Some sentences in use of “lacking”

How to use in-sentence of “lacking”:

– For articles or sections which have a lot of material lacking sources, there are other, more appropriate templates, such as.

– It has been called a pseudoscience, and lacking in empirical support.

– These were introduced to prevent mail being sent to the wrong place., for St Helena to St Helens, MerseysideSt Helens, Merseyside and Ascension Island to Asunción, Paraguay, and many on-line companies will not accept addresses lacking a postcode.

– Many estates were blessed with picturesque ruins of monastic houses and Roman villas; others, lacking such buildings, constructed their own sham versions of these romantic structures.

– At the moment, articles tagged without a date set are being added to :Category:All articles lacking sources, but not to the monthly subcategories workload, which means the problem may never get looked at.

– This template puts pages into :Category:All articles lacking sources.

– The word is sometimes spelt in English without the French double dot on the letter i, “naive”, due to the default settings for typing in English lacking it.

– The Latin “jejunus” also gave rise to “jejune” means lacking in nutritive value and devoid of substance, significance or interest, that is dull.

Some sentences in use of lacking
Some sentences in use of lacking

Example sentences of “lacking”:

- A former street thug from the London's Ogre Street who befriends Jonathan after being bested and spared by him, becoming an ally in his battle against Dio despite lacking the ability to use Hamon.

- But lacking sources for a few years and not being able to find any I think it should be deleted.

– A former street thug from the London’s Ogre Street who befriends Jonathan after being bested and spared by him, becoming an ally in his battle against Dio despite lacking the ability to use Hamon.

– But lacking sources for a few years and not being able to find any I think it should be deleted.

– For articles or sections which have a lot of material lacking sources, there are other, more appropriate templates, such as to add to the top of the article instead.

– The candidates lacking in academics can potentially receive a nomination to the Naval Academy Preparatory School located in Newport, Rhode Island.

– This raises major problems with the claims of notability that this page has, and therefore, I can honestly say that this page is lacking notability and therefore does not meet the notability guidelines.

– Not known for his batting abilities and lacking in power, Kendall was a great defensive catcher.

– The unikonts have a triple-gene fusion that is lacking in the bikonts.

– The key nutrient lacking in the Pacific ocean is iron, essential in molecules such as “ferredoxins”, iron-sulfur proteins which do electron transfer in a range of metabolic reactions.

– Specifying the parameter sorts the article into subcategories of :Category:Articles lacking reliable references and out of the parent category.

– Starting in that year, the state included the section grid along the sides of the map, and a citation to those maps lacking an in-source location of some kind, either the grid section or an inset, is assumed to be incomplete.

More in-sentence examples of “lacking”:

– The single is a branch out statement relative to the group’s other well-known songs as this song contains less rock musicrock elements and is lacking the group’s sound from their previous two albums “A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out” and “Pretty.

– For articles or sections which have significant material lacking sources, there are other, more appropriate templates, such as.

– As money was lacking to recruit mercenaries or train indigenous soldiers, Victor Amadeus signed a peace treaty with Spain.

– The female is smaller than the male, somewhat duller in plumage and more heavily marked, with reduced red facial skin, a shorter crest and lacking the male’s spurs.

– The Lighthouse is unusual in lacking any sort of harbour.

– This Declaration also affirm the right to develop for developing countrydeveloping countries, especially for the poorest countries in Africa, and to promote the democracy in Africa for development but that lacking of development may not justify the violation of full human rights.

– They had a brain size not much larger than modern apes, lacking the large brain of the genus “Homo”.

– A degree of Level III corresponds to the knowledge and skills level, though lacking the knowledge of the scientific basis of the areas concerned.

– This VGA has been lacking proper citations with the history sections needing more citations, the construction and playing sections are not even sourced, the music section is depended on only one source and out of the thirteen sources that the article has two of them are deadlinks.

– Too unfocused, reliant on original research, and lacking to stand as an article.

– A name may also be considered a “nomen dubium” if its name-bearing type is fragmentary or lacking important diagnostic features.

– Born in the 1910s, Callaghan was an old-style socialist, lacking any higher education, He is the only person to have held all three leading Cabinet of the United KingdomUK Cabinet positions, prior to their premiership.

– It is the only work by Pliny to have survived, and the last that he published, lacking a final revision at his sudden and unexpected death in the AD 79 eruption of Vesuvius.

– As TRM has said above, it’s still lacking references for it to be a GA.

– They may live in extreme poverty, lacking food, shelter, clothing, education and medical care.

– Jealousy is caused by lacking of self confidence and judging your abilities.

– I know that we are still lacking in other French rivers.

– Uma supports her decision and Aditya then reveals that it was Uma’s plan all along to infuse some confidence and passion inside Kanak which she was lacking hitherto, and that he never lost his memory.

– The Garda Commissioner accused the television programme of lacking balance.

– Lakes are more stable than dyes and are ideal for coloring products containing fats and oils or items lacking sufficient moisture to dissolve dyes.

– He always lived his life lacking money.

– Hormones are vital to plant growth, and, lacking them, plants would be mostly a mass of undifferentiated cells.

– The term cold buffet has been developed to describe buffets lacking hot food.

– This file has no, and may be lacking other information.

– The term “Nasty Party” applied to Conservative Party members with traditional conservative stances which included being anti-gay, anti-minorities, and pro-business, and lacking concern for the poor.

– In other countries, this support is lacking and individuals are often treated as illegal immigrants and deported.

– Because of its size, users may prefer to work with Category:Articles lacking sources, which subdivides reference requests based on when they were requested.

– QD proposal as to notability, and lacking sources.

– The hands had four fingers, lacking the innermost finger of the hand.

– Therefore, I removed :Category:Album infoboxes lacking a cover‏‎ from the template.

– The term “metalorganics” usually refers to metal-containing compounds lacking direct metal-carbon bonds but which contain organic ligands which bind them to an organic compound.

– The article, while seemingly comprehensive, is sorely lacking in in-line references.

– This is because alkanes, being non-polar and lacking in functional groups, are very unreactive.

– Historians have criticized Davis for being a much less effective war leader than his Union counterpart Abraham Lincoln, which they attribute to Davis being overbearing, controlling, and overly meddlesome, as well as being out of touch with public opinion, and lacking support from a political party.

– There are no restrictions on how these are formatted; lacking any other guidelines they can be formatted at the editor’s discretion.

– This page has a big problem of lacking sources.

– This means that the ocean depths were lacking oxygen, so no higher forms of life could survive.

– In the 20th century the term came to mean bad, crude art, lacking thought.

– Three rivers flow into the lake, but lacking outflow, its only water loss is by evaporation.

– Used on pages that has no images, need images or lacking images.

– Overall, Wii Sports was received well by critics for its basic pick-up and play style, even though it was criticised for lacking in graphic quality and not having much depth.

– My suggestion is this discussion be closed to further comment immediately, and the article be sent back to requests for deletion should a member of the community find it still lacking proof of notability.

– However scrutiny with modern telescopic lenses reveals that the buildings are mere concrete shells lacking window glass or even interior rooms, O’Neill, Tom.

– Studies are lacking in this area.

– The consensus is “the story seems lacking along with some annoying plot holes, but “Brother Bear 2″ is a worth-watching fun family film that will entertain kids and adults along the way”.

– When placed on a surface zebra mussels are stable on their flattened underside while quagga mussels, lacking a flat underside, will fall over.

– Earthworms are invertebrates, lacking a skeleton.

– Apart from lacking sources, some of the suggested animals are commonly kept as pets ; rodents are also commonly kept as pets.

- The single is a branch out statement relative to the group's other well-known songs as this song contains less rock musicrock elements and is lacking the group's sound from their previous two albums "A Fever You Can't Sweat Out" and "Pretty.

- For articles or sections which have significant material lacking sources, there are other, more appropriate templates, such as.
- As money was lacking to recruit mercenaries or train indigenous soldiers, Victor Amadeus signed a peace treaty with Spain.

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