Example sentences of “teeth”

How to use in-sentence of “teeth”:

– Six years later the London-born Kenyan paleoanthropologist Meave Leakey and archaeologist Alan Walker excavated the Allia Bay site and uncovered several additional fragments of the hominid, including one complete lower jaw bone which closely resembles that of a common chimpanzee but whose teeth are much more similar to those of a human.

– Several complete skeletons of “Eryops” have been found in the Lower Permian, but skull bones and teeth are the most common fossils.

– The number of teeth of each type is written as a dental formula for one side of the mouth, or quadrant, with the upper and lower teeth shown on separate rows.

– Her owner said that her grumpy-looking face was due to Felidaefeline dwarfism and the placement of her teeth in her mouth.

– Its head was flat and sloping with a wide, toothless beak, cheek pouches, and hundreds of closely-packed cheek teeth that ground up its food.

– Both hyaenas and canids are non-arborealclimbing, running hunters which catch prey with their teeth rather than claws.

– They are to make the teeth straight, and to correct problems in a person’s bite.

Example sentences of teeth
Example sentences of teeth

Example sentences of “teeth”:

- Its slender skull and lack of teeth except at the front are obvious adaptations to its method of feeding.

- It is known from an opalised teeth frgament, with one premolar and two molars in situ.
- Obviously, without teeth food cannot be chewed, but there are ways around that.

– Its slender skull and lack of teeth except at the front are obvious adaptations to its method of feeding.

– It is known from an opalised teeth frgament, with one premolar and two molars in situ.

– Obviously, without teeth food cannot be chewed, but there are ways around that.

– They had horny, toothless beaks and hundreds of cheek teeth in the sides of their jaws.

– They had the body of a lion, a human head, and three rows of teeth similar to sharks.

– Further study of the teeth of megafauna shows the climate was dry at the time of extinction, similar to the dry climate of today, and that the megafauna were able to live in dry climates.

– But at the time, paleontologists didn’t know about the crocodile-like teeth of spinosaurids Cuvier, G., 1824, “Recherches sur les ossemens fossiles, deuxième édition”.

– The disadvantage of teeth is that they are quite heavy; when the animal can do without them, they will gradually get selected out.

– They have two rows of teeth in the upper jaw overlap one row on the lower jaw.

– They have sharp teeth and usually have a big forehead.

– The deep lower jaw likely had powerful muscles and the teeth along the front and sides of its jaws could crop bite-sized pieces from tough plants.

– They were bottom-feeders on shellfish, and possessed flat, crushing teeth to handle their prey.

– There may be many reasons why people grind their teeth and clench their jaws.

– This is unique among pterosaurs, whose teeth are usually of a simple conical form.

– The teeth have the shape of a triangle with jags on the edges.

More in-sentence examples of “teeth”:

- Once food is in the goldfish’s mouth, it’s pushed to the back of the throat where a set of teeth grind and crush it.

- The final two pairs of teeth in this specimen point downward.
- Different animals have different kinds of teeth because they eat different foods.

– Once food is in the goldfish’s mouth, it’s pushed to the back of the throat where a set of teeth grind and crush it.

– The final two pairs of teeth in this specimen point downward.

– Different animals have different kinds of teeth because they eat different foods.

– The lizard chews its prey, injecting its venom into the animal through teeth in its lower jaw.

– Many whale bones have been found with clear signs of large bite marks made by teeth that match those of megalodon, and sometimes in direct association with them.

– In 1820, scientist Gideon Mantell got hold of some fossilized teeth discovered near East Sussex, and in 1822, the British naturalist William Clift identified them as crocodile teeth.

– All the longer-necked familiers were, from the setting of the teeth and jaws, eaters of small fish.

– Gears are mechanical parts with cut teeth designed to fit with teeth on another part so as to transmit or receive force and motion.

– Wrasses can put their jaws forwards, usually with separate jaw teeth that jut outwards.

– New teeth are always growing in the back.

– In 1913, he became ill and had to have teeth removed.

– As the process continues, the forehead becomes more vertical, the skull becomes rounder, the teeth are reduced in size, arms are shorter and legs are longer, and the skeleton becomes more delicate.

– More teeth were found in the same place; eleven of them are thought to belong to this specimen.

– The front teeth are made for crushing.

– It catches its food in the water, and its body helps: Its teeth point backwards in its mouth so fish cannot get away.

– In the early Jurassic “Abrictosaurus”, “Heterodontosaurus”, and “Lycorhinus”, the first two premaxillary teeth were small and conical, while the much larger third tooth resembled the canines of carnivoran mammals and is often called the “caniniform” or ‘tusk’.

– Barbie’s facial features were changed in 1971 from eyes cutting from the side and smile without teeth to eyes forward and a wide smile exposing teeth.

– The fossil record shows that their teeth have not changed much, except in size, in the past 45 million years.

– George Washington’s teeth started falling out when he was about 22 years old, and he had only one tooth left by the time he became president.

– Their initiation used to be done on teen boys who used to get their 6 lower teeth removed,therefore they used to be regarded as men.

– All narwhals have two teeth in their upper jaw and a tusk.

– The available teeth for Staurikosaurus strongly suggest a carnivorous diet.

– The upper teeth are widely triangular and slanted, becoming more diagonal toward the angle of the jaws which are strongly cut and heavily jagged on the sides.

– He then emerges in different clothes and a leaf skirt and starts swing from vines and brushes a crocodiles teeth and also she paints an elephant’s toe nails.

– They evolved jaws like those of crocodiles, and their teeth were long and cone-shaped, made to trap prey in their mouths instead of tearing them apart.

– Their canine teeth are adapted for killing, and their molar teeth can crunch bone.

– Inside their mouth, the teeth were large and flat: they were used to crush the shells.

– As early as 5000 BC men and women alike valued wearing strands of shell, stone, teeth and bone beads.

– The one metre long head of “Cymbospondylus”, with large jaws, contained rows of teeth adapted for catching and holding on to fish, belemnites, and cephalopods such as ammonites.

– Like other stem tetrapods it has a series of lateral lines across the skull, and rows of teeth on the palate These are basal traits derived from its lobe-finned fish ancestors.

– Some people use toothpicks to try to remove trapped food from between the teeth and other people use dental floss to do this.

– The teeth were multi-cusped, and tooth wear shows that “Eudimorphodon” was able to crush or chew its food to some degree.

– In many mammalian herbivores these front teeth are used to cut off stems of grass and other growing things, that are then ground up by the molars at the back of the mouth.

– This shows that the loss of teeth occurred more than once, in “Confuciusornis” and in ancestors of modern birds.

– Some animals use teeth as a weapon.

– For instance, a Beaver#Damsbeaver dam might be considered a phenotype of beaver genes, the same way beavers’ powerful incisor teeth are phenotype expressions of their genes.

– While it had larger front teeth compared to the back, the emphasis was on back tooth grinding.

– These mammals are known only from isolated teeth and a few lower jaws.

– If a dog or a member of the cat family needs to cut something with their teeth, they use their back teeth like scissors.

– A movie by Golden Films, “The New Adventures of Peter Rabbit”, gave Peter longer teeth and a fourth sister named Hopsy.

– The upper teeth are broad and strongly jagged.

– Small prey will be caught within the range of the vomerine teeth or by the posterior half of the tongue, which sticks to the prey.

– The top and bottom teeth of “Eudimorphodon” came into direct contact with each other when the jaws were closed, especially at the back of the jaw.

– Ammonites have been found bearing mosasaur teeth marks.

– It will first bite with the lower jaw to sink its teeth in, then closes the upper jaw and begins thrashing its head repeatedly to tear off chunks of flesh.

– It has vomerine teeth in its upper jaw.

– Compared with gomphotheres, the teeth of modern elephants are quite different.

– Although they are now classified as theropods, therizinosaurs had skulls similar to those of sauropodasauropods and the shape of their teeth and jaws do make it likely that they were herbivores.

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