How to use in-sentence of “withdraw from”

How to use in-sentence of “withdraw from”:

+ After saying yes to run for a second term with Carey in 1978, Krupsak decided to withdraw from the ticket and instead challenge Carey for the Democratic nomination for governor.

+ On 28 December, General Hajime Sugiyama and Admiral Osami Nagano told Emperor of JapanEmperor Hirohito of the decision to withdraw from Guadalcanal.

+ Religious separatist groups and sects want to withdraw from some larger religious groups.

+ BMW Sauber had announced it was going to withdraw from Formula One at the end of the season.

+ On June 1, 2017, he announced that the United States would withdraw from the Paris AgreementParis Climate agreement, making the United States one of only three nations, including Syria and Nicaragua, to do so.

How to use in-sentence of withdraw from
How to use in-sentence of withdraw from

Example sentences of “withdraw from”:

+ Soviet officials defended their decision to withdraw from the Games by saying that "chauvinistic sentiments and an anti-Soviet hysteria are being whipped up in the United States".

+ I guess that I have to withdraw from this RfA.
+ Costa Philippou had to withdraw from his fight against Ronaldo Souza, after suffering a cut above his eye, and was replaced by Chris Camozzi.

+ Soviet officials defended their decision to withdraw from the Games by saying that “chauvinistic sentiments and an anti-Soviet hysteria are being whipped up in the United States”.

+ I guess that I have to withdraw from this RfA.

+ Costa Philippou had to withdraw from his fight against Ronaldo Souza, after suffering a cut above his eye, and was replaced by Chris Camozzi.

+ He was forced to withdraw from the race when it was revealed that he was facing a charge of perjury.

+ When one of his brigades ran out of ammunition completely, they had to Withdrawal withdraw from the battle.

+ On stage 9, when placed second overall, he crashed on a descent and broke his collarbone, forcing him to withdraw from the race.

+ He was an workaholic and this, plus the pressures placed upon him by the Soviet system, forced him to withdraw from an active social life in Moscow.

+ Adams urged the colonists to withdraw from Great Britain and form a new government.

+ However, on April 1, it was revealed that Dollaway had to withdraw from the bout due to injury and he was replaced by Chris Camozzi.

+ In 1958, she met Greek shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis which led to her divorce from Meneghini, and slowly began to withdraw from the stage.

+ Israel also held negotiations with Syria and agreed to withdraw from the places the captured in Syria, but they stayed in the Golan Heights.

+ After trying for several weeks William bribed the Danish Fleet to withdraw from York for the winter.

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