Sentence example of “glacial”

How to use in-sentence of “glacial”:

+ This is known from magnetic striping in the rocks, other fossil distributions, and glacial scratches pointing away from the temperate climate of the South Pole during the Permian.

+ These places still holds remnants of glacial till and lack the soft fluvial sediments so prominent in the Connecticut River Valley region.

+ The probable extent of land at the time of the last glacial maximum, when the sea level was more than 110 m lower than today, is shown in grey.

+ According to more recent studies, however, the effects of anthropogenic global warming may delay this otherwise expected glacial period by another 50,000 years.

+ The timing of past glacial periods coincides very well with the predictions of the Milankovitch theory, and these effects can be calculated into the future.

+ The geographical isolation and recent glacial history of Shetland have resulted in a depleted mammalian fauna.

+ This is the most expansive glacial system in the mainland United States.

+ During an earlier glacial maximum, the exit from the North Sea was blocked to the north by an ice dam, and the water flowing out of rivers backed up into a vast lake on the bed of what is now the North Sea.

Sentence example of glacial
Sentence example of glacial

Example sentences of “glacial”:

+ Dove Lake is a small glacial lake in Tasmania, Australia.

+ Another theory is that they were brought much nearer to the site as glacial erratics by the Irish Sea Glacier.

+ It is usually triggered by glacial outwash, climate change, or change in base level, slope, or load caused by rising water level.

+ With this they can also tell about glacial advances.

+ Many glacial periods that have occurred during the last few million years are initially at 40,000-year frequency, but more recently ice ages have occurred at 100,000-year frequency.

+ Ovodov u.a.: “A 33,000-Year-Old Incipient Dog from the Altai Mountains of Siberia: Evidence of the Earliest Domestication Disrupted by the Last Glacial Maximum.” In: “PLoS ONE” 6, 2011 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0022821 Genetically, this material is closer to that of a modern dog than to that of a wolf.A.S.

+ Dove Lake is a small glacial lake in Tasmania, Australia.

+ Another theory is that they were brought much nearer to the site as glacial erratics by the Irish Sea Glacier.
+ It is usually triggered by glacial outwash, climate change, or change in base level, slope, or load caused by rising water level.

+ The continuity of these ecosystems results from the shared glacial history of this ecozone.

+ Also, during glacial periods, mammal fauna was able to cross from Asia to North America via the Bering Strait.

+ The three rivers in the area have large amounts of glacial silt that is good for farming.

+ The Snowball Earth hypothesis explains glacial deposits in the Huronian glaciationHuronian supergroup of Canada.

More in-sentence examples of “glacial”:

+ In glacial lakes, the sediment may have varves, which are two layers per year that are different colours.

+ It would have been spoken between 15,000 and 12,000 BC, in the Epipalaeolithic period, near the end of the last glacial period.

+ In glacial lakes, the sediment may have varves, which are two layers per year that are different colours.

+ It would have been spoken between 15,000 and 12,000 BC, in the Epipalaeolithic period, near the end of the last glacial period.

+ It is claimed that a rising sea flood led to refilling of the freshwater glacial Black Sea with water from the Aegean.

+ The longer cold stages are called glacials or glacial periods.

+ Rock flour, or glacial flour, consists of clay-sized particles of rock, generated by glacial erosion or by artificial grinding to a similar size.

+ It formed when the Laurentide ice sheet retreated and glacial meltwater began to accumulate at the glacier’s terminal moraine in Rocky Hill, Connecticut and back up into the Connecticut River.

+ A thin spread of glacial till stretches across the centre of the island.

+ It is reckoned that a few thousand people arrived in Beringia from eastern Siberia during the Last Glacial Maximum before moving into the Americas sometime after 16,500 years before the present.

+ The most recent period of activity occurred shortly after the disappearance of the glacial ice filling the valley, 10,700 to 9,300 radiocarbon years ago, and ended with the eruption the Ring Creek lava flow from Opal cone on Garibaldi’s southeastern flank.

+ The two huge countries became separated when the area now known as the Torres Strait flooded after the end of the last glacial period.

+ The classic varve archetype is a light/dark-coloured couplet deposited in a glacial lake.

+ During the last glacial period, most of Ireland was covered with ice.

+ A glacial lake is a lake that is made as a glacier melts.

+ Fed by glacial meltwater at the end of the last ice age, its area was larger than all of the modern Great Lakes combined.

+ He was the first to point out certain important observations relating to glacial motion and structure.

+ The Pierres du Niton are two Glacial erraticerratic stones in the lake in Geneva.

+ Lakes also form behind glacial moraines, which can collapse and create outburst floods.Burr D.M; Baker V.R.

+ It is believed that a landslide, avalanche or a glacial lake outburst flood was the cause of the incident.

+ The glacial lake left behind a soft, varved landscape, gathering silt and sand in the summertime due to the influx of glacial meltwater and clay in the wintertime as the lake froze until it was later drained.

+ Late glacial great flood in the Black Sea and Caspian Sea.

+ There, three separate horizons of glacial deposits are separated by non-glacial sediment.

+ The shelf was part of the land during the ice ages in the glacial periods, but under water in the interglacial periods.

+ Moving ice has formed depressions, which serve as basins for numerous glacial lakes.

+ The many glacial lakes of the Canadian Shield will have been erased by post-glacial rebound and erosion.

+ Scientists, when digging into glaciers in Antarctica, have reported finding many prehistoric fossils, lying on top of glacial snow, for the first time in 10,000 years, when the upper snow melted, revealing the fossilized rock fragments underneath.

+ John, Brian 2007: ” ” This theory is not preferred, because there is no evidence of glacial deposition within southern central England.

+ If the river flows into a glacial lake, the lake may appear turquoise in color as a result.

+ The Pleistocene was a time of ice ages: cold glacial periods with shorter, warmer, interglacials.

+ Part of the volcano’s southwest flank built out onto thick glacial ice filling the Squamish River valley.

+ The last glacial ended about 11,000 years ago when the present interglacial started.

+ There are headlands, cliffs, coves, glacial valleys, and more.

+ Near the end of the last glacial period, about 10,000 years ago, glaciers began to retreat.

+ Beyond the meeting of Indus and Panjnad rivers, the Indus river was known as Satnad carrying the waters of seven rivers including Indus river, which is believed to be in ealrlier times the Saraswati River/Ghaggar-Hakra River river which eventually dried and became a seasonal river due to seismic shifts in the glacial region of Himachal Pradesh where it originated and later on Kabul river and the five rivers of Punjab.

+ It is a glacial lake, with a maximum depth of 150 feet.

+ One of the biggest glacial lakes of the time was Glacial Lake Hitchcock.

+ Sea level changes and the isostasyisostatic rise of land makes charting coastlines a complex task, but the island is clearly ringed by post glacial raised beaches.

+ In the Northeast Atlantic during the last glacial-interglacial cycle, coccoliths make up 70-80% of the total carbonate during the warm periods, and less during glacial times.

+ The Kettle Moraine, a region of Wisconsin covering an area from Green Bay at Lake Michigan to south-central Wisconsin, has numerous kettles, moraines and other glacial features.

+ This caps glacial deposits and shows a sudden climatic change at the end of the Marinoan ice age.

+ The last glacial maximum was about 27,000 to 24,000 years ago.

+ During Ice Ages, glacial activity shaped much of New England’s landscape, eroding mountains, leaving glacial till scattered everywhere, and forming glacial lakes.

+ Some may have been of large ice masses that were carrying rocks and other glacial debris—dirty ice can appear convincingly similar to land.

+ Holocene climatic and glacial history of the central Sierra Nevada, California.

+ Lake George is a glacial lake in the Adirondack Mountains in New York.

+ It is composed of the ArcheanArchaean glacial action.

+ Geologically, the Firth of Forth is a fjord, formed by the Forth Glacier in the last glacial period.

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