“counter” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “counter”:

– However, wasps counter this by laying more eggs in aphids that have the endosymbiont so that at least one of them can hatch and parasitize the aphid.

– They released their first album “Over the Counter Culture” in 2004.

– Sometimes there are special entries, these are represented by parameter 4 or “factor”, if present – alternatively they can be manually included in the counter category.

– When it hits a light detector on the machine, the machine says, “Count = 1” it simultaneously shoots another short burst of light toward the mirror, and when that light comes back the machine says, “Count = 2.” They decide that a certain number of bounces will be defined as a second, and they make the machine change the seconds counter every time it has detected that number of bounces.

– The move is uncommon and is a counter to the tilt-a-whirl backbreaker/tilt-a-whirl mat slam.

counter in-sentences
counter in-sentences

Example sentences of “counter”:

– It turns counter clockwise.

– Though Syrian and Lebanese forces made an advance into Israeli territories, Israelis made counter advances into Syrian and Lebanese territory.

– Would anyone object to changing the edit counter in to ? If no one objects, let’s do that.

– A special Counter Intelligence Corps detachment handled the project’s security issues.

– For example, these cards’ effects may eliminate an opponent’s card, counter the effects of an opponent’s card, or retrieve a specific card from one’s own deck, to name just a few.

– The album follows 2004’s “Siren Song of the Counter Culture”.

– Note that these tactics were only effective due to the advantage guerrilla warfareguerrillas had in close quarters; tanks can barely maneuver in such conditions and are not able to counter quick-moving enemies armed with incendiary bombs.

– Rise Against released “Siren Song of the Counter Culture” in August 2004.

– A Geiger counter is an instrument that measures ionizing radiation such as alpha particles, beta particles, or gamma rays.

– He needs to be restrained, because his work runs counter to our general intentions.

– Formed as a counter to Jim Crockett Promotions’ successful Starrcade event, WrestleMania I was broadcast to one million nationwide via closed-circuit television and pay-per-view.

– This idea was pushed in order to counter the self-hating mood of Jewish youth in the city, created under the influence of Otto Weininger’s works.

- It turns counter clockwise.

- Though Syrian and Lebanese forces made an advance into Israeli territories, Israelis made counter advances into Syrian and Lebanese territory.

More in-sentence examples of “counter”:

- The fast edit counter is.

- The Swordsman Style gives the player additional melee attacks, the Gunman Style gives the player additional gun attacks, the Trickster Style gives the player additional dodge maneuvers to more easily avoid enemy attacks, and the Guardian Style allows the player to guard and counter enemy attacks if the player carefully times their button presses.

– The fast edit counter is.

– The Swordsman Style gives the player additional melee attacks, the Gunman Style gives the player additional gun attacks, the Trickster Style gives the player additional dodge maneuvers to more easily avoid enemy attacks, and the Guardian Style allows the player to guard and counter enemy attacks if the player carefully times their button presses.

– They would sit at the lunch counter and politely ask to buy some food.

– Every time it changes the seconds counter it also flashes a light out through a porthole under the machine.

– The move can be used as a counter attack to an attack from behind.

– Buffets grade into cafeterias when there is a serving counter and the customer moves with a tray along a track.

– The opponent is not able to counter it.

– This was to counter the American guns mounted on their earthworks as well as those on the anchored cutter in the river.

– He works at the Counter Terrorist Unit as a field agent.

– To counter the British threat, Nana Phadnavis, the Maratha chief minister at Pune formed an alliance with the Marathas, Mysore and the Nizam of Hyderabad.

– To counter this, the 1760 Massachusetts law required the list the sheriff used to be selected by a town meeting.

– It is used in many over the counter medicines, such as Excedrin, Midol and Anacin.

– To counter this, I’m hoping for a bit of a shift in the direction suggested…

– This is where they released “Siren Song of the Counter Culture” in 2004.

– It can be treated with over the counter lotions such as Eucerin, Cera Ve, or a cortisone ointment.

– In a counter claim, the lawmakers through the Chairman, Committee on Media and Public Affairs, Abdulrazak Namdas stated that his suspension was connected to his investigation by the Economic and Financial Crime Commission and abuse of power during his tenure as Chairman of Finance Committee.

– Three college graduates find themselves back home in New Jersey stuck behind the counter of a pizza parlor and frustrated about their life’s perspectives, while their friends move on, struggle to find a new direction for their lives.

– The Force says “A wide range of unarmed and armed tactics are available to the Force to counter any perceived threat”.

– They say they must exist as a politically right counter to the anti-fascist group Antifa.

– The main game type is bomb defuse, which is when there is 2 teams of 5 terrorists and 5 counter terrorists.

– The first six seasons were all focused the fictional Los Angeles branch of the Counter Terrorist Unit.

– It adds one to the counter that is attached to it, and it fires another blink of light up to the mirror.

– Should X!’s edit counter retain the opt-in requirement? Your input is strongly encouraged.

– However, White can counter this by opening the centre with 4.

– Then, a counter coup had challenged the unity of Nigeria.

– The Inferno Mode he developed to counter Hamon users allows him to turn his blood into superheated acid to melt down his foes.

– Also the player has a heart counter that goes down if they are hit, or if their attacks are blocked.

– This counter was only capable of detecting alpha particles but in 1928 Geiger and Walther Müller developed the sealed Geiger-Müller tube which could detect more types of ionizing radiation and it became a practical radiation sensor.

– There are different kinds of Uzis: Mini Uzi, which is a smaller version of the Uzi; Micro Uzi, which is only slightly larger than a standard pistol; Para Micro Uzi, which was made for Counter Terrorist Units; and the Uzi Pistol, which is semi-automatic.

– In order to counter this problem, all wikis now have the IP block exemption group enabled.

– Despite its big Commercecommercial success, Siren Song of the Counter Culture is not Rise Against’s highest charting album on the Billboard 200, peaking at number 136; subsequent albums The Sufferer The Witness and Appeal to Reason both charted higher, peaking at number 10 and number 3.

– Lee and his government stressed the importance of maintaining religious tolerance and racial harmony, and they were ready to use the law to counter any threat that might incite ethnic and religious violence.

– Martin played a wealthy businessman who strikes up a romance with a Saks 5th Avenue counter girl.

– In 1857, when the Indian Mutiny broke out, he accompanied Nicholson and his military force to Delhi to counter the rebels there, who were trying to win over the last Mughal Emperor Bahadur Shah II, to their cause.

– In fact, that ambiguity adds to the tale as an ironic counter to the strict attention to detail in the plot.

– The move is usually used as a counter move after one of the wrestler’s kick is blocked and caught by the opponent.

– The Wind Mode he developed to counter Hamon users allows him to control the air in his lungs from his Divine Sand Storm attack to rendering himself invisible.

– The aim of the game is for the terrorist to plant the bomb at bombsite A or bombsite B and for the counter terrorists the aim is to stop the terrorist from planting the bomb.

– Second, its magazines had a counter that tells the shooter how many bullets are left.

– His counter to the doctrine of original sin, born amid the optimistic atmosphere of Renaissance humanism, was taken up by another author who lived at the same time, the essayist Richard Steele, who attributed the corruption of contemporary manners to false education.

– Ambassador-at-Large for Counter Terrorism from 1998 to 2000 during the Bill Clinton administration.

– He is perhaps best known as the co-inventor of the detector component of the Geiger counter and for the Geiger–Marsden experiment which discovered the atomic nucleus.

– It was established by Qantas to counter the expansion of Virgin Blue in Australia.

– Once this was available, Geiger counter instruments could be produced relatively cheaply.

– Rise Against signed onto DreamWorks Records in December 2003 and made their third album, “Siren Song of the Counter Culture” in 2004.

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