“in order” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “in order”:

+ A leaving certificate is required in order to go on to college or university.

+ It refers to a non-theismtheistic approach to life, looking to science instead of religious dogma in order to understand the world.

+ Instead, treatment is designed to help keep blood sugar levels normal in order to reduce the chances of complications developing as the disease progresses.

+ Religious persecution originally meant chasing after people of a religion in order to kill them all.

+ The most common guidelines used for this are called the McDonald criteria, which define the symptoms of MS and how often they must occur in order to make a diagnosis.

+ In order to make a difference, they must take action, but in order to take action they will need support.

+ The human female pelvis is different from that of males in order to facilitate child-birth.

+ In the same way, savate uses different colours in the gloves in order to show the level of a fighter; although, on the contrary that disciplines as the judo or the capoeira, where the fighters obtain new belts in each promotion, every fighter can use the same pair of gloves in several promotions.

in order in-sentences
in order in-sentences

Example sentences of “in order”:

+ It was set up in October 1983 in order to keep the East Caribbean dollar stable, to regulate the banking system and to help the balanced growth and development of member states.

+ The singer turned down lucrative contracts from several top-name labels in order to establish her own New-York-based company.

+ He may married his fully royal half-sister, Hatshepsut, in order to secure his kingship.

+ It uses predicates to express the state of certain things, which are “incomplete propositions” with a placeholder for objects or subjects that must be inserted in order to obtain a valid proposition.

+ Now we would like to present to you our first prototype and collect your feedback, in order to improve and continue the development of this feature.

+ Yet, the government sets up markets in different districts like Tin Sau Hui in order to gather the mobile stalls.

+ Due to the loss of moonlight, the moon was unable to shine continuously and was forced to periodically dim in order to recuperate.

+ She left for the ’round-the-world’ trip, in order to keep the promise with her father, who died when she was 15.

+ By tradition, believers make votive offerings in order to gain from that nature spirit, saint or goddess fulfillment of a wish.

+ I would like to request the patroller user right in order to help in countervandalism work.

+ Some had “Muestra sin Valor” printed on them in order to nullify the legal tender status and to prevent people from selling them.

+ A Gauntlet match is where a wrestler must defeat a number of opponents in order to win.

+ There are exceptions, but this is usually done by the fish contracting muscles on either side of its body in order to generate waves of flexion that travel the length of the body from nose to tail, generally getting larger as they go along.

+ Table of United States congressional district border maps in Kansas, presented in order of time.

+ At Marshall College the next day, the head dean informs him that he is on a “leave of absence” and that the dean resigned in order to protect Jones.

+ The Founders of NAM have preferred to declare it as a movement but not an organization in order to avoid bureaucratic implications of the latter.

+ On 25 March 2021, many companies stopped using cotton produced in Xinjiang, Eason Chan issued a statement in the evening in the name of the manager company to terminate all cooperation with the Adidas since 2011 in order to resist any stigmatization of China.

+ Political parties often use a primary in order to avoid splitting their party vote in a general election.

+ When Alphonse’s body is destroyed, Edward sacrifices his arm and leg during the alchemy in order for Alphonse’s soul to be transferred in a suit of armour.

+ It was set up in October 1983 in order to keep the East Caribbean dollar stable, to regulate the banking system and to help the balanced growth and development of member states.

+ The singer turned down lucrative contracts from several top-name labels in order to establish her own New-York-based company.
+ He may married his fully royal half-sister, Hatshepsut, in order to secure his kingship.

More in-sentence examples of “in order”:

+ In January of the year 1802, French soldiers landed in Saint-Domingue in order to get rid of Toussaint L’Ouverture.

+ Also in many countries permits are required by some governing agency like the board of health in order to legally conduct a disinterment.

+ Removing the Defender, also known as removing the guard is a chess tactic where a chess piece is either captured or forced to move in order to eliminate the protection of an opponent’s piece.

+ All sevens players, wether in the forwards or otherwise must be fit,agile,relatively strong and demonstrate a high level of fitness in order to compete at an optimum level.

+ In another episode, where all of the character sung in song, the character Snake kept firing his gun in order to make the music that was playing stop.

+ Other contemporary wrecks are Scuttlingscuttled in order to create reef growth.

+ This broadcasts adopt slow space and simple English in order to increase understanding for millions of listeners.

+ Must start with a blank line in order to create a new table line using wiki markup.

+ The story tells Bree Tanner’s life as a newborn vampire and her connection with the other newborn vampires turned by Victoria in order to kill Bella.

+ In 2014 Fondation Emergence changed the day’s name from “international day against homophobia” to “international day against homohobia and transphobia” in order to include trans realities to its mission.

+ Uday was well known for kidnapping young Iraqi girls and women from the streets in order to rape them.

+ In contrast, traditional OEMs incur large upfront productions costs, which must be recouped by selling prices, in order to ship phones, some of which may not sell, out to retailers all around the world.

+ It was made in order to give a name to the several tones and pitches.

+ Starting from 2017, many Rohingya refugeerefugees began to arrive in Bangladesh in order to escape the genocide against them in Myanmar.

+ The purpose of this template is to collect source text used in several articles in one place, in order to minimize maintenance and storage space.

+ The “Comunità” was formed with very small communities that are at least partially in mountain regions in order to strengthen the economic development of the region and stop the rural-urban migration.

+ Here again, clear signals between the spotter and driver need to be maintained in order to keep everyone safe.

+ For example, a parent might make their own child sick in order to get attention and sympathy from friends and medical professionals.

+ She has resigned her post in order to prepare a presidential bid for the upcoming election.

+ Another story suggests Mons Meg was made in order to help James II in the 1452 siege of Threave Castle in Kirkcudbright, when the Clan MacLellan used it to batter the castle.

+ But, in order to not let people find out who she was, she pulled the bullets out of her own leg.

+ Spices and herbs are ingredients added to food in order to make it taste less bland.

+ On his return to New York in June, Arnold made a variety of proposals for continuing to attack essentially economic targets in order to force the Americans to end the war.

+ Psychotherapy can help a person make changes in the way they think, in order to help with life problems and understand what makes depression worse.

+ De Gaul chaired the Provisional Government of the French Republic from 1944 to 1946 in order to re-establish democracy in France.

+ So, in order to remove “white space”, which was really more appropriate called “blue space” for this design, I asked Krimpet to tweak the code.

+ In January of the year 1802, French soldiers landed in Saint-Domingue in order to get rid of Toussaint L’Ouverture.

+ Also in many countries permits are required by some governing agency like the board of health in order to legally conduct a disinterment.
+ Removing the Defender, also known as removing the guard is a chess tactic where a chess piece is either captured or forced to move in order to eliminate the protection of an opponent's piece.

+ As if that were not enough, Marina received the sad news that her mother, Beatriz Reverte, has a disease that threatens their health and that requires constant care, so they relocate in order to receive medical advice.

+ Note that a template does not need to be “large” in order for the WFEM error page to be displayed, but rather, a page that runs very slowly can be the cause.

+ This is because feeling is needed in order to suffer.

+ Mellon was also a philanthropist – someone who gives to charity in order to make the world a better place.

+ Freud acknowledged the tendency for the unconscious to repeat unpleasurable experiences in order to desensitize, or deaden, the body.

+ Nightingales sing even more loudly in urban or near-urban environments, in order to overcome the background noise.

+ This use of offensive mining involved digging tunnels into and under the hill in order to place 5 mines beneath the hill.

+ They can be based on the way the keys work; for example, laptops have keys that do not move a lot, because the keyboard has to be very thin in order to fit inside the laptop.

+ The bladder takes in the liquid in order for the body to work.

+ However, another convention when quoting text in the body of a paragraph or sentence—for example, in an essay—is to recognize double quotation marks as marking an exact quotation, and single quotation marks as marking a paraphrased quotation or a quotation where grammar, pronouns, or plurality have been changed in order to fit the sentence containing the quotation.

+ In 1983 Croucier left Dokken in order to join Ratt and was replaced by Jeff Pilson.

+ The songs performed by the band are the first 6 tracks in order from track 1-6 on the album “It Won’t Be Soon Before Long”.

+ But, it caused Border Ruffians from nearby Missouri, where slavery was legal, to move to Kansas in order to ensure its admission to the Union as a slave state.

+ I am writing here because I am wondering where should I start on here in order to have a better chance of an accepted standard offer.

+ The intentional exchange of piece of greater value for a piece of smaller value in order to get a more important result.

+ In the preceding table, the first and second parameters are required in order to comply with Wikimedia projects’ licensing terms.

+ During his tenure he reorganized public finances, promoted the liberalization of commerce in order to ensure the prosperity of the mercantile bourgeoisie, promulgated the Navigation Act, persecuted the Catholics and placed England at the head of the European Protestant countries.

+ In 1450, Jean II de Chambes, First councelor of Charles VII of FranceCharles VII and ambassador in Fulk III to his brother in law and destroyed it in order to build a residential palace on the top of the rock of Montsoreau.

+ The Invasion began as a blockade around the planet, with Nute Gunray taking charge of the fleet, this blockade was set up in order to protest the taxation of trade routes by the new republic, however the real intention of the blockade was to stage a droid invasion of the planet so that Senator Palpatine could gain sympathy in the Galactic Senate.

+ Desperate, Kokila eventually works for a local drug smuggler Mohan in order to finance her mother’s treatment.

+ Many Sportspersonathletes and dancers stretch deliberately before or after exercise in order to enhance performance and reduce injury.

+ Both papers were accused of sensationalizing the news in order to sell more newspapers, although they did serious reporting as well.

+ Their main function is to hold food firmly in order to tear it apart, and also attack and defence.

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