“inflammation” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “inflammation”:

– The bite of the blue-ringed octopus is often fatal, and that of “Octopus apollyon” causes inflammation that can last for over a month.

– Smoking can cause coughing, or inflammation of the throat or lungs.

– Theories behind the disease include autoimmunity, for which there is scant evidence, neurogenic inflammation and myofascial pain syndrome.

– ERS Journals Ltd 2005 Therapeutic Targets in Airway Inflammation Eds.

– It is caused by inflammation of a facial nerve.

– Bats fight viruses without having inflammation in their bodies.

– Chemical factors produced during inflammation attract phagocytes, especially neutrophils.

– This includes inflammation of the brain caused by some infections.

inflammation how to use in sentences
inflammation how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “inflammation”:

- These receptors also work in severe illness, including Shock shock and systemic inflammation as it occurs in the course of an infection.

- Doctors think inflammation causes harm to the body, so they think this could be why bats live a long time.

– These receptors also work in severe illness, including Shock shock and systemic inflammation as it occurs in the course of an infection.

– Doctors think inflammation causes harm to the body, so they think this could be why bats live a long time.

– Red gums mean that the patient has gingivitis, or the inflammation of the gum.

– It is used for treatment of inflammation and cramps.

– Prostatitis is any form of inflammation of the prostate gland.

– Fat builds up in their blood; this leads to pain and inflammation of the pancreas.

– Gastritis is an inflammation of the lining of the stomach.

– The faster the blood cells settle, the higher the ESR value, which means inflammation is present.

– Similar stress-induced genitourinary inflammation has been shown experimentally in other mammals.

– These chemicals cause inflammation in a part of the body.

– Subsequent studies showed that quercetin, a mast cell inhibitor, reduces inflammation and oxidative stress in the prostate.

– The symptoms are caused by the inflammation of the airways.

– The inflammation will normally disappear in 2 – 5 days.

– The redness comes from the inflammation of the skin in response to the infection.

– The term prostatitis refers in its strictest sense to histological inflammation of the tissue of the prostate gland, although historically the term has loosely been used as a rubric to describe a set of quite different conditions.

– NME is an inflammation of the brain and meninges.

– Scientists believe that inflammation leads to swelling of the facial nerve.

– Zedoary has been used to treat coronary heart disease, liver cancer, anemia, chronic pelvic inflammation and helps prevent leukopenia due to cancer therapies.

– Gingivitis is the inflammation of the Gingivagums around the teeth.

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