How to use in-sentence of “for certain”

How to use in-sentence of “for certain”:

– Some sticks are made for certain instruments.

– It is difficult to know anything for certain about Caligula.

– The United States Constitution and many US statesstate constitutions have term limits for certain offices.

– Hysterectomies are done for certain forms of cancer of the reproductive system, or tumors.

– Combination locks can not be picked, but it is often possible to find the combination by feeling for certain clicks inside the lock, except on certain high-security safe locks.

How to use in-sentence of for certain
How to use in-sentence of for certain

Example sentences of “for certain”:

- Help:Strip markersStrip markers are special sequences of characters that MediaWiki inserts as a place-holder for certain xml-like tags.

- I am afraid that someone will notify my school staff, and then I will be in trouble for certain things.

– Help:Strip markersStrip markers are special sequences of characters that MediaWiki inserts as a place-holder for certain xml-like tags.

– I am afraid that someone will notify my school staff, and then I will be in trouble for certain things.

– It has been controversial for certain subjects.

– Aztecs also had a lot of harsh punishments for certain crimes.

– It is not known for certain if the Xia dynasty actually existed.

– Except for certain items, everything is made through industry.

– The car uses sensors to analyze its environment, and doesn’t need a a human’s help for certain tasks These tasks commoly include parking the car, driving while keeping the same lane on a highway or driving at a predefined speed.

– They usually specify which one should be used for certain kinds of things: variables, record fields, methods, procedures, types, etc.

– Baking powder and baking soda leavening is better for certain baked goods like muffins or cakes.

– Pinyin uses Roman letters in a special way for certain Chinese sounds.

– Nine countries in Africa that use the death penalty have mandatory death sentences for certain crimes.

– They are used to divide Iceland for certain purposes.

– It is not known for certain who and how the shape of the number five was created, but most people think it was made by the Brahmin Indians.

– The ones that are drawn for certain may be legally drawn.

– In baseball, an at bat or time at bat is used for certain statistics.

– Fourteen of the countries in the Asia-Pacific region that use the death penalty have the mandatory death penalty for certain crimes.

– To hunt for its prey, the Candirú lies at the bottom of the river testing and sniffing the water for certain chemicals, such as urea and ammonia from the gills of other fish.

– Sometimes schools may use full inclusion for certain students such as those with mental retardation.

– Modesty is the term for certain norms of behaviour, clothing and habits a society expects from its people.

– Freon is a word for certain chemical compounds, often used as refrigerants.

More in-sentence examples of “for certain”:

- However, when it is exposed to hot weather for certain time, kimchi turns sour.

- It provides responses for certain topics repeatedly brought up on the talk page.
- There is very little known for certain about the life of Kālidās.

– However, when it is exposed to hot weather for certain time, kimchi turns sour.

– It provides responses for certain topics repeatedly brought up on the talk page.

– There is very little known for certain about the life of Kālidās.

– Each Mahasiddha has come to be known for certain things.

– Only consonant sounds are written down, some versions have “helpers” for certain vowels.

– In fact, most people who vote for certain political parties will not agree with their party on every issue, but they will agree on the issues that are most important to themselves.

– Small criticism was made for certain parts of the gameplay and level creation tools.

– Ignored for certain now by the wounded cat, the narrator soon seeks further retaliation.

– Kriegspiel is an unorthodox chess game in which the players only know for certain the moves of their own pieces.

– The match kickoff times were 20:45 CEST/CET in general, except for certain matches for geographical reasons.

– Abstinence is a voluntary restraint from following a desire or appetite for certain bodily activities that are widely experienced as giving pleasure.

– They are notable for having chaotic solutions for certain parameter values and starting conditions.

– On 12 December 2011, the two teams at the Large Hadron Collider looking for the Higgs boson, ATLAS and CMS, announced that they had finally seen results which could suggest the Higgs boson existed; however, they did not know for certain if this was true.

– The state or ruler even made laws for certain aspects of feuds.

– They are also used to test for certain drugs.

– MAOIs and RIMAs are used to provide a second line of treatment for certain Psychiatrypsychiatric illnesses, most commonly types of hard to treat depression with not normal symptoms and anxiety disorders.

– The word is used for certain kinds of usually knitted gloves.

– Heat treating is used for pieces of metal, for certain alloys, and for certain types of plastic.

– Nothing is known for certain about Gein until November 16, 1957 when he shot killed Bernice Worden in her store in Plainfield.

– Little is known for certain about Anne’s early life, beginning with the date and location of her birth.

– Besides the new character artwork by Dave Gibbons, “The Director’s Cut” also had a new first person view for certain puzzles.

– It is not known for certain if there were other murders committed by Gein beyond the known deaths of Hogan and Worden-after his arrest a search of the house revealed newspaper clippings of murders of Wisconsin women whose killers had not been caught.

– This format causes problems because it looks like the symbol, representing the empty set, as well as for certain Scandinavian languages which use Ø as a letter.

– The human body needs small amounts of cobalt for certain vitamins.

– These birds often fight each other for certain types of fish.

– It is not known for certain whether the people in this category are currently living.

– It is not known for certain whether he did invent it, but it is always attributed to him.

– Normandy or Gordon, it’s confusing so I need to know for certain through consensus, am I or am I not allowed to celebrate a holiday with a small thread like on ST? Thanks.

– He used the method for certain types of mental illness for which there was no other treatment.

– In some countries, it is allowed, but only for certain reasons, such as the pregnancy resulting from rape, or a doctor saying that the pregnant woman might die if the pregnancy is not stopped.

– It is not known for certain when the station’s name was changed, possibly when it ceased serving the Shenfield line.

– Though not the complete process that would be performed by a professional dry cleaner, they allow the convenience of home laundry and work for certain types of garments.

– Some police cars are adapted for certain functions such as traffic control, to transport police dogs or bomb disposal.

– However, for certain tasks, one hemisphere may be more “dominant” than the other.

– Phelps, with Calvo and John Taylor, started a programme to rebuild Keynesian economics with new ideas about prices and wages being kept the same for certain time.

– Some dogs are certified as companion dogs and are selected for certain qualities.

– They often have rituals for certain times of the year or certain times of a person’s life.

– The BC changes during a projectile’s flight and stated BCs are always averages for certain distances and speeds.

– It is also used as a catalyst for certain reactions.

– Radioactive waste is a term used for certain substances that are radioactive and that are no longer useful.

– We do not know much for certain about his early life.

– This style is used for certain event results tables.

– It was believed that Ra each night passed into Duat and then battled with Apep, always winning except for certain days in which Ra is momentarily devoured, what the Egyptians saw as an eclipse.

– Another examples are Coxeter–Dynkin diagram which are used for certain problems of geometry.

– In modern times, the idea of indulgences has occasionally been used by the Catholic Church, but only as a reward for certain pious acts, and not as a full pardon for sins.

– Note: This template is used to generate a see also list for certain coordinate templates.

– Each antidote only works for certain poisons.

– Because of this it is important to know for certain it is garden angelica before eating it.

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