“due” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “due”:

Due to its low level, Hull is expected to be at increasing levels of risk from flooding due to global warming.

– On 16 April 2003, power supply to trackside equipment between Yio Chu Kang and Sembawang stations was disrupted at 8.02 am due to a lightning strike which affected eight point machines along the track.

– There are few flora and fauna due to the harsh climate.

– Tuesday, 26 October 2010 at 5:21 pm, although it may be closed more quickly due to WP:SNOW.

– Thursday, 12 November 2009 at 7:48 pm, although it may be closed more quickly due to WP:SNOW.

– It was sold out by Christmas Eve, but Dickens never made the money he expected on the tale due to the book’s high production costs.

– She was promised in marriage at age of 12, but it was canceled due to her father’s death.

– They had to change the title in stores to “Salt Sweat Sugar” because they were scared “Bleed American” would be taken the wrong way, possibly in an offensive way due to the September 11 attacks.

due use in sentences
due use in sentences

Example sentences of “due”:

- Kinetic Energy is the maximum amount of work a moving body due to its motion can do, whereas Potential energy is the maximum amount of work a body can do due to its configuration or position in a field force.

- This lead to Controversy with China disagreeing with this Choice due to Tenzin Dargyalb Khangsar previously denouncing China's claims on Tibet.
- There are some researchers who believe intelligence testing results is due to environmental factors.

– Kinetic Energy is the maximum amount of work a moving body due to its motion can do, whereas Potential energy is the maximum amount of work a body can do due to its configuration or position in a field force.

– This lead to Controversy with China disagreeing with this Choice due to Tenzin Dargyalb Khangsar previously denouncing China’s claims on Tibet.

– There are some researchers who believe intelligence testing results is due to environmental factors.

– BeatrIX has been discontinued since 2005 due to Steven Watsky’s lapse in health.

– Under the strictest definition, it would include North America, Australia and Western/Central Europe: with the identities of Latin America, Eastern Europe, the Philippines, Singapore, Israel and South Africa being disputed due to the mix of both western and non western culture.

– However Trinita was relegated to J2 League end of 2009 season and Trinita released their main players including Kiyotake due to their financial problems.

– He retired in 2015 due to health reasons.

– This is due to Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, which states that the more that is known about a particle’s position, the less that can be known about its momentum, and vice versa.

– These ions will circulate due to the magnetic field to produce heat and high temperatures.

– Thursday, 9 April 2009 at 1:31 am, although it may be closed quicker due to this.

– This is thought to be due to a lack of space available. Snakes are common but only occasionally seen – the Southern Pacific Rattlesnake, Mountain Kingsnake, California Kingsnake, Gopher snake, and Garter snake.

– And due to the stable economy, Japanese special culture such as Nou or Kabuki or Ukiyoe had also developed very well.

– Correa’s first term in office had been due to end on January 15, 2011, but the new approved constitution, written by the new National Assembly, called for general elections for April 26, 2009.

– Martorell himself was a chivalrous man and suffered an early death due to court intrigue, leading to a colleague, Marti Joan de Galba, finishing the novel.

– In 1971, Schwarzenegger’s younger maternal half-brother Meinhard died in a car accident due to driving while drunk.

– The Christian right became more popular again in the 1970s under Falwell due to abortion.

– Four images of the same distant quasar appear around this foreground galaxy due to strong gravitational lensing.

More in-sentence examples of “due”:

– Hawking radiation is black body radiation which is emitted by black hole, due to quantum physicsquantum effects near the event horizon.

– The biggest is the lines of watchers were depleted due to players being too enthusiastic and colliding with each other, causing injuries.

– The storm caused 2 deaths in Haiti due to rainfall.

– Jordão died on 18 October 2019 while at a hospital in Cascais, Portugal due to heart disease at the age of 67.

– It is also a main gateway of trade with Belarus due to its proximity to the border and its current and longstanding relationship with Hrodno, Belarus.

– Tuesday, 13 October 2009 at 6:18 pm, although it may be closed more quickly due to WP:SNOW.

– The DVD for this season was released in Region 1 on January 12, 2021, before several episodes will air in the US; however, “Kwarantined Krab” is not on the DVD, due to the episode being too unintentionally similar to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic; this makes it the second season DVD to exclude an episode, after The Complete 1st Season which excluded “Help Wanted”.

– On 27 June 2019, Essebsi was hospitalized at a military hospital in Tunis under critical condition due to a “severe medical crisis”.

– Sunday, 27 July 2008 at 8:50 pm, although it may be closed quicker due to this.

– This was partly due to the scarcity of high quality silk strings and partly due to the newer strings’ greater durability and louder tone.

– This was due to Trent Reznor drinking and becoming addicted to other drugs.

– This was in large part due to Sergio playing the setting position while growing up and subbing in as a setter for his professional club teams over the years.

– On August 29, 2006, it was reported that Khali would be out of action for several months due to surgery on both knees.

– They have been known to bite humans but it is believed this is due to being provoked.

– After explaining that the radiation was due to a medical procedure from the previous day, the ex-governor was released after a short detention.

– Ernest’s seemingly pointless conversations with Vern – which were actually a monologue due to Vern never responding – inevitably rambled around to a favorable description of the sponsor’s product, followed by his signature close, “KnowhutImean?” While Vern is never shown to ever say anything, it is implied that he finds Ernest to be an unwelcome pest due to him trying to slam his door in Ernest’s face on a few occasions.

– She undressed and swam towards them over a distance of some 30 yards in cold, rough water and against strong currents due to the rising tide.

– In the films, Optimus does not have his original Generation 1 look or voice due to the fact they were not based on the cartoon series.

– A first bill to amend the statutory limitations period and supersede the “Ledbetter” decision was introduced in the 110th United States Congress but was never enacted, as after having been passed by the United States House of RepresentativesHouse it failed to survive a Senate due to the opposition of most of the Republican Senators.

Due to the controversy surrounding the previous nights match, which involved the match being restarted due to a disqualification, count-out and Orton’s use of illegal leverage.

– Thursday, 18 March 2010 at 2:02 am, although it may be closed more quickly due to WP:SNOW.

– Saturday, 4 October 2008 at 11:08 am, although it may be closed quicker due to this.

– Olmstead died at his home in High River, Alberta on November 16, 2015, due to complications after suffering a stroke.

– Then in 2008 due to the recession, Honda announced they would leave F1.

- Hawking radiation is black body radiation which is emitted by black hole, due to quantum physicsquantum effects near the event horizon.

- The biggest is the lines of watchers were depleted due to players being too enthusiastic and colliding with each other, causing injuries.
- The storm caused 2 deaths in Haiti due to rainfall.

– Trade was greatly interrupted several times during the Crusades due to wars between Muslims and Christians, and because of Mongolian Invasions, and later because of the Black Plague.

– Thursday, 2 July 2009 at 8:01 pm, although it may be closed more quickly due to WP:SNOW.

– Primordial helium is not found on Earth due to it escaping because of the extremely high temperature of Earths creation.

– Millipedes, due to their herbivore and, with some species, limited omnivore capabilities, do not bite humans, although some of the defensive liquids that they give out might cause minor irritation and burns on human skin.

– Saturday, 24 October 2009 at 4:21 am, although it may be closed more quickly due to WP:SNOW.

– They were badly wounded due to this.

– He was released from prison in 2015 due to poor health.

– Without artificial drainage and flood protection, the Fens would be liable to periodic flooding, particularly in winter due to the heavy load of water flowing down from the uplands and overflowing the rivers.

– Sunday, 10 August 2008 at 8:04 pm, although it may be closed quicker due to this.

– Elliptical galaxies and lenticular galaxies are also called “early-type” galaxies, due to their position in the Hubble sequence.

– Era names were also changed due to other events.

– The Joker sometimes works with other Gotham City supervillains, such as the Penguin Penguin and Two-Face, and groups like the Injustice Gang and Injustice League, but these relationships often collapse due to the Joker’s desire for unbridled chaos.

– She had the profile of a ship of the line, cut to one deck due to weight considerations.

– Having flown on Apollo 13, Haise was to be the sixth human to walk on the Moon, but the mission did not land due to a failure aboard the spacecraft.

– Thursday, 13 August 2009 at 2:19 am, although it may be closed more quickly due to WP:SNOW.

– Pornhub was blocked in September 2016 in Russia due to “spreading harmful information to children”.

– It was initially going to release in fall 1997 but got pushed back due to personal problems and The Perfect Drug was never put on the album.

– Although Ennis beat Chernova in five of the seven events, her defeat was largely due to Chernova scoring 251 more points in the javelin throw.

– Tuesday, 4 November 2008 at 5:52 am, although it may be closed quicker due to this.

– Besham’s shops are open 24 hours a day due to its location on the famous Silk route which connects Pakistan with China.

– Supreme Court found that the “carnival atmosphere” surrounding Sheppard’s first trial had made due process impossible.

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