“chromatic” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “chromatic”:

– Later it was a totally chromatic expressionism without firm tonal centre.

– It contains some of the earliest and most accurate descriptions of phenomena such as coloured shadows, refraction, and chromatic aberration.

– The minimum number of colors needed to color a graph is called its chromatic number.

– The chromatic trumpet was developed in the late 18th century.

– The Piano Concerto in D minor is a moody, chromatic work of passionate, troubled, and dramatic outbursts.

chromatic - some sentence examples
chromatic – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “chromatic”:

- This made chromatic scales very interesting and “colourful” which is why they were called “chromatic”.

- These valves change the length of the tube, so that the horn had now become chromatic i.e.
- Another type of harmonica is the chromatic harmonica.

– This made chromatic scales very interesting and “colourful” which is why they were called “chromatic”.

– These valves change the length of the tube, so that the horn had now become chromatic i.e.

– Another type of harmonica is the chromatic harmonica.

– When Morley died in 1602, Weelkes wrote an anthem called “A Remembrance of my Friend Thomas Morley”, Weelkes’s madrigals are very chromatic and use counterpoint and unusual rhythms.

– Richard Wagner wrote very chromatic music, especially in his opera “Tristan and Isolde”.

– Going up a chromatic scale would have been like walking up a staircase with steps which were slightly larger or smaller in depth.

– A special type of harmonica, the chromatic harmonica, is used in jazz and classical music.

– There are also buttons pressed by the fingers which allow pads over holes to open or close so all notes of the chromatic scale can be played.

– More songs can be played on it than a regular harmonica, because chromatic harmonicas can play more different notes.

– His piano piece “Vexations” is a short piece with strange, chromatic chords, which the pianist is then supposed to play 840 times.

– In this rigorous series, begun in 1949, Albers explored chromatic interactions with flat colored squares arranged inside each other.

– Although Johann Sebastian BachBach in the 18th century used chromatic harmony it was the 19th century composers who used it more and more.

– Messina is the creator of an alternative music technique known as “The Interval Study Method”, which uses the chromatic scalechromatic and diatonic scales to create music.

– He was capable of writing in a late Romantic style with chromatic harmonies, but he also wrote in more modern styles, often using very simple ideas.

– The orchestral accompaniment consists mainly of reiterated notes for the first verse and of falling chromatic lines for the second verse.

– The ones who felt compelled to complete the task took music to the chromatic extreme of atonality, others found ways to continue to write music using recognisable harmonic sequences and tonal melody by emancipating the dissonance and freeing it from its functional straightjacket.

– Satie used ways of composing such as very chromatic music and Minimalism before many other people.

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