Make sentence of “carboniferous”

How to use in-sentence of “carboniferous”:

– The so-called Carboniferous rainforest collapse was caused by a cooler drier climate which broke up the rainforest ecosystem.

– Fossils of these plants start in the middle Devonian to early Carboniferous periods, mostly just as stems.

– Earth movements after the Carboniferous period resulted in the up-doming of the area.

– They lived worldwide from the Carboniferous to the Triassic.

– Amniotes developed the cleidoic egg early in the Carboniferous period, and this meant they could live and reproduce on dry land.

Make sentence of carboniferous
Make sentence of carboniferous

Example sentences of “carboniferous”:

- A single fossil was found in East Kirton quarry, West Lothian, Scotland, in early Carboniferous rocks.

- PennsylvanianUpper Carboniferous and Lower living groups and a number of Palaeozoic groups, now extinct.

– A single fossil was found in East Kirton quarry, West Lothian, Scotland, in early Carboniferous rocks.

– PennsylvanianUpper Carboniferous and Lower living groups and a number of Palaeozoic groups, now extinct.

– It came from the Lower Carboniferous lagerstätte near Edinburgh, Scotland.

– They are found in Isle of SkyeSkye, Mull, Antrim and other places, where there are tertiary volcanic rocks; in Scotland, Derbyshire and Ireland among the carboniferous strata; and among the still older rocks of the Lake District, southern uplands of Scotland and Wales.

– The Kiaman Reverse Superchron lasted from the late Carboniferous to the late Permian.

– It lived during the Carboniferous period, about 350 million years ago.

– In the case of the common fossil “Bellerophon”, from Carboniferous limestones in Europe, it is not known whether it is a gasropod or not.

– He became an expert on the Coal Measures, and his “Observations on the Structure of Fossil Plants found in the Carboniferous Strata” was one of the studies of the Palaeontographical Society.

– During the following Carboniferous period, the sharks underwent a period of diversification, with many new forms evolving.

– An amniote-like skeleton from the early Carboniferous of Scotland.

– The “coal measures”, which give the Carboniferous its name, are the remains of peat formed by dense tropical wetland forests.

– They thrived during the Pennsylvanian sub-period of the Carboniferous 315–300 million years years ago.

– This geologic mountain-building event took place mostly in the Devonian and Carboniferous periods.

– Coal forests were huge areas of wetlands which covered much of the Earth’s Tropicstropical land areas in the late Carboniferous and Permian times.Cleal C.J.

– This was one of the trees which made up the Carboniferous coal-forests.

– They are seen in the coal measures of the Carboniferous period, and some were trees reaching up 30 metres.

– They lived during the Carboniferous to the early Permian.

– They comprise the Carboniferous limestone, the overlying gritstone and finally the coal measures at the margins of the area.

– A new interpretation of dragonfly wing venation based on early Upper Carboniferous fossils from Argentina and basic character states in pterygote wings.

– It is in size, and originally dates from the Carboniferous period of geological history.

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