“genera” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “genera”:

– Seventeen genera live in sub-Saharan Africa.

– As Nelson sees it, there are seven genera in the family, in three subfamilies.

– There are three genera of pangolin, all of which eat ants and termites.

– Therefore, the similarities between the two genera of linsangs must be convergent.

– Seven genera and up to 29 species of pterosaur have been found.

– Iridaceae are perennial herbs from rhizomes, bulbs or corms comprising about 80 genera and 1,500 species.

– Also, species in the small genera “Anyperidon”, “Cromileptes”, “Dermatolepis”, “Gracila”, “Saloptia”, and “Triso” are also called groupers.

– Sometimes a few genera shift from one method to another.

genera use in-sentences
genera use in-sentences

Example sentences of “genera”:

– This listing is a partial list and sorted by families and genera in alphabetical form.

– Four genera of poxviruses may infect humans: orthopox, parapox, yatapox, molluscipox.

– It has about 76 genera and 1,100 species.

– This is a small family, with 9 genera and 130 species.

– There about 270 genera and over 3000 species.Zhang, Z.-Q.

– It has 6 families, 20 genera and 168 species.

– These plants belong to the genera “Brassica” or “Sinapis”.

- This listing is a partial list and sorted by families and genera in alphabetical form.

- Four genera of poxviruses may infect humans: orthopox, parapox, yatapox, molluscipox.

– When used alone, the term refers to both genera together.

– The order order Notostraca has just two living genera in it.

– It includes 8 genera and about 25 species.

– Their classification is somewhat unclear, but some sources say there are five living genera and 11 species.

– According to a 2008 estimate, the family contains 21 genera and 77 species.Kirk P.M.

More in-sentence examples of “genera”:

- Some genera have been grouped, such as the hydromyine water rats, conilurine or pseudomyine Australian mice, or the phloeomyine Southeast Asian forms.

- The brooms belong to the subfamily Faboideae of the legume family Fabaceae, mainly in the three genera "Chamaecytisus", "Cytisus" and "Genista", but also in five other small genera.
- Cannabaceae the hemp family of the Rosalesrose order, containing 11 genera and 270 species of aromatic herbs distributed throughout temperate parts of the Northern Hemisphere.

– Some genera have been grouped, such as the hydromyine water rats, conilurine or pseudomyine Australian mice, or the phloeomyine Southeast Asian forms.

– The brooms belong to the subfamily Faboideae of the legume family Fabaceae, mainly in the three genera “Chamaecytisus”, “Cytisus” and “Genista”, but also in five other small genera.

– Cannabaceae the hemp family of the Rosalesrose order, containing 11 genera and 270 species of aromatic herbs distributed throughout temperate parts of the Northern Hemisphere.

– It was closer in time and form to “Cymbospondylus” and “Mixosaurus” than to more advanced genera like “Ichthyosaurus”.

– For example, in the taxobox for the genus “Formica”, it’s appropriate to include entries for tribe and subfamily, since those are an aid to understanding how “Formica” relates to other genera in the family Formicidae.

– The two genera are considered ‘living fossils’, as they have not changed in outward form since the Triassic.

– This family of 107 genera and over 3700 species is most diverse in the New World tropics, although also distributed in the Old World tropics and north temperate regions.

– The family may contain up to 16 genera and 480 species, although some genera currently included may not belong there.

– The Viperinae, or Viperines, are a subfamily of venomous Vipers found in Europe, Asia and Africa.There are currently, 12 genera and 66 species which are recognized of this subfamily.

– Onagraceae is a family of flowering plants, beloging to the myrtle order comprising 21 genera concentrated in the temperate region of the New World.

– The order Tinamiformes includes nine living genera and forty-seven species.

– The Trypanosomatidae includes several genera which are exclusively parasitic.

– There are four genera of gibbons.

– There are currently 4 genera and 36 species included in the Deomyinae.

– It was one of the last genera of stegosaur known to survive, since most others died out by the end of the Jurassic.

– Moraceae are often called the mulberry family or fig family, is a family of flowering plants comprising about 40 genera and over 1000 species.

– There are about 600 genera and more than 10,000 species in Rubiaceae.

– All but 7 of these genera are in the large family Celastraceae.

– There were several other genera with similar life-styles.

– The muroids are classified in 6 family families, 19 subfamilies, around 280 genera and at least 1300 species.

– The first three genera contain viruses that cause influenza in vertebrates, including birds, humans, and other mammals.

– They are in the genera “Gazella”, “Eudorcas” and “Nanger”.

– Other genera known as thistles include “Carduus”, “Cynara”, “Onopordon”, and “Silybum”.

– Based on what he saw and collected, he identified many Australian plant genera and species.

– All genera in this group are from the Tribe tribe Genisteae syn.

– The genus was formerly often included in either “Myrtus” or “Eugenia”; it is distinguished from these two genera by the hanging flowers with stamens shorter than the petals.

– It contains 5 genera and 25 species.

– There are about 10 Extant taxonliving genera and about 20 species of armadillo.

– There are three extant and three fossil genera currently recognized.

– There are more than twelve genera in five families.

– In this case, it recommends expanding the family to include the genera currently classified in Anemarrhenaceae, Anthericaceae, Behniaceae and Herreriaceae.

– The family of Mantellidae has 3different genera with 191species total.

– The genera are “Dokdonella koreensis”, “Dokdonia donghaenensis”, and “Donghae dokdoensis”.

– Piciformes are order of birds contain about 67 living genera with a little over 400 species, of which the Picidae make up about half.

– The genus “Nestor” is one of two genera of the Family family Nestoridae.

– Unlike the closely related genera “Ocythoe” and “Tremoctopus”, “Argonauta” species lack water pores.

– Like several other dinosaur genera named by Joseph Leidy, it is an historically important genus with a convoluted taxonomy that has been all but abandoned by modern dinosaur paleontologists.

– The precise circumscription of the subfamily is still uncertain, with research continuing; significant changes may occur to the genera included.

– The order includes 85-90 genera from seven family families of trees and shrubs.

– The “Rhamnaceae” is a family of plants in the order Rosales, with around 55 genera and 950 species.

– Out of these 22 species from 5 families and 11 genera belong to softwood trees of gymnosperms.

– Several genera extend north of the equator into Indochina and the Philippines.

– Many genera in South and Central America are more closely related to tanager clades, Burns K.J; Hackett S.J.

– For example, some species in the genera “Erynnis”, “Hesperia”, and “Amblyscirtes” cannot currently be distinguished in the field even by experts.

– Urticaceae the nettle family comprising about 45 genera of herbs, shrubs, small trees, and a few vines, distributed primarily in tropical regions.

– The genera “Harpactes” and “Apalharpactes”, with twelve species, live in southeast Asia.Collar N.J.

– About 40 genera of theropods are now known to be feathered.

– It is one of the earliest known genera of dinosaur.

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