“aztec” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “aztec”:

– Maria’s uncle, a priest of a local church does not like Diego’s sympathy for the Aztec religion.

– The Aztecs had strict rules and punishments for people who broke Aztec morals.

– All adult men in the Empire had to be in the Aztec military.

– In August they marched to Tenochtitlan, the capital of the Aztec Empire.

– He later wakes up in Mictlan, the Aztec land of the dead.

– The style of the game mixes film noir movies, Mexican folklore, and Aztec beliefs about what happens after death.

– That August, Cortes went to Tenochtitlan, the capital of the Aztec Empire.

aztec - some sentence examples
aztec – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “aztec”:

- The Aztec having started to build their empire around 14th century found their civilization abruptly ended by the Spanish conquistadors.

- It became the capital city of the Aztec Empire, and its ruler became the 'high king' of the Empire.
- Historical examples of autocracies include: The Aztec Empire in Mesoamerica, in it, the Aztec Emperor functioned as both the sole ruler of the Empire himself, as well as of its military, he also was the religious figurehead behind the empire's aggressive foreign policy, Eastern Han under Dong Zhuo, the Empire of Japan under Hirohito, and the Roman Empire, in 27 B.C., Augustus founded the Roman Empire following the end of the Roman Republic.

– The Aztec having started to build their empire around 14th century found their civilization abruptly ended by the Spanish conquistadors.

– It became the capital city of the Aztec Empire, and its ruler became the ‘high king’ of the Empire.

– Historical examples of autocracies include: The Aztec Empire in Mesoamerica, in it, the Aztec Emperor functioned as both the sole ruler of the Empire himself, as well as of its military, he also was the religious figurehead behind the empire’s aggressive foreign policy, Eastern Han under Dong Zhuo, the Empire of Japan under Hirohito, and the Roman Empire, in 27 B.C., Augustus founded the Roman Empire following the end of the Roman Republic.

– People still use Aztec symbols in Mexico.

– The Spanish said that the Aztec people threw rocks at him, killing him.

– Between 1519 and 1521, he conquered the Aztec Empire of emperor Montezuma II where Mexico is today.

– She is of Aztec origins.

– In Modern historymodern times, the Aztec ballgame changed into “ulama.” People still play this game in a few communities in the Mexican state of Sinaloa.

– The Mexican coat of armscentral emblem is the ancient Aztec symbol for Tenochtitlan, the center of the Aztec Empire.

– He became fascinated with Aztec mythology and the Dia de los Muertos traditions in Mexico.

– On August 13, 1521, the Aztec Empire fell apart and the Spanish took over.

– They were bought and sold at Aztec markets.

– They plan to spill her blood on the chest of Aztec gold in hopes to break the curse.

– Popocatépetl is the Aztec word for “Smoking Mountain”.

– From 1430 onward, the Aztec Empire grew.

– They also used paintings that showed Aztec rulers as being close to the gods, doing what the gods wanted them to do.

– Tenochtitlan was the center of the Aztec government and religion.

– The last battle between the Aztecs and the Zapotecs occurred between 1497 and 1502, under the Aztec ruler Ahuizotl.

More in-sentence examples of “aztec”:

– Today, San Lorenzo remains a significant archaeological site because the artifacts found there–including the famous Colossal Heads and jade masks–shed some light on Olmec culture and its profound influence on later Mesoamerican civilizations, such as the Aztec and Maya.

– Also the name “Mexico” is an Aztec word.

– Under Aztec sumptuary law, a commoner could also get the death penalty for wearing cotton.

– This was not much different from what many serfs had done during the Aztec Empire.

– Tlaloc would require weeping boys in the first months of the Aztec calendar to be ritually murdered.

– Unknown to him, the skull is actually a symbol of death representing the Aztec death god.

– In 1519 Hernando Cortes and few hundred soldiers marched into Aztec capital and eventually destroyed the city, later rebuilt as Mexico City.

– The most popular Aztec sport was Tlachtili.

– In 1521 they conquered the Aztec capital Tenochtitlan.

– Because of these things, many people in the Aztec Empire were unhappy.

– In 1515, two of the states in the Aztec Empire rebelled.

– Barbossa and the crew are cursed to not die but also not to feel any pleasure after they steal a chest of Aztec gold.

– The Aztec Empire and the Mongol Empire were land empires.

– They ruled the Aztec Empire from the 14th century to the 16th century.

– Elizabeth, on board the “Black Pearl”, learns that the crew is under the curse of a chest of Aztec gold.

– Montezuma II let them into Aztec territory, where they learned the Aztecs’ weaknesses and then destroyed them.

– This was an Aztec symbol.

– This legend has been used to support the idea that the Aztec leader Moctezuma thought that the Spanish “conquistador” Cortés was Quetzalcoatl returning from exile.

– In Aztec culture, for example, the game was meant to represent the combat that happened every day on the “ball court” in the underworld, where the sun fought with the night to get across.

– Popocatépetl was an Aztec warrior who loved Iztaccíhuatl.

– The name “Teotihuacán” was given by the Nahuatl languageNahuatl-speaking Aztec centuries after the fall of the city.

– Even after marrying, an Aztec woman’s property and money were still her own; they did not go to her husband.

– Tlazolteotl is an Aztec goddess.

– The game’s religious meaning was linked to the Mayan and Aztec practices of human sacrifice.

- Today, San Lorenzo remains a significant archaeological site because the artifacts found there–including the famous Colossal Heads and jade masks–shed some light on Olmec culture and its profound influence on later Mesoamerican civilizations, such as the Aztec and Maya.

- Also the name "Mexico" is an Aztec word.
- Under Aztec sumptuary law, a commoner could also get the death penalty for wearing cotton.

– Unlike the campaigns against the Aztec and Inca states, the Maya had no single political center.

– He later wakes up in the land of the dead, Mictlan, where the Aztec gods Mictlantecuhtli and Tezcatlipoca sacrifice him.

– There were many different reasons why the Spanish were able to take over the Aztec Empire.

– Jack Sparrow uses his one shot to shoot Captain Barbosa and Will puts his blood on the Aztec Gold, causing the bullet to cause damage to Captain Barbosa.

– In Aztec mythology, Xoːchiquetzal was a deitygoddess of dancing and pregnant women.

– That city, which they called Tenochtitlan, became the capital of the Aztec Empire.

– It became the capital city of the Aztec Empire, and its ruler became the ‘high king’ of the entire Empire.

– The Aztec Ruins National Monument preserves ancestral Puebloan structures in the northwestern part of the U.S.

– At its most powerful, the Aztec Empire controlled about 11,000,000 people.

– Later, in 1521, with his army of a few Spaniards and many natives, Cortés destroyed Tenochtitlan and took over the Aztec Empire.

– It shares many aspects with calendars employed by other earlier Mesoamerican civilizations, such as the Zapotec civilisationZapotec and Olmec, and contemporary or later ones such as the Mixtec and Aztec calendars.

– Some gods and goddesses in Aztec mythology are Huitzilopochtli, Tezcatlipoca, and Xochiquetzal.

– The movie tells the story of Diego de la Muerte, a 21-year-old Mexican-American who is sacrificed by the Aztec gods of death and destiny to fulfill an ancient prophecy.

– The lowest social classes in Aztec society were serfs and then slaves.

– Quetzalcoatl was associated with the planet Venus, as well as being the patron god of the Aztec priesthood, of learning and of knowledge.

– The Aztec Empire had ended.

– Along the way, he meets an old Aztec man who tells him about a shortcut across a river.

– From 1519-1521, Spanish conquistadors, led by Hernán Cortés, defeated the Aztec Empire.

– When he came to Tenochtitlan, he had a vast army of Aztec enemies.

– He was the founder of La Nueva Mexicanidad, a group supporting Aztec religion.

– Because of this, the Aztec military was large and powerful.

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