“mammals” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “mammals”:

– The Ameridelphia is a superorder of marsupial mammals only found in South America.

– Prey includes insects, mammals from mice to hares and mongoose, crabs, lizards, snakes, tortoises, young birds, bird eggs, and sometimes dead animals killed in grass or bushfires.

– Large pet frogs like Ceratophrys frogs, can be fed small fish, other frogs, reptiles, and small mammals such as mice or rats.

– This was first achieved in mammals with the famous Dolly the sheep.

– There are also many animals that glide and parachute flight, such as some spiders’ webs, aeroplankton, flying clams, flying fish, and various forest-dwelling mammals and reptiles.

– Others such as birds, most reptiles, and some mammals such as the Platypus, lay eggs.

– There are also polar bears, reindeer, and mammals that live in the sea.

mammals - sentence examples
mammals – sentence examples

Example sentences of “mammals”:

– Many species of wild cats and other mammals like Indian rhinocerosrhinoceros, wild elephant can be seen in this area.

– All mammals provide milk for their young, and many smaller mammals raise their young in burrows, providing a meaasure of security.

– The oldest natural history of the area is related to marks made by mammals in an area of rock about one third of a mile south of Goat Rock Beach.

– Other mammals include arctic fox, stoat, collared lemming and arctic hare.

– Note: in evolutionary terms, the mammals are entirely within the Synapsida.

– A harpoon is a long spear-like instrument used in fishing to catch fish or large Marine biologymarine mammals such as whales.

– This order of mammals includes anteaters, tree sloths, extinctionextinct pampatheres, and armadillos.

– We know for sure that Neanderthals, at least, were hunters of large mammals such as mammoths, and that may be true of other hand axe cultures.

– In drier conditions, they were less effective, and the ancestors of mammals and reptiles gradually took over the land.

– Among the larger mammals are the Cougarpuma or cougar, the llama-like guanaco and the fox-like chilla.

- Many species of wild cats and other mammals like Indian rhinocerosrhinoceros, wild elephant can be seen in this area.

- All mammals provide milk for their young, and many smaller mammals raise their young in burrows, providing a meaasure of security.
- The oldest natural history of the area is related to marks made by mammals in an area of rock about one third of a mile south of Goat Rock Beach.

More in-sentence examples of “mammals”:

– Creodonts were the dominant group of carnivorous mammals from 55 to 35 million years ago in the ecosystems of Africa, Eurasia and North America.

– Because mammals have similar emotions, and can show their emotions very clearly,Darwin, Charles 1872.

– It can affect people, and other mammals such as dogs, and cats.

– Stomachs of other mammals work differently to human stomachs.

– Horses are mammals of the family family “Equidae”.

– Not many mammals have spurs.

– Therefore, all mammals have a uterus except monotremes.

– Almost all its native mammals are marsupials.

– A whisker is a long, thick hair around the mouth of some animals, mostly mammals such as cats and mice, that the animal uses to feel its surroundings.

– The Trituberculata is an extinct group of mammals in the fossil record from about 215–85 illion years ago.

– This order of mammals consists of some lesser known marsupials.

– These fruit bats are flying mammals that live in dense forests in Africa, Europe, Australia, and Asia.

– Vagrancy is known to occur in birds, insects, mammals and turtles.

– People and most mammals have ears.

– All amphibia, all sauropsids and even monotreme mammals possess a cloaca.

– Gondwanatheria is an extinct group of mammals that lived during the Upper Cretaceous to the end of the Eocene.

– Humans and many other mammals feel satisfaction.

– Some bats have distributions that cross the Wallace Line, but other mammals are generally limited to one side or the other; an exception is the Crab-eating Macaque.

– In mammals embryos develop inside the mother, in the mother’s womb.

– The hippocampus has a generally similar appearance across the mammals from monotremes such as the echidna to primates such as humans.

– At that time it was not known that mammals came from eggs.

– It eats small mammals like rabbits and rats, birds and sometimes lizards.

– This is the strongest evidence that Mesozoic mammals fed on dinosaurs, though there were earlier indications of this.Elzanowski, Andrzej Wellnhofer, Peter.

– All mammals and birds are endotherms.

– Not only people sleep, but all mammals and birds, and most fish, reptiles and other animals do, too.

– Many mammals and birds raise alarms to warn others of danger.

- Creodonts were the dominant group of carnivorous mammals from 55 to 35 million years ago in the ecosystems of Africa, Eurasia and North America.

- Because mammals have similar emotions, and can show their emotions very clearly,Darwin, Charles 1872.
- It can affect people, and other mammals such as dogs, and cats.

– Ticks are blood-sucking ectoparasites, mostly of mammals and birds.

– He was an expert on extinct mammals and their migrations, especially the Great American Interchange between the Americas.

– They cause mammals to change behaviour according to changes in their situation.

– In mammals bones formerly in the lower jaw have become the ear ossicles.

– Large mammals of the late ice age were in general larger than their descendants today.

– Most male mammals either have a foreskin that covers the glans penis or a sheath in which the whole penis can retract.

– Both river dolphins and marine dolphins belong to a group of mammals called cetaceans.

– Carnivoramorpha are a clade of mammals that includes the modern order Carnivora.

– Marsupials and monotremes are born before their jaws have grown enough for them to drink their mothers’ milk the way other baby mammals do.

– The primary body clock in humans and other mammals is located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus, a pair of groups of cells in the hypothalamus in the brain.

– Red kites eat small mammals and carrion.

– This high productivity supports other important fishery resources as well as marine mammals and seabirds.

– All mammals start off on mother’s milk, and almost all change to a non-milk diet, a process we call “weaning”.

– XX mammals are female and XY are male.

– Milk is digested by the enzyme lactase, which switches off as mammals stop taking milk from their mothers.

– A simple test for mammals is the exchange of skin grafts.

– The fact that birds and mammals both show REM and NREM sleep suggests that the trait evolved before the two groups diverged in their evolution.

– Altamira is a Upper Paleolithic cave paintings featuring drawings and coloured paintings of wild mammals and human hands.

– The larger mammals are Dingos, Antilopine Kangaroos, Black Wallaroos, Agile Wallabys, and Short-eared Rock Wallabys.

– The taxon is a clade which includes modern mammals and their extinct close relatives, the Mammaliaformes.

– During the Cenozoic, mammals diverged from a few small, simple, generalized forms into a diverse collection of terrestrial, marine, and flying animals.

– Microscopic or “very tiny” fossils are called “microfossils”; while larger, “macroscopic” fossils — such as those of molluscseashells and mammals — are called “macrofossils”.

– It is one of the rarest mammals on Earth, and is listed by the IUCN as one of the world’s 25 most endangered primates.

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