How to use the word “computing”

How to use in-sentence of “computing”:

+ School of Computing Homepage.

+ He also invented an original method for computing the probable size of a polymer in good solution.

+ Einstein@Home, is still an ongoing and popular distributed computing project.

+ Numerical computing with MATLAB.

+ A windowing system is a computing term.

+ Halley is best known for computing the orbit of the comet named after him: Halley’s Comet.

+ In 1983, Danny Goodman of “Creative Computing Video Arcade Games” said that “B-17 Bomber” was his favorite game that used the Intellivoice, enjoying the voices and saying the game and others “made the voice an integral part of game play”.

+ It will be built of more than a thousand GPUs and will have a computing power of one petaflop.

How to use the word computing
How to use the word computing

Example sentences of “computing”:

+ Itanium is aimed at the enterprise server and high-performance computing markets.

+ The geocentric ecliptic system was the principal coordinate system for ancient astronomy and is still useful for computing the apparent motions of the Sun, Moon, and planets.

+ He edited photography and computing techniques and wrote many books on photography and on computing, including “The Darkroom Book”.

+ A Storage area network is a computing solution for accessing and storing data.

+ Although located on the Bletchley Park “campus”, The National Museum of Computing is an entirely separate charity.

+ An interval Hermite-Obreschkoff method for computing rigorous bounds on the solution of an initial value problem for an ordinary differential equation.

+ Cloud computing often uses grid computing, has autonomic Propertycharacteristics and is utilities, but cloud computing can be seen as a “natural next step” from the “grid-utility model”.

+ Bornemann: Scientific Computing with Ordinary Differential Equations.

+ Today, computing is based on the binary numeral system, so the “digital” refers to the use of “0” and “1” to show data.

+ It was a hot topic by mid-2008 and numerous cloud computing events had been scheduled.

+ In 1984, the National Science Foundation began work on establishing five new supercomputer centers, including the Cornell Center for Advanced Computing, to provide high-speed computing resources for research within the United States.

+ It was made for research purposes as the successor to UNIX by the Computing Sciences Research Center at Bell Labs during the late 1980s.

+ WebKit was first made to be used as the layout engine for Safari, and is portable to many other computing platforms.

+ Scientific Computing with MATLAB and Octave.

+ When asked to produce The Ultimate Question to go with the answer “42”, Deep Thought admits it is not capable of computing that itself, but that it can help to design an even more powerful computer, which can.

+ On May 4, 2017, Loop AI Labs entered into a deal with LINK Mobility Group, a leading European provider of mobile messaging and solutions, to bring their cognitive computing technology to LINK’s business clients, which cover 234 million people across Europe.

+ Although his career in computing spanned for more than 20 years, he is most known in connection with IBM’s unsuccessful attempt in 1980 to license CP/M for the IBM PC.

+ BOINC or the Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing was created at the University of California in Berkeley.

+ Human–computer interaction mostly refers to the design, evaluation, and implementation of interactive computing systems for people’s use.

+ PuTTY is a terminal emulator Computer programapplication which can act as a SSH, raw TCP computing protocols.

+ Itanium is aimed at the enterprise server and high-performance computing markets.

+ The geocentric ecliptic system was the principal coordinate system for ancient astronomy and is still useful for computing the apparent motions of the Sun, Moon, and planets.
+ He edited photography and computing techniques and wrote many books on photography and on computing, including "The Darkroom Book".

More in-sentence examples of “computing”:

+ Wilkes was the first President of the British Computing Society.

+ The latest milestone in GPU computing was AMD’s announcement AMD Supercomputer To Deliver Next-Generation Games and Applications Entirely Through the Cloud of a Super-Computer based on GPUs at the CES in January 2009.

+ The services are accessible anywhere in the world, with “The Cloud” appearing as a single point of access for all the computing needs of consumers.

+ The word “cache” was first used in computing in 1967, when a scientific article was prepared to be published in IBM Systems Journal.

+ Some computing architectures such as optical computers may use classical superposition of electromagnetic waves.

+ This is a modern technical computing system made by Wolfram Research.

+ They also use ideas in protein folding and high-end computing facilities.

+ Lynx was a product of the Distributed Computing Group within Academic Computing Services of the University of Kansas.

+ Microarchitecture is the detailed description of the system that is enough for completely describing the operation of all parts of the computing system, as well as how they are inter-connected and inter-operate to implement the ISA.

+ Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.

+ A hex triplet is a six-digit, three-byte hexadecimal number used in HTML, CSS, and other computing applications, to represent.

+ Chuang – a generally accessible overview of quantum computing and so on.

+ This idea had not yet been thought of, and most of the other early modern computing machines were not Turing-complete.

+ Nataro conceived a new type of slide rule based on “prosthaphaeresis”, an algorithm for rapidly computing products that predates logarithms.

+ World Community Grid is a computing project that is seeking possible drug treatments.

+ This is why Colossus could not be included in the history of computing hardware for a long time.

+ By the turn of the 21st century, cloud computing solutions had started to appear on the market, though most of the focus at this time was on Software as a service.

+ The use of the telescope by Galileo, Albert EinsteinEinstein’s theory of relativity, lasers, and computing are all scientific discoveries.

+ They show the history of the development of computing from the 1940s to the present day.

+ In most modern computers, this method may be much faster than computing the square root of “n” by an all-integer algorithm.

+ A colour can be shown by hex triplet is a six-digit, three-byte hexadecimal number used in HTML, CSS, and other computing applications.

+ It can even be used for high-performance computing applications using clustering—a dedicated cluster Xserve, the Xserve Cluster Node.

+ In 1985, a team from the National Center for Supercomputing Applications began the development of NSFNet, a TCP/IP-based computer network that could connect to the ARPANET, at the Cornell Center for Advanced Computing and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

+ He started the Royal Society Computing Machine Laboratory at the University of Manchester.

+ Hick’s law may support some computing menu design decisions.

+ Solving problems in scientific computing using Maple and Matlab®.

+ This template is intended for use with computing articles that discuss a particular version or release in a series of graphical operating systems.

+ Shortly before his death in 2002, he received the Association for Computing MachineryACM PODC Influential Paper Award in distributed computing for his work on self-stabilization of program computation.

+ In 2000, Igor joined an Israeli startup :en:GigaSpacesGigaSpaces as core developer of distributed computing technology and was a true pioneer developing cloud computing before it became popular.

+ Once Colossus was made, some people now knew that high-speed electronic digital computing devices could be made and they did not break too much.

+ In early computing years, graphics processing was very basic and could be done by the CPU along with all the other processing.

+ This was maybe the most famous of the BOINC or Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing programs that allow users to use their computers for scientific research.

+ Some organisations get some of the benefits of cloud computing by becoming “internal” cloud providers and servicing themselves, though they do not benefit from the same economies of scale and still have to engineer for peak loads.

+ Mophun is a computing platform used to run portingportable code on embedded and mobile devices.

+ Programming computers to under take any task no matter how simple beyond computing tends to be very difficult.

+ The term GPU computing combines all tasks a GPU can calculate that go beyond simple calculation and output of pictures.

+ He was formerly the executive director at Cloud Native Computing Foundation.

+ Those are bad! I’ve decided to create a new wikiproject dedicated to creating pages for a lot of computing topics.

+ Afterwards he can decrypt the ciphertext by computing “D” for each “K”.

+ Network computing is the opposite to “Stand-alone computing“.

+ Others, such as the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, CaliforniaMountain View, California, the MuseumsForum in Paderborn, and The National Museum of Computing at Bletchley Park, deal only with computing.

+ When they started out, they were called Palm Computing Inc.

+ Wolfram Mathematica is a modern technical computing system made by Wolfram Research.

+ Grid computing is different in that the individual computers work on separate tasks that are part of a large problem.

+ The digital signaldigital recording of sound was only made practical by the technical advances in microprocessors and computing which occurred in the 1970s and 1980s.

+ They are also capable of communication, accurately computing their circumstances, using sophisticated cost–benefit analysis and taking tightly controlled actions to mitigate and control the diverse environmental stressors.

+ Because the computing power is limited, the “resolution” of such a model is more coarse.

+ Wilkes was the first President of the British Computing Society.

+ The latest milestone in GPU computing was AMD’s announcement AMD Supercomputer To Deliver Next-Generation Games and Applications Entirely Through the Cloud of a Super-Computer based on GPUs at the CES in January 2009.

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