers are still growing, and it may take a while before they are mature enough to know how to make good choices about their lives.

+ Killer whales have the second-heaviest brains among marine mammals.

+ Nevertheless, scientists found some differences between the brains of autistic people and the typical human brain.

+ Most zombies eat the brains of living humans.

+ Humans are also born with their brains not so well developed as those of other mammals.

+ Two of the main features found in the brains of people with of Alzheimer’s disease, are “neurobrillary tangles”.

+ Members of the genus “Homo”, such as “Homo habilis”, had proportionately larger brains and more flexible behaviour.

+ The first was because the “structure of their brains is more closely related to the chemistry of the human body and brain-structure than to the chemical nature of the lower apes and their brain development” Köhler.

+ The eutheriodonts have larger skulls, accommodating larger brains and improved jaw muscles.

+ Deep learning models are inspired by information processing and communication patterns in biological Nervous systemnervous systems; they are different from the structural and functional properties of biological brains in many ways, which make them incompatible with neuroscience evidences.

+ The Carnivora also developed larger brains and more efficient running.

+ They fight each other—Lelouch’s brains versus Suzaku’s fighting talent.

+ Soon the girls learn a lesson about friendship, sisterhood, and love, and that it is better to choose brains of bronze.

+ To battle them, the nations in the Pacific Rim build the Jaegars: very large robots piloted by two people whose brains are linked to the robots.

+ The wealthier Romans liked to eat snails flattened on milk, peacock’s brains and flamingos tongues.

+ Also, their brains grow more after birth, fueled by rich food provided by parents.

+ During most of their time together, Bad Brains has lived in Washington, D.C.

+ They pretend to be looking for human brains to eat.

+ In March 2017 Elon Musk announced he has started another company which aims to merge human brains and computers, it is called Neuralink.

+ To dart about quickly requires special advanced brains and reflexes, which later bats, birds and pterosaurs had, but early ones did not.

+ Most dinosaurs, and most theropods, had brains no better than present-day reptiles, so far as can be estimated.

+ All vertebrates have brains and, over time, their brains have evolved to become more complex.

+ Cephalopod molluscs, such as squid, cuttlefish and octopus, are among the most neurobiologyneurologically advanced of all invertebrates: they have good brains and complex behaviours.

+ What we do is use our brains to work out what it is we are looking at.

+ A team of scientists led by Joshua Greene put people in an fMRI machine to watch what their brains did while they thought about the trolley problem and its other versions.

+ The stand had fountains on the sides where brains and blood would flow when the elephant pressed down its huge foot.

+ Their brains are ready-to-go, but end up smaller in relation to body size.

+ Lead arsenate was used as an insecticide in orchards but damaged the brains of those who put the insecticide on the trees.

+ The structure of all vertebrate brains is basically the same.

+ Because of this, it is said that her voice has a relaxing effect that has been observed in electroencephalograms taken from the brains of people listening to her singing.

+ The brains of dinosaurs were generally much like other reptiles in their proportions.

+ Later, hunting and social needs led to larger brains and the making and use of tools.

+ The six-layer neocortex is a distinguishing feature of mammals; it has been found in the brains of all mammals, but not in any other animals.

+ Our brains are less developed because we don’t think by ourselves we always use technology for that.

+ Crick’s book “The Astonishing Hypothesis” made the argument that neuroscience now had the tools required to begin a scientific study of how brains produce conscious experiences.

+ Autistic people have different brains to people who do not have autism.

+ Other animals can use their brains to solve problems, but there is no way of telling whether they do so consciously.

+ It is not likely that his brains were eaten, but it is known that necklaces were made, and that pictures were taken.

+ Upon Ymir’s defeat, the three brother’s crafted the Earth and Heavens from his body, the oceans from his sweat, his bones made the mountains, his skull is what formed the sky, and from his brains they created the clouds.

+ On average, they had larger brains than modern humans.

+ The thalamus from Greek languageGreek θάλαμος = “inner chamber” Douglas Harper – midline symmetrical structure in the brains of vertebrates.

+ Neurodiversity is a word for how everyone’s brains are different.

+ It is thought that only one hemisphere of their brains sleeps at a time, so that whales are never completely asleep, but still get the rest they need.

+ Their brains grew larger, and they began to make simple tools.

+ In a 2004 issue of Science Science, Swiss researchers scanned the brains of several subjects who had been intentionally “wronged” in an experiment.

+ EMDR involves the processing of painful emotional events via the recalling of the event…paired with movement of the eyes; the hearing of select sound; tactile contact; gustatory input as an input into the brains processing.

+ To dart about quickly requires special advanced brains and reflexes, which later birds and pterosaurs had, but early ones did not.

+ A professor who did research in the 1980s and 1990s looked at the brains of dyslexic people who had died.

+ Their brains were slightly larger than the average human's is today.
+ It is believed that the main difference between neurotypical brains and the ones with the ADHD is the deficit in amount of dopamine receptors release within the synapses in the brain.

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